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The RSS plugin doesn't work
I put the code
<?php show_rss($url) ?> in my theme but I don't see any feed. there are no other instructions. What do I need to do see the feed?
I've no idea, but there's another old plugin that may work for you: GetFeed

Ah yes, the RSS plugin you wanted to use probably needs to be used like this:

<?php show_rss(''); ?>

(put the RSS feed between quotes instead of $url)
(2013-03-13, 05:26:24)Carlos Wrote: I've no idea, but there's another old plugin that may work for you: GetFeed

Ah yes, the RSS plugin you wanted to use probably needs to be used like this:

<?php show_rss(''); ?>

(put the RSS feed between quotes instead of $url)
Thanks Carlos, but the download link of GetFeed is not working - the file is not there. And the usage of link in <?php show_rss(''); ?> also doesn't work.
I've fixed the download. Sorry, try again.
Note that you also have to download MagpieRSS. See the forum thread:

BTW both plugins are for GETTING external feeds (just in case it wasnt clear to you).

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