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News Manager (updated)
Hey Carlos,
thanks for your support! Now I'm trying to use i18n Search/special pages. "angryboy"
has developed a very interesting solution you probably know, which does exactly what I'm looking for but I'm still having problems. His archiving function is providing monthly links to url, for example:
But when I'm changing the _cre_date tag in the url manualy to 201407 or something, it is still showing all the posts tagged "blog".

Kind regards
(2014-08-04, 20:45:36)Carlos Wrote: News Manager (updated) is still/currently a one-language plugin.

Hello Carlos!

This guy added multilanguage-support for an old version of newsmanager:
It adds a field for determination of the language of the news.
Unfortunately this version is outdated and doesnt work on newer setups of get-simple, i18n, etc...
Could you have a look at this guys changes and if it is possible to adapt the changes to the actual version of news_manager?
Hi there Carlos. Wonderful plugin as always. I have a question hopefully isn't too hard to correct.

I'm using the NM and when I input the tags and add a comma like instructed it does not show on the front end of the site.

For example:

if I input

tag1, tag2, tag3

it shows as
tag1 tag 2tag3

on the front end. Is there a way to show the commas on the front-end?

I'm using the NM 2.4.4

I am assuming it outputs as html lists, you can use css after content: rules maybe.
The commas are delimiters, they are not part of the tags.
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- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
All good then. Thanks Shawn! I was able to use the after and the last-chiild to make this work.
Of course carlos probably has a custom output function you can call to get the tags in code.
like implode(',',$tagsarray) or something.
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
Since version 3.0 you can have a custom tag separator for the front-end.

For a comma and a space (instead of just a space), enable Custom Settings and enter:
tagSeparator ", "
(2014-08-15, 09:11:48)Carlos Wrote: Since version 3.0 you can have a custom tag separator for the front-end.

For a comma and a space (instead of just a space), enable Custom Settings and enter:
tagSeparator ", "

Totally cool Carlos. Thank you!
i want use always a "Auto-open Page Options" with news manager. How to do it.. or.. how to edit a plugin files.. to get a always visible this options...

the plugin what i asking:
user plugin: scroll to top
Edit news_manager/template/edit_post.php, find this line:
<div style="display:none;" id="metadata_window">
and change "display:none;" to "display:block;"
thank You very much Carlos ! Smile
user plugin: scroll to top
Hello Carlos!

I wish i could use multiple tags in nm_show_tag_page() like
nm_show_tag_page('_en, my-tag', $index=NMFIRSTPAGE, $filter=true);

greets from Austria,

nm_show_tag_page() displays links for pagination under the list of posts (prev/.../next, numbered or older/newer). What do you think those links should be like, if multiple tags were supported?
Hello Carlos!

Thank you for your reply - in the meantime i figured out how to
customize news_manager_addons to fit my needs.
nm_list_recent_by_tag(array('_de', 'my-tag'));

(2014-08-30, 00:53:09)Carlos Wrote: What do you think those links should be like, if multiple tags were supported?
I think tags should be comma-separated in the url like
- but i didnt think it through any further as the news_manager_addons does exatly what I needed now.
An user has contributed a Finnish translation for News Manager (3.0 or older). It will be included in the next NM version.
In the meantime, anyone interested can be get the language file here: (direct download)

nice date and time to use in back end to get time and date in news manager...
user plugin: scroll to top
Nice one. Thank you xxdex, I'll look into this.
it's possible to add a pagination to back-end area in news manager page ?
i mean example 20-50 news on one page..and buttons <- previev | next -> ?
user plugin: scroll to top
As per xxdex's request, here's a complementary plugin that adds a date/time picker to News Manager's post editor:

News Manager DateTimePicker 0.1 beta

[edit: now available in Extend]
Really awesome plug-in Carlos!

As others before me I would like to be able to have different news feeds for different languages. The alternatives I've found don't execute as well as News Manager does though Sad

Would it maybe be possible to have one more News Manager plug-in bur named differently? That way they could each point to a seperate page on the site...

A couple years ago user vixrealitum posted a News Manager 2.2.4 clone to allow having another instance:
The attachment is no longer available, but I've just made a new clone with that same name, though based on News Manager 3.0:

Article Manager 3.0 beta - download

Note: Sidebar/front-end functions and css styles for this plugin must be prefixed by am_ instead of nm_, same for gsconfig settings (AM* instead of NM*), etc.
Carlos... it's great !!!! thank You !!!
user plugin: scroll to top
Great to see how GS & NM are becoming day by day indispendable for every user who wants to avoid WP & JM dictaturs :-P
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Does it mean that you can have 2 categories or even more? It's much better than no categories at all, but I'd love to see the categories feature in native NM without having more instances Smile
Tomáš Janeček - Multilingual personal website powered by GetSimple
» The little I did for GetSimple
With that clone (AM) you can only add another blog/news instance. This is just some kind of temporary workaround to have 2 blog/news sites (in 2 pages) with separate but identical backends.

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