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News Manager (updated)
(2015-08-24, 06:27:51)Artur Wrote: Where can I edit the scheme of news Manager? I mean, where can I edit structure of my posts etc?

You can use custom settings (in NM settings) to:
- reorder the post fields you need (see here, showFields)
- customize posts' markup and classes (see here: Custom CSS class selectors and Custom HTML markup)

If you wish, post an example of the structure you need and we'll see if it can be done.
Reply Here is the website, I would like to have Author in the same line as Publish Date, i mean something like: Published on XX.XX.XXX by AUTHOR and tags on right side. - webmaster, graphic designer, translator.
For any job offers contact me via
(2015-08-25, 00:29:24)Artur Wrote: Here is the website, I would like to have Author in the same line as Publish Date, i mean something like: Published on XX.XX.XXX by AUTHOR and tags on right side.

In News Manager settings, enable Custom settings and enter this in the input box below:

showFields title,date,author,tags,image,content
AUTHOR " by "
markupPostDate span
markupPostAuthor span
markupPostTags div

The first line is for reordering the post fields. It's only necessary if you want to display tags before post content (I'm not sure if it's what you need).

The second one changes the default "Author: " string.

You'll have to add some style to your CSS to display tags on the right side, something like this:
.nm_post_meta { float:right; }

(Note: it could also be done without redefining the markup... tags, by using CSS instead to style .nm_post_date, .nm_post_author, ...)
Thanks for your wonderful plugin, it provides us a blog/news publishing ability from GetSimple CMS.

One question is: I would like to create new custom page (can be an external PHP file or New page feature in AdminCP), for example:
- page1: will display all news/posts having tag "page1"
- pagex: will display all news/posts having tag "pagex"

How to invoke the source code to do so?

(2015-09-08, 22:55:38)thangnaodo Wrote: @Carlos:
Thanks for your wonderful plugin, it provides us a blog/news publishing ability from GetSimple CMS.

One question is: I would like to create new custom page (can be an external PHP file or New page feature in AdminCP), for example:
- page1: will display all news/posts having tag "page1"
- pagex: will display all news/posts having tag "pagex"

How to invoke the source code to do so?


Update: I did some tricky lines as below, works like a charm now Big Grin Cool

Step 1: Install this: from the same author.

Step 2: Add following code to external page and add as page template via AdminCP

<!-- latest posts with tag "yourtaghere" -->

                 <?php nm_custom_display_recent('
                    <div class="my_recent_{{ post_number }}">
                    <h4><a href="{{ post_link }}">{{ post_title }}</a></h4>
                    <div class="nm_post_image">
                        <a href="{{ post_link }}">{{ post_image }}</a>
                    <div class="nm_post_content">
                        {{ post_excerpt }}
        <!-- End posts having tags yourtaghere -->

I customized my CKEditor-Toolbar, which works almost perfect. But when I want to edit a post in the newsmanager my toolbar completetly dissapears! Sad Do you know what I've done wrong or where the problem lies?
What's your GSEDITORTOOL definition like?
(2015-09-10, 23:45:02)Carlos Wrote: What's your GSEDITORTOOL definition like?

I think the relevant entries are these (but I could send you the whole file if it makes it easier!  Blush ):

# WYSIWYG toolbars (advanced, basic or [custom config]) 

define('GSEDITORTOOL_', 'basic');

#Oben festgelegt, dass alle User 'basic' bekommmen, (festgelegt in config.js)
#Hier werden dann User definiert, für die eine Ausnahme gemacht wird, die also einen anderen Editor bekommen.
define('GSEDITORTOOL_user1', 'advanced');
define('GSEDITORTOOL_test2', 'Full');
define('GSEDITORTOOL_user3', 'Optimal');

# WYSIWYG editor language (default en)
define('GSEDITORLANG', 'de');

# WYSIWYG Editor Options
define('GSEDITOROPTIONS', 'entities:true');
I have noticed that ckeditor likes to choke on non existent toolbars in some versions.
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
News Manager currently supports "basic", "advanced" and custom toolbars.
I'll look into supporting "Full" and others.
(2015-09-11, 02:13:58)Carlos Wrote: News Manager currently supports "basic", "advanced" and custom toolbars.
I'll look into supporting "Full" and others.

Custom toolbar would be totally sufficient for me. But the don't work here as well. Sad Only basic and andvanced.
Is there anything I have to keep in mind when creating a custom toolbar? I copied "Full", renamed it "Optimal" and deleted about 10-15 unnecessary tools.  Huh
How do you copy and rename Full? Is it a file or what?

Anyway, try replacing the ckeditor.php file in news_manager/template/ by the one attached and let me know if it works.

Attached Files
.php   ckeditor.php (Size: 2.28 KB / Downloads: 5)
(2015-09-11, 15:55:16)Carlos Wrote: How do you copy and rename Full? Is it a file or what?

Anyway, try replacing the ckeditor.php file in news_manager/template/ by the one attached and let me know if it works.

It works!  Smile  Heart Thanks!  Big Grin

by copying I meant, I copied the toolbar definition from this site of the documentation and adapted it to my needs:

Thank you, Carlos!

Thanks for this essential plugin.


Is it posible to show the data that now show on a page to display in the sidebar?

sample :
Now in the sidebar only a link with
<?php nm_list_recent(); ?>
if possible i want :

<div class="content">

<aside class="col-sm-4 sidebar">
<div class="nm_post">
text (and photo)
View more.... [/b]
...the same as on the newspage

and in the div content the given content from the page.
You can use the News Manager Addons (support thread)
(2015-09-28, 05:16:17)Carlos Wrote: You can use the News Manager Addons (support thread)

Thanks ,  Exclamation for help.

Could i do something on the excerpts page where i show any number of posts based on tag? I know there is this function
nm_is_tag() So for example, I have three tags with 2 posts per tag. On the page where the excerpts are being shown I would like to have buttons it filter out or display the post under that tag.

Here is an image to illustrate: This page would be the excerpt page. I realize this is out of the scope but wondering if I could use those nm_is_tag('sales'), nm_is_tag('marketing'), nm_is_tag('public-relations')  or something to filter what is displayed with some jquery

[Image: screenshot.png]
Yikes that didnt work as i expected. Ok so maybe for another alternative. Can grab the posts for each tag? Lets say i only want to show posts from one tag. How could i accomplish that? I'm bascially trying to pull the posts from on tag and put it on one page.  

Edit: I think i've found what I was looking for. It only shows the post per the tag.  However, it doesn't seem to go to the full article when the post_link is clicked. Hmmm....I probably missed something. The links look correct, the url changes but the full text does not come in....more digging Rolleyes

PHP Code:
  <li><strong><a href="{{post_link}}">{{post_title}}</a></strong><br />
      <a href="{{post_link}}">Read more</a>
Edit 2:  Sorry for all the posts. I ended up fixing. I think...if anyone wants to know here is my code.
PHP Code:
<?php if (nm_is_home()) {
                      <h3 class="nm_post_title"><a href="{{post_link}}">{{post_title}}</a></h3>
                      <p class="nm_post_date">{{post_date}}</p>
                      <div class="nm_post_content">{{post_excerpt}}...<span class="nm_readmore"><a href="{{post_link}}">Read more</a></span></p></div><div class="nm_post_meta"></div>'
                } else  {


This will basically show only the posts that have the tag of 'sales' on the main news page. If you click to the full article the custom display goes away which is great BUT how can i bring back in the meta under the excerpt? I would like to keep the tags....
NM Addons does not currently support displaying tags.

You could replace the nm_custom_display_recent(....) block by:
(2015-09-29, 15:45:46)Carlos Wrote: NM Addons does not currently support displaying tags.

You could replace the nm_custom_display_recent(....) block by:


Hey thanks Carlos!
Hey Carlos!
After all this time, I can't believe how important is this internal NM function
I still remember how happy was when I found that yeas ago!
Just a tip:
list 'nm_show_tag' together 'nm_list_recent', 'nm_list_archives', 'nm_list_tags', 'nm_search' and more...
I suppose Roog was created it for this reason!

By the way, I would like to ask you 
if there is  a way to show the the future events in "nm_list_recent_by_tag".

Example: I posted a couple of  news dated 2016 and they are not showed.
My website made with GetSimple CMS is

Arte & Società

An indipendent website about Italian Contemporary Visual Arts
To display future/scheduled posts you can use NM Addons' function nm_custom_display_future (same parameters as nm_custom_display_recent)

I've not included nm_show_tag in the docs because I intend to add a similar function with a different name (and maybe some other parameters - I've just not decided about this). Anyway, thanks for the suggestion.

Try to find out if it is posible to use the News manager with the Responsive FileManager instead off the
standard Ckeditor filebrowser

Maybe in the file news_manager/template/ckeditor.php

filebrowserBrowseUrl ......?
I don't know how that plugin works - I'll check it when I have some time.
Good afternoon. I am newbie. Do not tell me how to make each piece of news output to a frame between the frames and the news was the distance?

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