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Plugin Suggestions!
I've had a couple people say "If anyone has suggestions, I will build some plugins..." Well - for those of you who said that - I am taking you all up on your offer.

Hopefully the plugins that Mike and I have made will be of help along with our plugin codex

Here is a small list I sketched up as ones I want to develop, but I don't have the time. If anyone needs an additional hook or two to make their plugin work, let me know here.

- Integrate comments into pages

2. Ad Manager
- Ability to upload image, text and a link

3. Hide email PHP Function

4. Flickr gallery integration

5. Twitter Integration
- A plugin to auto-tweet when a new page is created
- A plugin that lists recent tweets of the user via the API

6. HTML version of sitemap
- Could reuse some code that is in /admin/sitemap.php

7. OpenID Login
- Replace GS login system with OpenID

8. Facebook Connect Login
- Replace GS login system with Facebook Connect

9. Add to .htaccess
(use file_get_contents() function to read contents then write a new combined version back to the server)
- A plugin to create affiate links
- A plugin to add 302 redirects for when old sites get moved to the new GS page structure
- A plugin to add the Perishable Press 3G Blacklist to your root level .htaccess file -

10. Sample content for theme developers
- Maybe not a true plugin, but something like this would be extremely helpful -

11. Regenerate thumbnails - /data/thumbs/thumbnail.*
- Recreate all thumbnails for images in /data/uploads/. Use the values stored in gsconfig.php

12. SEO Pack
- Add a new custom field that separates the page title from the title within the page (whats between the H1 tags)
- Add other robots related meta tags (no-index, etc.)

13. Search Function
- Either use google custom search or create function that looks in all XML files within /data/pages/ (although this could be taxing on your server)

14. Syntax Highlighting
- Integrate syntax highlighting into the editor

15. Amazon S3
- Create auto-backups to a specified S3 account

16. Maintenance Mode
- Check for an existance of a file (maybe install.php since it gets deleted as soon as setup is complete) and show a simple "Down for Maintenance" page.

17. Concatenate CSS and JS scripts
- For both the user theme and the admin area

18. jCart Integration
- It doesn't need mySQL either! -

19. Bigger and Badder Contact Form

20. Custom Themes with Custom Hooks & Plugins
- a-la Themeatic and Hybrid for WordPress=
- Chris
Thanks for using GetSimple! - Download

Please do not email me directly for help regarding GetSimple. Please post all your questions/problems in the forum!

Messages In This Thread
Plugin Suggestions! - by ccagle8 - 2010-02-10, 10:10:48
RE: Plugin Suggestions! - by jjancel - 2024-04-28, 02:22:04
Plugin Suggestions! - by internet54 - 2010-02-10, 10:46:45
Plugin Suggestions! - by maxtuska - 2010-02-10, 21:10:30
Plugin Suggestions! - by Nijikokun - 2010-02-18, 12:14:47
Plugin Suggestions! - by crashfellow - 2010-03-08, 21:37:09
Plugin Suggestions! - by Zegnåt - 2010-03-08, 21:51:02
Plugin Suggestions! - by crashfellow - 2010-03-08, 22:15:34
Plugin Suggestions! - by baris - 2010-03-15, 10:33:33
Plugin Suggestions! - by juliancc - 2010-03-15, 11:37:32
Plugin Suggestions! - by Jamz - 2010-03-16, 10:09:38
Plugin Suggestions! - by FredK - 2010-03-17, 08:19:54
Plugin Suggestions! - by Zegnåt - 2010-03-17, 08:38:28
Plugin Suggestions! - by FredK - 2010-03-17, 09:40:50
Plugin Suggestions! - by baris - 2010-03-19, 11:36:57
Plugin Suggestions! - by HeatherFeuer - 2010-03-30, 09:02:49
Plugin Suggestions! - by Sibrus - 2010-04-18, 03:15:18
Plugin Suggestions! - by juliancc - 2010-04-18, 05:35:34
Plugin Suggestions! - by Roberto - 2010-05-29, 18:49:11
Plugin Suggestions! - by xd1936 - 2010-06-03, 13:00:39
Plugin Suggestions! - by Zegnåt - 2010-06-03, 16:54:01
Plugin Suggestions! - by xd1936 - 2010-06-04, 02:51:28
Plugin Suggestions! - by Jamz - 2010-07-10, 08:55:03
Plugin Suggestions! - by dominionit - 2010-10-02, 06:00:47

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