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How can I get work and change my life ?
Hello everyone , I am new here on forum
My name is Andreea, I have 21 years and I want to change my life by work. I am sorry for my bad english.
I created a small office and build websites for people arround world ( usualy medium business) , I belive that at high level , and I don’t know how to get more clients.
I didn't take 1 free day from 10 months and I really want to do that .

I just want to work and to make a big IT company, it’s what I want from life and usualy I show preview of work so there is no risk for clients as long see before pay .
I try from months to break a level but I don’t k now how to , on sites in domain when someone ask for work in next minute 50 companies people bid for .
If you can please help me with an idea, Thank you.
you are not alone. The world is big and competition is the main rule of life, at least it seems to me

to become a big IT-company when you are 21 years old? you are young enough to start and to reach this goal in some time

There are a lot of tutorials for "self-marketing" in the business, do a websearch and read them

the best start is always:

- do some good websites for others, show your potential in these sites
- do a good website announcing your work
- use the websites as reference
- open your ears in your neighbourhood, I am sure many people need a good website
- check the quality of websites of local businesses or organisations, and if they are poor convince the people that you can do it better at a reasonable price

good luck

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
Sometimes it can be really frustrating if you cannot get clients. Website development is a competitive industry. Hone your skills, create websites and set up your portfolio and improve your skills set. It's also best to create a good reputation, word-of-mouth is the best form of marketing. Good luck to you.
This is a very strange post.
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- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
Hmmm, same posts here:

and here:

My Github Repos: Github
Website: DigiMute
I say bot. Banhammer?
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
I close this thread as it is proofed by noodles, that this post is posted in other forums as well.

We do not need posts like this.

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:

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