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News Manager (updated)
<?php nm_post_image_url(0,0,0); ?>

Nice! And in this case it takes the original image from uploads folder. Thank you!

(Replying to )

(2018-09-24, 19:54:17)domscatterbrain Wrote: Hi, I've encountered issues which post image is not shown. Whenever I choose pic for post image from server, in which its generated an image link


Yet it's not showing anything. Did I do something wrong?

Are you sure that image file exists in the Uploads folder?

Open that URL in your browser and check if you get any errors.
Anyway, an image URL like that should not be rendered by News Manager (at least in recent versions) - it's missing some parameters (width, height...)
(2018-09-25, 04:36:33)Carlos Wrote: Anyway, an image URL like that should not be rendered by News Manager (at least in recent versions) - it's missing some parameters (width, height...)

I dm you my link, even with complete params the image is still missing.
I'm using the latest news manager tho
It's some restriction in your host.
This is what it's rendering instead of the resized image:
Warning:  readfile() has been disabled for security reasons in [...]plugins/news_manager/browser/pic.php on line 101

Function readfile() is also used in GetSimple's File Management. Are you also having issues when downloading a file (e.g. an uploaded PDF) in the backend, or viewing/generating thumbnails...?
I see that the link you sent me by PM now displays the resized image properly, so I assume your issue has been fixed.
(replying to )

(2018-09-30, 08:13:23)Bak Wrote: Good evening to all.

When I create a new post in my website the new post contain a title, the date creation, the text and the tags.

Is there a way to hide date creation and tags?

The important thing is the title and the text.

Thanks in advance.


In NM Settings, enable Custom Settings and insert this:
showFields title,content
then save settings.


There is (will be) another way, with custom post rendering, but it's not possible with the current stable version (3.6) - right now you'd have to use the beta version
Heya Carlos, I forgot to say that the blog picture is working again after I asked my site admin to enable readfile()
Thanks in advance!
Hi, I've two questions:

- Is there a way to use News Manager to create a sticky post (i.e. one that stays posted above any other new posts, so site visitors will always see it first)?
- Is there a way to post News Manager posts to two different pages on a website, rather than simply assigning the posts to one page?

I've searched the thread and couldn't find any relevant answers - apologies if I've missed something.
(2018-10-26, 09:01:51)32010 Wrote: Hi, I've two questions:

- Is there a way to use News Manager to create a sticky post (i.e. one that stays posted above any other new posts, so site visitors will always see it first)?
- Is there a way to post News Manager posts to two different pages on a website, rather than simply assigning the posts to one page?

I've searched the thread and couldn't find any relevant answers - apologies if I've missed something.

you can use nm_show_tag in a template like this

PHP Code:
<section id="news-features">    
section id="sticky-posts">
('maxposts'2); //I don't want to see more than 2 stickies

    <section id="news-headlines">
        <h2>Recent News</h2>    
        <?php nm_list_recent(); ?>
and in gsconfig exclude the tag 'sticky' from normal news listings like this-


Carlos -
nm_show_tag displays a message "no posts found' if there are no posts with that tag, it would be good to be able to check first so nm_show_tags could be skipped and avoid this message.
(2018-10-27, 22:18:28)lesh Wrote: Carlos -
nm_show_tag displays a message "no posts found' if there are no posts with that tag, it would be good to be able to check first so nm_show_tags could be skipped and avoid this message.

Currently you can use a conditional like this:
    $tags = nm_get_tags();
    if (count($tags['mytag']) {

(I intend to add some other functions to make things better.)

In the meantime, another option is using the News Manager Addons plugin, that lets you filter by a tag, use your custom html layout, etc.

I'm using "GetSimple 3.0 + News Manager 3.6"

but there is a problem:

News Manager 3.6 put (in the code of each single post page) ALWAYS the same "canonical url" (=main page url).
for example
(this url is for all post !! this is not good for google !!)

instead I want for each single post a specific "canonical url" (=specific page url).
for example[url_of_specific_post]

Please can you help me?

See here: Replacement template functions for proper canonical meta tag.

PS You shouldn't be using such an outdated GetSimple version.
(2018-10-31, 17:18:42)in "News manager" page postCarlos Wrote: See here: Replacement template functions for proper canonical meta tag.

PS You shouldn't be using such an outdated GetSimple version.


thanks for your message, at first.

I use "Elegance" template.

If, in template.php file, I change "get_header" to "nm_get_header":
I have not a specific "canonical url" (=specific page url) for each post,
but i simply have not "canonical url" for all post created by News Manager!!

pleaase can help me?
where is the error?
(2018-10-31, 23:08:21)platinum Wrote: Carlos,

thanks for your message, at first.

I use "Elegance" template.

If, in template.php file, I change "get_header" to "nm_get_header":
I have not a specific "canonical url" (=specific page url) for each post,
but i simply have not "canonical url" for all post created by News Manager!!

pleaase can help me?
where is the error?

I've just tested with the Elegance theme, and it works ok. After replacing <?php get_header(); ?> by <?php nm_get_header(); ?>, the line <link rel="canonical" href=... is present in single post pages.

By the way, if News Manager 3.6 is working for you then you are not using GetSimple 3.0 - it would simply crash. Last plugin version that worked with GS 3.0 was NM 3.3.x.
(2012-12-18, 22:22:52)Carlos Wrote: News Manager is very straightforward, maybe too simple for your needs.

Tags could serve as categories, but very basic, e.g. you wouldn't have pagination in these pseudo-category pages.

I18N Search is a great plugin that allows including non-page items like posts (see Custom Item Indexing in I18N Search - Custom Indexing), but someone has to develop a plugin or script for this. I'll give this a try some day.

I don't think GS Blog is not being developed, though its author may not be visiting the forums lately. If it has bugs I suggest you also report them in its GitHub repository.

@Oleg06 or anyone interested in having a 'featured image' for posts...

Let's say the code for the picture is something like:
PHP Code:
<div class="nm_post_image"><a href="[POST-TITLE]"><img src="[POST-IMAGE]" /></a></div

What do you think would be the best place to insert this code? Before, or after the <h3>? After the date? ...

Currently News Manager uses this structure when displaying posts:

PHP Code:
<div class="nm_post">
 <h3 class="nm_post_title"><a href="[POST-TITLE]">[POST-TITLE]</a></h3>
 <class="nm_post_date">Published on [POST-DATE]</p>
 <div class="nm_post_content"><p>
 <class="nm_post_meta"><b>Tags:</b> [POST-TAGS]</p>

Of course it would be better to have custom post templates, but I'd like to know what default format to use.

Which file have this code?

I am planning of a new theme using this news manager!
(2018-11-01, 22:02:24)kazu2015 Wrote: Which file have this code?

I am planning of a new theme using this news manager!

That's a very old post. If you read it carefully you'll see it was just a example - I was asking for ideas. Post layout customization was implemented since NM 3.0 with a bunch of NM custom settings (that unfortunately cannot be set in the theme).

However, in the current beta version I added support for post templating: see here.

(Note that it's a beta - the final implementation may change.)
(2018-11-01, 04:41:29)Carlos Wrote:
(2018-10-31, 23:08:21)platinum Wrote: Carlos,

thanks for your message, at first.

I use "Elegance" template.

If, in template.php file, I change "get_header" to "nm_get_header":
I have not a specific "canonical url" (=specific page url) for each post,
but i simply have not "canonical url" for all post created by News Manager!!

pleaase can help me?
where is the error?

I've just tested with the Elegance theme, and it works ok. After replacing <?php get_header(); ?> by <?php nm_get_header(); ?>, the line <link rel="canonical" href=... is present in single post pages.

By the way, if News Manager 3.6 is working for you then you are not using GetSimple 3.0 - it would simply crash. Last plugin version that worked with GS 3.0 was NM 3.3.x.

You are right!

I have GestSimple Version 3.3.5 !!

anyway your info doens't help me :-(

I cannot have "canonical" href in single post pages.

this solution is good, in your opnion, for my problem?
That was the old solution. It works the same (except that it only works for single post pages and not for tag, archive pages).

nm_get_header() should work, unless you call it with parameter false.

Have you searched for the canonical tag in the source html code of the page? It may be at the end of another line...

Do normal GS pages have their canonical tag line?
(2018-11-01, 04:41:29)Carlos Wrote:
(2018-10-31, 23:08:21)platinum Wrote: Carlos,

thanks for your message, at first.

I use "Elegance" template.

If, in template.php file, I change "get_header" to "nm_get_header":
I have not a specific "canonical url" (=specific page url) for each post,
but i simply have not "canonical url" for all post created by News Manager!!

pleaase can help me?
where is the error?

I've just tested with the Elegance theme, and it works ok. After replacing <?php get_header(); ?> by <?php nm_get_header(); ?>, the line <link rel="canonical" href=... is present in single post pages.

By the way, if News Manager 3.6 is working for you then you are not using GetSimple 3.0 - it would simply crash. Last plugin version that worked with GS 3.0 was NM 3.3.x.

(2018-11-02, 05:28:41)Carlos Wrote: nm_get_header() should work, unless you call it with parameter false.


where i see if parameter is true or false ???

in template.php file (of "Elegance" template)?
or where?
(2018-11-02, 05:28:41)Carlos Wrote: Do normal GS pages have their canonical tag line?


each page in the website has a specific canonical url in the source  html code
Are you using the same template (Default template = template.php) for the news page as for the other pages, or perhaps you selected Elegance's wide.php or sidebar.php?
(2018-11-03, 00:10:40)Carlos Wrote: Are you using the same template (Default template = template.php) for the news page as for the other pages, or perhaps you selected Elegance's wide.php or sidebar.php?

Default template = .../theme/elegance/template.php

for all pages.
(2018-11-02, 05:28:41)Carlos Wrote: nm_get_header() should work, unless you call it with parameter false.

Sorry Carlos ,

I ask you again:

where i see if parameter is true or false ???
Forget it... nm_get_header ignores parameters.

(With get_header you can use get_header(false) to remove the canonical tag)

Can you send me the URL of your site by PM?

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