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Automatic ping to search engines
ccagle8 Wrote:i dont see why you don't want the sitemap to be generated? If you dont use it, then dont use it... the generation (once the code is fixed to not recreate it once per file) doesnt take very much overhead.

Sorry, I have to disagree with you. Even with that code fixed (and even making it use internal page caching instead of reading all xml files), it's not only that small overhead, but also doing an unnecessary file write to disk.

But anyway, let's leave this aside for a moment: What about my last paragraph? (custom sitemap plugins, etc.)

Messages In This Thread
Automatic ping to search engines - by Carlos - 2012-01-18, 06:56:31
RE: Automatic ping to search engines - by Carlos - 2014-02-01, 01:19:44
RE: Automatic ping to search engines - by likoud - 2015-05-20, 20:20:05
Automatic ping to search engines - by ccagle8 - 2012-01-18, 13:20:08
Automatic ping to search engines - by Connie - 2012-01-18, 19:09:07
Automatic ping to search engines - by Carlos - 2012-01-19, 01:53:00
Automatic ping to search engines - by ccagle8 - 2012-01-19, 02:52:51
Automatic ping to search engines - by n00dles101 - 2012-03-30, 01:05:50
Automatic ping to search engines - by Carlos - 2012-03-30, 03:45:35
Automatic ping to search engines - by ccagle8 - 2012-03-30, 23:38:37
Automatic ping to search engines - by Carlos - 2012-04-07, 05:03:05
Automatic ping to search engines - by mvlcek - 2012-04-08, 05:12:49
Automatic ping to search engines - by mvlcek - 2012-04-08, 05:52:10
Automatic ping to search engines - by Carlos - 2012-04-08, 18:06:19
Automatic ping to search engines - by Carlos - 2012-04-12, 17:28:13
Automatic ping to search engines - by Carlos - 2012-04-12, 17:32:30
Automatic ping to search engines - by shawn_a - 2012-04-19, 10:33:55
Automatic ping to search engines - by Carlos - 2012-04-19, 19:56:26

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