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message in Images window
when i want to insert a photo in the uploads folder - and hit the "browse" button in the Image Properties window - i get a list of photos - but i also get a ton of errors - all like this

Warning: fileperms() [function.fileperms]: stat failed for ../data/uploads/McKinleyville%20scenery.jpg in /home/a1937806/public_html/SilverLiningCMS/admin/filebrowser.php on line 184

can anyone tell what's causing this - and how to correct


i'm using GetSimple 3.1.2 uploaded to my account on (health check passed with flying colors)

data/upload folder permissions set to 755 - however the image files are set to 644 - i used WinSCP to upload them

the htaccess file:
Options -Indexes
Allow from all


much thanks

1) "SilverLiningCMS" what is this?

2) What do you mean with "health check passed with flying colors" ? Does this mean that all checks were positive?

3) For sure it is a permission problem.

How did you upload the images to the data/uploads-folder? By FTP or by the file-uploader in GS Admin Area?

try with the inbuilt-upload-function, does that work?

4) what is the difference between the images which you see and the images which produce that error?

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
Quote:1) "SilverLiningCMS" what is this?

I renamed the GetSimple folder to that. I've heard this is allowed. And during testing, everything else worked, so I doubt that the name is the issue.

Quote:2) What do you mean with "health check passed with flying colors" ? Does this mean that all checks were positive?

Exactly. Every test was green.

Quote:How did you upload the images to the data/uploads-folder? By FTP or by the file-uploader in GS Admin Area? try with the inbuilt-upload-function, does that work?

Oops. I seem to have deleted the paragraph that mentioned I first use WinSCP to upload the images. After noticing the problem mentioned in my post, I then used the built-in upload.

Quote:4) what is the difference between the images which you see and the images which produce that error?

the window showing the images & errors is very confusing - the errors aren't laidout in an easy to grasp way - but it appears that all the images seem to have the error - except the thumbnails - which are not separate images - I didn't create thumbnails - did GetSimple do that?

I was hoping the error message would suggest something definitive to the forums. If not, I'm going to try changing the permissions of the files to the same one the folder has.

BTW, these error messages don't affect the performance. All the images show up in the webpages just fine. But I don't want those confusing error messages still in there when it's turned over to the client.

the fileperms function which we use to get permission s on the files can't read the permissions on the files.

More than likely its due to the permission on the image files, try changing them to 755, the same as your folders, and see if that fixes it.

they are only displayed when GSDEBUG is on so once you turn it off this function will not be executed and so will be hidden from your client.
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turning off Debug does get rid of the error message

however - they still appear after changing the file permissions to 755 - same as the folder

i think i'll try deleting the images and re-upping them using the built in ftp
I guess a better question is, why are we not caching this information, why do fileperms or filetime everytime we load the page.

I guess we could @ suppress this, unless we can determine the issue before calling a stat function.
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- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
deleting the images and re-uploading them fixed the error messages problem

preferred using an FTP utiliity like WinSCP cuz the GetSimple FTP gave me some problems when i tried uploading the more than a dozen images - so i sat there and uploaded a few at a time to get it to work

i forgot what the error messages said - just that i had something to do with an undeclared "sessions" variable in Upload.php in the 'admin' folder

i was surprised to find that the webpages needed to be relinked to the images afterward

but its AOK now - thanks for everyone's help
Sounds like you have an upload problem.

You also shouldn't have to relink anything.
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- Shawn A aka Tablatronix

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