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GSgallery: Need help from developers - Testing new version
When I edit a gallery after create it :
Notice: Undefined index: sqr_images in E:\ZMWS\_web.zmwsc\getsimpleTEST178\plugins\squareit-gallery.php on line 194

Notice: Undefined index: sqr_captions in E:\ZMWS\_web.zmwsc\getsimpleTEST178\plugins\squareit-gallery.php on line 195
Warning: array_search() [function.array-search]: Wrong datatype for second argument in E:\ZMWS\_web.zmwsc\getsimpleTEST178\plugins\squareit-gallery.php on line 274

Warning: array_search() [function.array-search]: Wrong datatype for second argument in E:\ZMWS\_web.zmwsc\getsimpleTEST178\plugins\squareit-gallery.php on line 274
madvic Wrote:When I edit a gallery after create it :
Notice: Undefined index: sqr_images in E:\ZMWS\_web.zmwsc\getsimpleTEST178\plugins\squareit-gallery.php on line 194

Notice: Undefined index: sqr_captions in E:\ZMWS\_web.zmwsc\getsimpleTEST178\plugins\squareit-gallery.php on line 195
Warning: array_search() [function.array-search]: Wrong datatype for second argument in E:\ZMWS\_web.zmwsc\getsimpleTEST178\plugins\squareit-gallery.php on line 274

Warning: array_search() [function.array-search]: Wrong datatype for second argument in E:\ZMWS\_web.zmwsc\getsimpleTEST178\plugins\squareit-gallery.php on line 274


I was unable to replicate your problem, can you please let me know the version of GetSimple you are using, as well as the version of the Plugin. Also if you can post more details about the steps you took to generate this problem, it would help a lot.

- Julian

My GetSimple Plugins: Simple Image Gallery | TweetMeme reTweet Button
Version of GD : release 178
Version of GSGallery : v2_5_beta2

madvic Wrote:Version of GD : release 178
Version of GSGallery : v2_5_beta2

That's the same setup i'm using right now. Can you give me access to your admin section? if so, send details in a PM

- Julian

My GetSimple Plugins: Simple Image Gallery | TweetMeme reTweet Button
I replicate installation of the plugin and it's ok, I don't understand !!
Thank you
Jullian Hello, how are you?
Jullian, I can not do simple plugins to get at all.
My client is a beast for the job it was to be delivered. please please help me if you can. it's always a different problem, need that type presentation with thumbnails and selected image larger in low, as shown in the post a while ago.

kaiocobain Wrote:Jullian Hello, how are you?
Jullian, I can not do simple plugins to get at all.
My client is a beast for the job it was to be delivered. please please help me if you can. it's always a different problem, need that type presentation with thumbnails and selected image larger in low, as shown in the post a while ago.


Sorry man, but not clear on what you need. I'll gladly help you, but I need more information regarding your problem.

- Julian

My GetSimple Plugins: Simple Image Gallery | TweetMeme reTweet Button
For some kind of reason, the REL=facybox does not work on my site. Gallery displays okay, but when the facybox pops up i can't navigate thru all the other pictures. I searched what the problem could be but can't find it, Jullian you know how to fix it or someone else?

rogerstreets Wrote:For some kind of reason, the REL=facybox does not work on my site. Gallery displays okay, but when the facybox pops up i can't navigate thru all the other pictures. I searched what the problem could be but can't find it, Jullian you know how to fix it or someone else?


What version are you using? You need to have the latest version, which is 2.5 (beta 2)
- Julian

My GetSimple Plugins: Simple Image Gallery | TweetMeme reTweet Button
Great thanks, upgraded to beta2, works fine now!
I get this message:
You don't have permission to access /plugins/squareit-gallery/data/other/loadtab.php on this server.

when saving a gallery, I installed new I checked permissions, i checked htaccess file don't know what else to try except tears. using latest 2.5 version
I've tried updating gsgfancybox.php within the plugins folder to reference the updated fancybox code:

Having updated this file I'm unsure what other files should be updated to allow me to use this new code. Basically I'm trying to make use of the improved caption option presented here
Your plugin is conflicting with the plugin
when you click "save gallery" goes the link
but the gallery remains
Hmm, I'm getting a weird alert below gallery content
Invalid Gallery ID:
Please check this gallery exists.
Everything works fine. I'm thinking about getting rid of this notice from plugin's code, but I'm not sure if it's happening only on mine GS instance ? Could someone try latest trunk posted on google code ?

Second thing is that I see there's a possibility to add other jquery image effects as plugins. Does I only need to duplicate content of fancybox and change it to use other jquery's image gallery scripts ?
I'd like to add a showcase type of gallery, but I'm not sure how it would behave.

ahh, I'd almost forgot;
Quote://TODO: setting to set the size of thumbs
Still waiting for it. I know that adding 1 additional variable to settings.xml only sounds so simple Sad
In the meantime I'm still changing thumbs size in plugins core.

btw. great work with 2.5. Css still needs some improvements, but that's not a problem.
Addons: blue business theme, Online Visitors, Notepad
Sorry guys.. I've been out for so long. I've been working on some big projects and I have not had time to maintain the plugin. I will try to address any pending issue and answer any question you guys have in a timely manner. So please bear with me.

yojoe Wrote:Hmm, I'm getting a weird alert below gallery content
Invalid Gallery ID:
Please check this gallery exists.
Everything works fine. I'm thinking about getting rid of this notice from plugin's code, but I'm not sure if it's happening only on mine GS instance ? Could someone try latest trunk posted on google code ?

Second thing is that I see there's a possibility to add other jquery image effects as plugins. Does I only need to duplicate content of fancybox and change it to use other jquery's image gallery scripts ?
I'd like to add a showcase type of gallery, but I'm not sure how it would behave.

ahh, I'd almost forgot;
Quote://TODO: setting to set the size of thumbs
Still waiting for it. I know that adding 1 additional variable to settings.xml only sounds so simple Sad
In the meantime I'm still changing thumbs size in plugins core.

btw. great work with 2.5. Css still needs some improvements, but that's not a problem.
- Julian

My GetSimple Plugins: Simple Image Gallery | TweetMeme reTweet Button
yojoe Wrote:Hmm, I'm getting a weird alert below gallery content
Invalid Gallery ID:
Please check this gallery exists.
Everything works fine. I'm thinking about getting rid of this notice from plugin's code, but I'm not sure if it's happening only on mine GS instance ? Could someone try latest trunk posted on google code ?

The only reason this appears is if you left gallery display code ({squareit_gallery_4c659dfa4bd8f}) in a page for a gallery that you deleted. so make sure you go to the page you are seeing the error and remove the piece of code.

yojoe Wrote:Second thing is that I see there's a possibility to add other jquery image effects as plugins. Does I only need to duplicate content of fancybox and change it to use other jquery's image gallery scripts ?
I'd like to add a showcase type of gallery, but I'm not sure how it would behave.
Since version 2+ I started to work on a plugin system, so yes, you can basically create your own plugin to display the gallery any way you want. But it's not as simple as copy paste like you mentioned, it really depends on the type of plugin you are making. But looking into the fancybox plugin you can get a pretty good idea of whats available.

yojoe Wrote:ahh, I'd almost forgot;
Quote://TODO: setting to set the size of thumbs
Still waiting for it. I know that adding 1 additional variable to settings.xml only sounds so simple Sad
In the meantime I'm still changing thumbs size in plugins core.

btw. great work with 2.5. Css still needs some improvements, but that's not a problem.

I know I still need to to this, but the problem comes with CSS and the CACHE. I need to clean all the previous images (if any) and also the CSS is fixed, so I need to clean some stuff in there to make it fit any size.
- Julian

My GetSimple Plugins: Simple Image Gallery | TweetMeme reTweet Button
Is there a README with instructions for setting up the GSgallery plugin? I downloaded the latest zip but all I see is a changelog. I'm not a programmer so it's difficult to figure out what the PHP does.

Do I just put the PHP scripts in the plugin folder and the included folders into under my site's data folder?
Quote:The only reason this appears is if you left gallery display code ({squareit_gallery_4c659dfa4bd8f}) in a page for a gallery that you deleted. so make sure you go to the page you are seeing the error and remove the piece of code.

Glad you mentioned that. After looking again into "minefield" template I've found a call to gsgallery(); function. No idea how did this appear, but things sometimes occur magically Wink

Quote:Since version 2+ I started to work on a plugin system, so yes, you can basically create your own plugin to display the gallery any way you want. But it's not as simple as copy paste like you mentioned, it really depends on the type of plugin you are making. But looking into the fancybox plugin you can get a pretty good idea of whats available.

We'll see what can be done in near future :]

Quote:I know I still need to to this, but the problem comes with CSS and the CACHE. I need to clean all the previous images (if any) and also the CSS is fixed, so I need to clean some stuff in there to make it fit any size.
Long time ago I was working with a webdev on a webgallery for 2 photographers. We prepared two ways of displaying image thumbs. They can switch between them whenever they want, but only newly added images will be displayed in the way, they have chosen. If they want to convert already existing thumbnails, they have to click on a red button named "do not do it until evening!".
Conversion of couple hundreds photos may last couple mins, so it was a wise decision not to convert all photos in galleries right after switching thumbnail display option.
Second purpose was obvious: every gallery may have different thumbnail view.

You can draw conclusions by yourself Wink
Addons: blue business theme, Online Visitors, Notepad
how to add more fields to the gallery? to be able to make such a store
Hello guys I am having trouble using the latest version of GSGallery 2.5.3 version. When I activate the plugin it prompts me to upgrade to the latest version while I am using the latest version of it.

Here is the main issue of the plugin.

1.) image won't appear if you upload it to another subdirectories other than /upload/


but with this path

/upload/portfolio/ - cannot be done.

2.) the plugin won't generate thumbnails but when click the image it works fine. NO THumbnail issue

Can someone help me resolve and found out what is going on? I am using the latest version of the GetSimple CMS

The plugin does not generate thumbnail in the post page Sad can someone help me please

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