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Get simple 3.3.16 support for php 8.0
First of all, my apology for not noticing (and mentioning) that the problem with slashes, used as escape characters, disappearing upon saving component edits (as in: " \ n " -> " n " (spaces added for correct rendering)), also occurs in my patched site under php 7.4.x.
Therefore, it must be caused by the patches itself (maybe in /admin/components.php), not directly by changed php8 behavior; or in the action 'component-save'.

To strasidlo: (thanks for your comment: )
...easy... and change the last line to
$FileContents = $_POST['content'];

Yeah, that might help for the theme, but it didn't for components editing. I am now looking for inappropriate use of stripslashes, but (not being a (php | getsimple) guru) any suggestions are still welcome.
Maybe line 109 in /admin/components.php/ with "stripslashes($component->value)" is at fault.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Get simple 3.3.16 support for php 8.0 - by vanfruniken - 2022-12-15, 17:45:02

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