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Moving site, GS keeps looking for install.php! Cannot access /admin
I just migrated a site from my development server to the client's live server and after nuking the /data and /backup folders, I went thru the motions of "installing" GS. It went flawlessly. I went in and configured the settings, then went back to FTP and restored the *.xml files from the /data/pages folder and now when I try to access the admin area, GS keeps throwing this into the address bar:

What have I done wrong? I need to get this site up tonight so I can leave town tomorrow. Ugh! (Also, note to Devs, if we need to write "how to move a site" tutorial, and if I need to correct my steps, I'll help write it, if you'll just get my hiney out of this jamb!)

Pixelita Designs
Visit Serbia's biggest and best internet forum!
Okay, I went ahead and reinstalled GS and again nuked the /data/pages folder. This time, I just copied and pasted from the development server to the client's server and all is fine. But there has to be an easier way to do this.
Pixelita Designs
Visit Serbia's biggest and best internet forum!
The site currently checks two places to see if the site is currently setup or not.

/index.php line 21
/admin/inc/functions.php lines 70-78 both cases it was seeing that there was no $SITEURL listed. I don't know how reinstalling GS would have fixed something like this, but what you describe is definitely weird behavior.
- Chris
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Well, to get it to work on the client's site, I just installed GS from scratch, set it up, and THEN went to my development site and copied and pasted the pages, which is the same I guess as typing them anew. I was not able to successfully move the /data/pages/ files to the new site without any hiccups.

So, Chris, what would be the correct procedure for moving a site from one *domain* to another (which is basically what I was trying to accomplish)?
Pixelita Designs
Visit Serbia's biggest and best internet forum!
i would have done exactly what you did...

what I was explaining above are the only two times GS would ever redirect you to the /admin/install.php page. In both cases, it happens when the $SITEURL variable isn't set. This variable obviously gets set immediately after installing the site, which is stored in website.xml in /data/other/
- Chris
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Please do not email me directly for help regarding GetSimple. Please post all your questions/problems in the forum!

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