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nSys News System plug-in

I made this stand-alone script a while ago, and on suggestion from one of your users, I made it as GetSimple plug-in too.
It is a news system for submitting, editing, and managing news articles with multiple categories, and many other options, with it's own admin panel inside Get Simple admin panel.
This is more as test version, 'cause I want to hear your opinions and experiences with the plug-in Smile

When you unzip archive to plugins folder, and run GS admin panel, it will automatically create needed files in include folder, and make you as admin user for news articles, based on data from GS user file.

Read Me file gives tips for making it work, and it is simple. I provided css code in read me file, and you can copy it to your theme css file, because news displays in divs, and you can alter it in css.

After your suggestions and opinions, I will probably make RSS feeds, headlines and latest comments features for it.

Thanks homershines for suggestion Smile

Here are the test pages:

user: bosniamaj
pass: test123
I forgot to attach file Smile


New download file again Smile

Edit #2:
CKEditor added Smile

Edit #3:
I disabled few lines of the code (changing statistics data for user, because it became unnecessary for this plug-in) that can only bring troubles Big Grin
Function is still there, called ChangeNumOfUser($userid,$where=1,$comm=NULL), and if you want to enable it, find code lines with this function and remove # from beginning of the line, but I wouldn't recommend it, 'cause I haven't tested how it works in this GS plug-in. Enjoy Smile

Edit #4:
a) I altered the function for shortening your article to number of character defined in Configuration section.
Before this, it worked just on substr() function, and did not look for opened tags when shortening, and that could leave you with unclosed tag and interfere with the rest of the page's style.
Now, it shortens it to the specified number, but keeps eventual opened tag, and closes it with </tag> before adding following "...[Read More]" link.
If you find similar problems with your shortened stories, please report, and I will work on it further more.

b) Because I had some problems with attaching my css files to the header, and I wasn't able to apply my style to the menu and some other things, I decided to import content of css file called nSysImport.css (located in path/to/plugins/nSys/styles/default/) to the header, and now it works fine.
If you need to change any positions or anything related to menu or something else that's based on my css style, you can simply edit this new css style - nSysImport.css (it will be automatically applied to the header on the next refresh).

Edit #5:
Altered function for shortening articles further more, and defined some variables and offsets, so there are no errors displayed in debug mode Smile
Also, When you run the script for the first time, and installation starts, there is no confirmation message displayed in green layers. You can turn it back on, if you want, by editing classes.php:
line 447 and 448, at the end of the line there is 0, put it to 1 if you want it to be displayed.
And for every confirmation message that shows up (when news is added, or something like that), you can turn it off. Just search for WriteToFiles commands in classes-admin.php and put 0 at the end (original function looks like this: WriteToFiles($file,$mode,$input,$say=1), so if you don't put 0 or leave last field empty, it will show result output).

I added support for Fancy URLs option, so now, if it is enabled, nSys will use /urls/like/this, and if disabled, it will use urls?like=old&these=ones
You have to alter your .htaccess file, located in GS root folder, here is an explanation.
Hi, bosniamaj. I'm getting this after installing your plugin:
This webpage has a redirect loop.
The webpage at http://localhost/GetSimple/admin/index.php has resulted in too many redirects.
pauloc Wrote:Hi, bosniamaj. I'm getting this after installing your plugin:
This webpage has a redirect loop.
The webpage at http://localhost/GetSimple/admin/index.php has resulted in too many redirects.

Hmmm, that seems odd, because I don't get that error, but I will try to find the problem...
pauloc Wrote:Hi, bosniamaj. I'm getting this after installing your plugin:
This webpage has a redirect loop.
The webpage at http://localhost/GetSimple/admin/index.php has resulted in too many redirects.
Try this now, I edited few lines, and changed download file.

I got that same error when I tried it on server, but not on localhost, weird Big Grin
Now, it should work.
we have so long asked that we added the ability to embed images in the newsSmile
Oleg06 Wrote:we have so long asked that we added the ability to embed images in the newsSmile
Good one Smile

This is test only, I'm planning to make that WYSIWYG, and possibly image embedding Smile
Please attach ckeditor
Nice...and now add CKEditor Smile
maxpop Wrote:Nice...and now add CKEditor Smile
I will Smile
Cool Smile

bosniamaj Wrote:
maxpop Wrote:Nice...and now add CKEditor Smile
I will Smile
For some reason your plugin on my computer works, on the server is not working
Oleg06 Wrote:For some reason your plugin on my computer works, on the server is not working
pauloc already reported that, then I tested it on server and solved the problem :S
Did you yous first archive I uploaded, or new ones?
Here is another update, I added CK Editor to nSys, and it is already uploaded to test pages, check it out (test pages in first post, this thread).

Also, I updated download link here, second post, this thread Big Grin

Next thing is for me to make Edit News section with jquery accordion functions, so you will see only that article that you want to edit...
can I somehow move the menu to the right?
Oleg06 Wrote:can I somehow move the menu to the right?
I used predefined css classes for the menu, it has same class as that sidebar menu, so it is where it is now.
I will apply my css file for custom menu, and you will be able to put it where ever you want Smile
looks like this
Oleg06 Wrote:looks like this
This is how it looks here.

Thanks for the notice, I will fix it with my css Smile
Check it out now, there are some fixes, and new css file that works with menu and some other stuff, like edit section and categories.
There's an explenation in second post, and new archive to download...
Is it possible to edit the news page blocks opened by clicking, not when you hover. Because when I try to insert the text block is closed.
Oleg06 Wrote:What's this?
That is script installation when you run it for the first time.
Red layer indicates that there is no config file, and then theese green layers indicate that needed files (users file - with your information from Get Simple user file, and config file) are created and that you can proceed with using it, this order Smile
But I didn't include language file before installation because it might make some problems with Get Simple, and I have to test it, that is why there is not "Successful writing to users" and "Successful writing to config" but "LangWritingSuccess".
Those just tell you that script is installed with no problems...

Nothing to worry about Big Grin
Oleg06 Wrote:Is it possible to edit the news page blocks opened by clicking, not when you hover. Because when I try to insert the text block is closed.
Yes, I didn't pay attention to that, thanks Smile
I will change ti by tomorrow, this is made with css, but I will make with javascript to be opened by clicking.

Hi there. I am trying to install this plugin, but could not locate the plugin folder - Unzip archive and upload it's content to plugins folder (file nSys.php to plugin folder, and folder nSys to plugins folder).
Where am I missing something. Latest version of GS used.
Thanks Kuba
Oleg06 Wrote:For some reason after adding photos text disappears
Can you explain closely how did you add image, so I can figure it out?
I added image to the news, and it works, here is the link.
kuba.sanitrak Wrote:Hi there. I am trying to install this plugin, but could not locate the plugin folder - Unzip archive and upload it's content to plugins folder (file nSys.php to plugin folder, and folder nSys to plugins folder).
Where am I missing something. Latest version of GS used.
Thanks Kuba
nSys.php to "plugins" folder, and folder nSys to "plugins" folder. It should work.
Or just unzip archive directli to plugins folder.


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