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Sitemap problem
Hey Guys got a problem with my sitemap generation, from what i can gather the install never generated the file or couldnt create it via the admin build sitemap button, so i simply created a file called sitemap.xml and chmod it to 777.

Once i reran the admin build sitemap button it completed the process with a success message so i though i had fixed it, however now when i check the url out i get this error message

XML parsing failed

XML parsing failed: syntax error (Line: 4, Character: 0)

Reparse document as HTML
Error:invalid character
1: {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}}
2: {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20\par
3: }

any ideas or clues guys?

BTW - awsome job on Get Simple CMS me likes a lot Big Grin
Thanks rab! sorry you are having a sitemap problem... can you attach the sitemap that it generated so i can see it?
- Chris
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yep sure no problem, and no worries i dont think its anything to do with the cms more so with the way my webhosts are configured perhaps, would explain my problems i had with the .htaccess file and i checked a few of the other sites set up under the forum section for sites using get simple and all their sitemaps worked fine.

okay i think i attached the file correctly, thanks for the time to look at this.
Ok ccagle thanks for looking at this, but i did just find out the error, it was to do with how i created the sitemap.xml file using wordpad rather than notepad and the embedded .rtf of that file was causing the error.

It's weird i didnt realise there was any kind of formatting from doing that, so i created a new sitemap.xml using notepad instead and it worked fine.

Thanks again
i also have a problem with the sitemap. First i got an error, that it could not be created... so i created one sitemap.xml at ftp root. now the backed says, that sitemap creation was successfull and 4 search engines have been informed.

The problem is now, that my sitemap.xml file is always empty.

Do you have an idea how to fix that?
thanks, this solved my problem with sitemap not working Smile 777 is a must...
exmethix Wrote:i also have a problem with the sitemap. First i got an error, that it could not be created... so i created one sitemap.xml at ftp root. now the backed says, that sitemap creation was successfull and 4 search engines have been informed.

The problem is now, that my sitemap.xml file is always empty.

Do you have an idea how to fix that?

i have the same problem and when i try to see the sitemap tha page rest all in white and stop the site .
I'm newbie and i search to understand this great cms.
Excuse to all if i ask every time stupid questions .
what are the permissions on the sitemap.xml file?
- Chris
Thanks for using GetSimple! - Download

Please do not email me directly for help regarding GetSimple. Please post all your questions/problems in the forum!
sitemap.xml is at 777 how i've read on a lot of forums
i'm using the beta version of GS that it appear better of the last stable
I'm newbie and i search to understand this great cms.
Excuse to all if i ask every time stupid questions .

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