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BlueBusiness theme
Hi, yojoe; thanks for quick feedback and thorough reply, and sorry for bringing up the issue that was not related exactly to your theme; I saw that some themes even did not support second-level menu, so I thought it was related to this theme...

However, your method did not work for me...

Seeing that there's no "native" solution to this problem, I've changed my mind, so I will not need such a behaviour; therefore, there is no need for you to deal further with this issue, but I will describe it, in case someone else comes with the similar request.

So, first of all, I could not find exact code you mentioned above; this is the entire code in my page:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<item><pubDate>Sat, 30 Jun 2012 23:50:28 +0200</pubDate><title>MY TITLE</title><url>my-title</url><meta/><metad/><template>template.php</template><content/><author>name-of-the-author</author><parent/><menu/><menuStatus>Y</menuStatus><private/><menuOrder><![CDATA[3]]></menuOrder></item>

So, I see here page slug between URL tags, and page order after "CDATA"; I've tried replacing one of them or both with "#", and here is the result:

- If I replace CDATA[3] with CDATA[#], page comes to the first position in menu;

- If I replace "my-title" (between url tags) with "#", page indeed does not load any longer; but its link becomes ""... so when I click it, it loads home page... In addition, I get a strange row in "View all pages" section: it's empty, and there is only "+" sign at the right side; mouse hover that sign gives tooltip "Add new page: my-title", and when I click it, indeed new balnk page is created...

Adding line in style.css does not change that.

Looks like it's better to give up my idea, LOL. Anyway, thank you for efforts to help! Smile

Messages In This Thread
BlueBusiness theme - by yojoe - 2012-04-01, 07:42:51
RE: BlueBusiness theme - by shovenose - 2012-12-03, 16:37:27
RE: BlueBusiness theme - by yojoe - 2012-12-03, 18:01:24
RE: BlueBusiness theme - by shovenose - 2012-12-04, 02:14:59
RE: BlueBusiness theme - by Kemal - 2013-08-03, 23:41:06
RE: BlueBusiness theme - by Kemal - 2013-08-04, 00:36:10
RE: BlueBusiness theme - by yojoe - 2013-08-04, 19:11:15
RE: BlueBusiness theme - by phpman - 2016-09-14, 01:06:42
RE: BlueBusiness theme - by ChriS - 2016-10-11, 02:48:42
RE: BlueBusiness theme - by datiswous - 2016-10-11, 09:40:11
RE: BlueBusiness theme - by vanfruniken - 2016-10-23, 23:12:10
RE: BlueBusiness theme - by phpman - 2016-10-12, 04:53:05
BlueBusiness theme - by podarokdelux - 2012-04-04, 06:03:33
BlueBusiness theme - by yojoe - 2012-04-04, 08:24:47
BlueBusiness theme - by Wogew - 2012-04-09, 02:29:09
BlueBusiness theme - by yojoe - 2012-04-11, 06:58:14
BlueBusiness theme - by Wogew - 2012-04-12, 15:40:09
BlueBusiness theme - by strugar - 2012-07-24, 18:15:54
BlueBusiness theme - by yojoe - 2012-07-25, 03:32:45
BlueBusiness theme - by strugar - 2012-07-25, 04:39:07
BlueBusiness theme - by mvlcek - 2012-07-25, 05:18:10
BlueBusiness theme - by yojoe - 2012-07-25, 05:36:45
BlueBusiness theme - by strugar - 2012-07-25, 16:39:32
BlueBusiness theme - by Timbow - 2012-08-18, 02:19:25
BlueBusiness theme - by Timbow - 2012-08-18, 07:13:13
BlueBusiness theme - by vipinvarkey - 2012-09-21, 17:00:45
BlueBusiness theme - by yojoe - 2012-09-22, 05:52:37

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