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CKEditor 4.0.2 Update
(2013-04-07, 23:32:43)shawn_a Wrote: We do not support the default ck toolbars at the moment.
Ok, but it is possible with minimal changes.
DE: Dass GS derzeit die default-Toolbar von CKE 4.1 nicht unterstützt, das ist mit minimalen Änderungen veränderbar. Ich habe es bereits beschrieben.

(2013-04-07, 23:48:50)shawn_a Wrote:
PHP Code:
define('GSEDITOROPTIONS',"toolbar: null"); 
Will give you the default cke full toolbar.
NO, does not work !!!
Ich habe es nochmals überprüft - I have checked twice !!

1) Download CKE 4.1 full - unzip & upload to server.

2) gsconfig.php
# WYSIWYG Editor Options
#define('GSEDITOROPTIONS', '');
config.js (CKE 4.1):
    config.toolbarCanCollapse = true; // hide/show toolbar collapse button = 'kama';
    config.uiColor = '#8080E0'; // helles blau
erzeugt - produces:
toolbar :
['Bold', 'Italic', 'Underline', 'NumberedList', 'BulletedList', 'JustifyLeft','JustifyCenter','JustifyRight','JustifyBlock', 'Link', 'Unlink', 'Image', 'RemoveFormat', 'Source']                    ]
Ergebnis - result:
> config.js ignoriert/ignored - nur/only 'moono'-skin
> minimal Buttons
> 'JustifyLeft','JustifyCenter','JustifyRight','JustifyBlock', nur/only in CKE-full, not in Std./Basic !!!

3) gsconfig.php wie beschrieben - as you described:
# WYSIWYG Editor Options
define('GSEDITOROPTIONS', "toolbar: null");
erzeugt - produces:
toolbar :
['Bold', 'Italic', 'Underline', 'NumberedList', 'BulletedList', 'JustifyLeft','JustifyCenter','JustifyRight','JustifyBlock', 'Link', 'Unlink', 'Image', 'RemoveFormat', 'Source']                    ]
, toolbar: null,
Ergebnis - result:
> sinnloser Code - wrong code
> config.js ignoriert/ignored - nur/only 'moono'-skin
> nicht alle Buttons vorhanden - not all buttons in Std./Basic
> alle Buttons in CKE-full

4) edit.php auskommentieren oder ändern wir in meinem letzen Posting beschrieben:
comment or change, see my last posting:
/* toolbar :
<?php echo $toolbar; ?>
<?php echo $EDOPTIONS; ?>,
Ergebnis - result:
!!! Alle Toolbar-Buttons sind vorhanden !!! All toolbar-buttons are visible !!!

5) config.js
    // Default setting. rearranged
    config.toolbarGroups = [
    { name: 'document',    groups: [ 'mode', 'document', 'doctools' ] },
    { name: 'clipboard',   groups: [ 'clipboard', 'undo' ] },
    { name: 'editing',     groups: [ 'find', 'selection', 'spellchecker' ] },
    { name: 'forms' }, { name: 'insert' },
    { name: 'basicstyles', groups: [ 'basicstyles', 'cleanup' ] },
    { name: 'paragraph',   groups: [ 'list', 'indent', 'blocks', 'align' ] },
    { name: 'links' },
    // 'insert' war hier
    { name: 'styles' },
    { name: 'colors' },
    { name: 'tools' },
    { name: 'others' },
    { name: 'about' }
Ergebnis - result:
Alle Toolbar-Buttons und Skin "kama" ok.

Ich verstehe nicht, wo das Problem liegt, dass meine Anregungen nicht akzeptiert werden. Diese minimalen Änderungen würden das Problem lösen.
I don't understand the problem accepting my recommentations. The minimal changes would solve the Problem.

LG Wolfgang

Messages In This Thread
CKEditor 4.0.2 Update - by karamo - 2013-03-21, 19:30:49
RE: CKEditor 4.0.2 Update - by Connie - 2013-03-21, 22:04:53
RE: CKEditor 4.0.2 Update - by karamo - 2013-03-22, 01:00:58
RE: CKEditor 4.0.2 Update - by shovenose - 2013-03-22, 03:19:20
RE: CKEditor 4.0.2 Update - by shawn_a - 2013-03-22, 03:30:06
RE: CKEditor 4.0.2 Update - by karamo - 2013-03-22, 06:38:20
RE: CKEditor 4.0.2 Update - by shawn_a - 2013-03-22, 07:54:40
RE: CKEditor 4.0.2 Update - by karamo - 2013-03-22, 19:03:48
RE: CKEditor 4.0.2 Update - by Connie - 2013-03-22, 21:27:06
RE: CKEditor 4.0.2 Update - by shawn_a - 2013-03-22, 22:36:57
RE: CKEditor 4.0.2 Update - by shawn_a - 2013-03-22, 23:27:15
RE: CKEditor 4.0.2 Update - by shawn_a - 2013-04-02, 23:28:27
RE: CKEditor 4.0.2 Update - by karamo - 2013-04-03, 06:53:28
RE: CKEditor 4.0.2 Update - by shovenose - 2013-04-05, 10:21:00
RE: CKEditor 4.0.2 Update - by karamo - 2013-04-06, 17:58:40
RE: CKEditor 4.0.2 Update - by shawn_a - 2013-04-06, 23:45:33
RE: CKEditor 4.0.2 Update - by karamo - 2013-04-07, 10:27:27
RE: CKEditor 4.0.2 Update - by shawn_a - 2013-04-07, 10:31:10
RE: CKEditor 4.0.2 Update - by shawn_a - 2013-04-07, 11:42:00
RE: CKEditor 4.0.2 Update - by karamo - 2013-04-07, 20:31:59
RE: CKEditor 4.0.2 Update - by shawn_a - 2013-04-07, 23:32:43
RE: CKEditor 4.0.2 Update - by shawn_a - 2013-04-07, 23:48:50
RE: CKEditor 4.0.2 Update - by karamo - 2013-04-08, 03:43:21
RE: CKEditor 4.0.2 Update - by Connie - 2013-04-08, 18:19:08
RE: CKEditor 4.0.2 Update - by shawn_a - 2013-04-08, 09:35:33
RE: CKEditor 4.0.2 Update - by karamo - 2013-04-08, 22:50:42
RE: CKEditor 4.0.2 Update - by shawn_a - 2013-04-08, 22:53:32
RE: CKEditor 4.0.2 Update - by shawn_a - 2013-04-08, 22:54:32
RE: CKEditor 4.0.2 Update - by karamo - 2013-04-08, 23:55:11
RE: CKEditor 4.0.2 Update - by shawn_a - 2013-04-08, 23:59:53
RE: CKEditor 4.0.2 Update - by shawn_a - 2013-04-09, 00:01:18
RE: CKEditor 4.0.2 Update - by Connie - 2013-04-09, 17:20:19
RE: CKEditor 4.0.2 Update - by karamo - 2013-04-11, 07:04:50
RE: CKEditor 4.0.2 Update - by shawn_a - 2013-04-11, 07:57:57
RE: CKEditor 4.0.2 Update - by karamo - 2013-04-11, 17:39:14
RE: CKEditor 4.0.2 Update - by shawn_a - 2013-04-11, 22:20:23
RE: CKEditor 4.0.2 Update - by shawn_a - 2013-04-11, 23:24:55
RE: CKEditor 4.0.2 Update - by zintonio - 2013-04-30, 19:53:58
RE: CKEditor 4.0.2 Update - by karamo - 2013-04-30, 20:18:10
RE: CKEditor 4.0.2 Update - by zintonio - 2013-04-30, 21:04:29
RE: CKEditor 4.0.2 Update - by karamo - 2013-05-01, 02:17:36
RE: CKEditor 4.0.2 Update - by zintonio - 2013-05-01, 17:26:58
RE: CKEditor 4.0.2 Update - by karamo - 2013-05-01, 17:44:37
RE: CKEditor 4.0.2 Update - by zintonio - 2013-05-01, 18:40:27
RE: CKEditor 4.0.2 Update - by shawn_a - 2013-04-30, 22:17:35
RE: CKEditor 4.0.2 Update - by zintonio - 2013-04-30, 22:55:46
RE: CKEditor 4.0.2 Update - by shawn_a - 2013-04-30, 23:06:08
RE: CKEditor 4.0.2 Update - by shawn_a - 2013-05-01, 23:23:18
RE: CKEditor 4.0.2 Update - by shawn_a - 2013-05-01, 23:32:25
RE: CKEditor 4.0.2 Update - by zintonio - 2013-05-05, 00:26:54
RE: CKEditor 4.0.2 Update - by Carlos - 2013-05-02, 03:20:05
RE: CKEditor 4.0.2 Update - by shawn_a - 2013-05-02, 04:58:23
RE: CKEditor 4.0.2 Update - by Carlos - 2013-05-02, 05:02:47
RE: CKEditor 4.0.2 Update - by shawn_a - 2013-05-02, 05:24:45
RE: CKEditor 4.0.2 Update - by shawn_a - 2013-05-04, 06:00:35
RE: CKEditor 4.0.2 Update - by karamo - 2013-05-04, 08:09:15
RE: CKEditor 4.0.2 Update - by shawn_a - 2013-05-04, 08:41:34
RE: CKEditor 4.0.2 Update - by shawn_a - 2013-05-05, 01:13:32
RE: CKEditor 4.0.2 Update - by shawn_a - 2013-05-05, 01:19:19

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