2022-07-06, 14:34:41
Hi to everyone,
I like using getsimple and I want to stay with it. At the moment I am looking for a flipbook integration which does not need external calls and is looking nice. There are some commercial which looks fine but are designed for wordpress. I never have worked with wordpress and I am wondering if there is a possibility to integrate plugins for wordpress in getsimple. I am not a very skilled programmer but I can do some work in php (so I already have migrated getsimple and all plugins I need to PHP8.1). Has anyone tried using wordpress plugins on getsimple? The plugin I want to use is this: https://preview.codecanyon.net/item/resp...ew/2372863
Best regards
I like using getsimple and I want to stay with it. At the moment I am looking for a flipbook integration which does not need external calls and is looking nice. There are some commercial which looks fine but are designed for wordpress. I never have worked with wordpress and I am wondering if there is a possibility to integrate plugins for wordpress in getsimple. I am not a very skilled programmer but I can do some work in php (so I already have migrated getsimple and all plugins I need to PHP8.1). Has anyone tried using wordpress plugins on getsimple? The plugin I want to use is this: https://preview.codecanyon.net/item/resp...ew/2372863
Best regards