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Various noob questions...
Good luck with your issues. Here is what i can help you with now:

1. Thanks!

2. I'm not sure what happened, but if you use your FTP program and delete the components.xml file, then go back in and try to create a new component, what happens?

3. With WordPress the admin folder is always /wp-admin/ and they don't seem to have a problem. If the admin site is secure, then a would-be-hacker wouldn't be able to get anywhere anyway.

4. I'm not sure how you would do this. I'm not sure anyone has ever tried yet

5. If you make changes to the default theme, then leave the folder name the same - yes it has a very good chance at getting overwritten during an upgrade. The best bet would be to just rename the folder to something unique.

6. We have a theme codex that would help you get started with the GetSimple php code, but for the rest you just need to know/learn basic CSS and HTML

7. <enter> will start a new paragraph. I think there is a certain keyboard-combo that will cause a <br /> instead of a </p><p>
- Chris
Thanks for using GetSimple! - Download

Please do not email me directly for help regarding GetSimple. Please post all your questions/problems in the forum!

Messages In This Thread
Various noob questions... - by 123 - 2010-01-02, 14:15:30
Various noob questions... - by ccagle8 - 2010-01-02, 14:40:12
Various noob questions... - by 123 - 2010-01-02, 15:45:44
Various noob questions... - by oToom - 2010-01-02, 16:25:15
Various noob questions... - by Zegnåt - 2010-01-02, 22:15:49
Various noob questions... - by oToom - 2010-01-03, 02:16:51
Various noob questions... - by 123 - 2010-01-03, 02:54:58
Various noob questions... - by internet54 - 2010-01-03, 03:15:20
Various noob questions... - by oToom - 2010-01-03, 03:35:40
Various noob questions... - by 123 - 2010-01-07, 10:47:36
Various noob questions... - by ccagle8 - 2010-01-07, 23:49:05
Various noob questions... - by internet54 - 2010-01-08, 01:58:30
Various noob questions... - by Zegnåt - 2010-01-08, 05:19:40
Various noob questions... - by internet54 - 2010-01-08, 06:13:06
Various noob questions... - by 123 - 2010-01-08, 07:47:01
Various noob questions... - by internet54 - 2010-01-08, 08:17:40
Various noob questions... - by 123 - 2010-01-08, 08:29:58
Various noob questions... - by 123 - 2010-01-08, 08:32:22
Various noob questions... - by ccagle8 - 2010-01-08, 11:35:21
Various noob questions... - by 123 - 2010-01-08, 11:47:38
Various noob questions... - by ccagle8 - 2010-01-08, 11:49:49
Various noob questions... - by 123 - 2010-01-08, 11:55:25
Various noob questions... - by 123 - 2010-01-08, 12:00:23
Various noob questions... - by 123 - 2010-01-08, 12:08:18
Various noob questions... - by ccagle8 - 2010-01-08, 12:39:37
Various noob questions... - by internet54 - 2010-01-08, 14:58:45
Various noob questions... - by 123 - 2010-01-08, 15:15:02

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