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News Manager (updated)
how about a third option, a plugin that can modify the api checking and check an arbitrary plugin instead of the one it would normally for those in question ? Or implement your own version checking and override the native one for your specific plugin.

You could replace the plugins page result table row via js with the real info via extend call using id instead of file.

Or just replace the cache file so it picks that up instead always.
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- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
Thanks once more for your feeback, much appreciated.

I'm already changing the link in the plugins page by using str_replace on $table, though of course this doesn't fix the upgrade check (neither issues with the Updater plugin)

About replacing the cache file, I hadn't thought about that. I'll look into it, thanks!
Just request you api result using ?id=123 instead of ?file=news_manager.php
but manually save the cache file as md5(original ?file=_news_namanger url)
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
Thank you Shawn, I had already discovered that and done some quick tests.
I think that I'll have this working in the next days.
Thanks a lot for your suggestions.
I move here the thread I posted in " General Questions and Problems" (Carlos told me to do it)
There I asked: Where are months located? I have news manager installed and my language installed but the date is always in english, does anybody knows where the months are located? I can't find where date gets that words so to translate them.
Does anybody knows it?
thank you

Now I update here:
I have news manager 2.4.6 installed and I selected italian language, the problem appears for the months only, for exemple a post of 25 may on my is the following: "Pubblicato il 25 May, 2014", so you can see that only month is wrong. I looked for all the few files in news manager and the months names aren't stored there I think, I made a search on every single file in there but I can't find them, so does anybody knows where the plug in get months names? I really can't understand it, if I know where month are stored I can translate them.
Thank you
Months are not in the plugin files. They should be in the server. Is it Windows-based?

Does the it_IT.php file (in news_manager/lang) have this line?
"LOCALE"              =>  "it_IT.utf8,it.utf8,it_IT.UTF-8,it.UTF-8,it_IT,it",
now I understand a bit more
I have a vps with debian 7 installed, what should I do?

yes, the it_IT file has that line of code
Hi Remolab, this is not about any stored strings, it's all about PHP.

If you look into plugins/news_manager/inc/site.php, you can find there something like (line 266 in my NM version, line 304 in the GitHub version,
$date    = nm_get_date(i18n_r('news_manager/DATE_FORMAT'), strtotime($post->date));

I guess only something like
setlocale(LC_ALL, 'it_IT');
is needed to be written before the $date = ...

Not sure if it's this simple, I would have to try it and I still have not enough time.
Tomáš Janeček - Multilingual personal website powered by GetSimple
» The little I did for GetSimple
Please try editing that lang file and change that line by:
"LOCALE"              =>  "it_IT.utf8,it.utf8,it_IT.UTF-8,it.UTF-8,it_IT,it,ita,italian",
(I appended ita,italian)
I had to to this for Spanish, but it was a different issue, I think.

If it doesn't work, try changing, in that same line, .utf8 by .UTF8, and if still doesn't, .UTF-8 by .utf-8
(if it's too much hassle I can prepare the line for you to paste)
Servers can have different locale setups, I thought I had covered the most usual ones, but...
(2014-05-27, 01:52:16)Carlos Wrote: Please try editing that lang file and change that line by:
"LOCALE"              =>  "it_IT.utf8,it.utf8,it_IT.UTF-8,it.UTF-8,it_IT,it,ita,italian",
(I appended ita,italian)
I had to to this for Spanish, but it was a different issue, I think.

If it doesn't work, try changing, in that same line, .utf8 by .UTF8, and if still doesn't, .UTF-8 by .utf-8
(if it's too much hassle I can prepare the line for you to paste)
Servers can have different locale setups, I thought I had covered the most usual ones, but...

I'll give a try then I'll tell you if it works.
thank you
I tried all the ways, I cleared the cache but it's still the same, maybe italian isn't installed in my server, I'll try to understand how to check it.
I found out that I haven‘t italian packages installed in my vps and that's why month are in english. Thank you for helping me.
I think that for 3.0 I'm going to make News Manager insert the post title in the <title> tag by default, without having to install the News Manager Title plugin or use nm_post_title... in the template.

This change would NOT have effect on sites that already use any of the above solutions (and anyway it could be disabled, with a custom setting)

It would be very simple - example:
<title>This is the post title - News Page ...</title>
(post title before page title, separated by " - ", like NM Title does by default)

This would be developed further in later versions. But I think that it'd be good to have some built-in, basic SEO by default.

Any thoughts?
To me, its sound great. The less plugins/mods I have to look for/add on, the easier and quicker it becomes.

Since I am not installing nor working on this every day, I have to keep jumping around this thread to figure out what just installs and what I have to enable or modify in the configs and templates to get something working.

Just my two cents. Smile

GS Community Edition with php8.x compatibility, new features and much more!  Support Me

Thanks for the feedback, islander.

You can find docs for 2.4.x and for new features/settings in beta/3.0 in my signature.
I have to mix both, and also make some FAQs and howtos. In the meantime, if you don't know how to do something or have trouble, just ask here.
Hola again Carlos and hi to you all, GetSimplers.
I'm so glad to see that NewsManager - my favorite plugin - is growing up day by day... so here's my humble contribution: A pull-down menu with all the categories, just like WordPress. Hope you will like it. Cheerz

PHP Code:
function nm_select_tags() {
'<form action="" method="post">';
'<select name="nmTAG" onchange="window.location.href= this.form.nmTAG.options[this.form.nmTAG.selectedIndex].value">';
'<option value="">Make a choice...</option>';
$tags = array();
  foreach (
nm_get_tags() as $tag=>$posts)
    if (
substr($tag01) != '_')
$tags[$tag] = count($posts);
        foreach (
$tags as $tag=>$count) {
$url nm_get_url('tag') . $tag;
$spaces = array('-','.');    
'<option value="'.$url.'">'.str_replace($spaces," ",$tag).'</option>';
My website made with GetSimple CMS is

Arte & Società

An indipendent website about Italian Contemporary Visual Arts
(2014-06-07, 01:54:35)D.O. Wrote: A pull-down menu with all the categories, just like WordPress.

Very nice, thanks for sharing.
De nada, bro.
I made it for my
It is just a tip that you can add to the next versions of NM.
Stay cool

(2014-06-07, 04:01:49)Carlos Wrote:
(2014-06-07, 01:54:35)D.O. Wrote: A pull-down menu with all the categories, just like WordPress.

Very nice, thanks for sharing.
My website made with GetSimple CMS is

Arte & Società

An indipendent website about Italian Contemporary Visual Arts
(2014-06-07, 05:08:34)D.O. Wrote: It is just a tip that you can add to the next versions of NM.

Yes, I'll consider it (created issue), thanks.
News Manager 3.0 beta 21 - Download / Info

Changes (since beta 20):

- upgrade check for the correct plugin version in Extend (this will not be noticed until a new version is available, e.g. 3.0.1 or 3.1). Thanks to @shawn_a for his help with this

- single posts' title is inserted in the <title> tag by default, for better SEO. This can be disabled with new custom setting titleTag 0 (more info and possible issues in the (draft) upgrade notes)

Consider this a release candidate for 3.0 stable.

If you have the time to test this one just in case there's some issue...
Feedback much appreciated.
I note that the .htaccess contents of the file supplied with News Manager are not quit as extensive as the default file supplied wit GetSimple.

Should the NM version be a complete replacement or maybe line by line as necessary. The XML security seems more extensive in the GS-supplied file.
I think that most recent changes in GS's .htaccess file have to do with Apache 2.4 compatibility.
Anyway it's a good idea to update NM's sample one. Thanks!
News Manager 3.0 beta 22 - Download / Info

Changes (since beta 21):
  • content filter applied in functions nm_show_tag, nm_show_post, etc. when used as template tags - so placeholders, etc. will be processed by other plugins (including NM Authors) - thanks @Oleg06 for reporting
  • updated/expanded .htaccess sample file (like the one in GS 3.3) - thanks @snooze
Feedback appreciated, etc.
I'm using the last stable of New Manager (2.4.6) and I'm very pleased with it.

The site I'm working on has two basic template files — the main, default template file for the overall site, and a second blog template to deal with and style the blog page. In the interests of making the site responsive and mobile-friendly, my CSS uses media queries to restyle the site depending on the viewer's browsing device.

On the desktop site view, News Manager is set to display full posts, with five posts per page (the client tends to write quite long posts!) but on the mobile view, I'd like it to change to titles and excerpts, rather than showing the full thing. Is there a way to set this in the template rather than in the options? This way, I can use CSS to show/hide content container divs as required — I'll have two content divs, each with the blog, but the second div set to only show excerpts, and set via the CSS to only display on certain screen sizes.

It's very possible I'm simply missing something obvious here!

I do not understand how to make the navigation on the news page: [1] [2] [3] etc

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