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Code Snippet
I want to write some tutorials in my site, and I need a plugin that I can add snippets of code into, as in PHP, HTML and so on. Does this exist on Get Simple?
no but there are some code highlighting ckeditor plugins, I have been meaning to make one of these but couldn't decide on a highlighter, they are changing so fast.
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- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
(2014-08-12, 07:42:28)shawn_a Wrote: no but there are some code highlighting ckeditor plugins, I have been meaning to make one of these but couldn't decide on a highlighter, they are changing so fast.

is the get simple community still pretty vibrant or are there not many users anymore? Is it worth making my Web Dev Portfolio in?
It's pretty decent, check out the extend download stats Carlos posts every week.
I'd say several thousand active, install base is much much larger than that though.
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- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
(2014-08-12, 11:11:50)shawn_a Wrote: It's pretty decent, check out the extend download stats Carlos posts every week.
I'd say several thousand active, install base is much much larger than that though.

Forgive the Newbie in me of this CMS, but how do i put code highlighters in the getsimple CMS editor?

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