When I try to create a category I get the following error:
This is even when the name of the category is only one character long.
In the settings I am supposed to be able to set the length (which is empty by default), but settings are not saved when clicking on save-button.
Also, there's still a __MACOSX folder in the the zipfile of the plugin and .DS_Store files in a lot of folders.
In the plugin section, the title of the plugin still links to Item Manager (v 0.7)
Quote:Error saving category: The category names are limited to a maximum of characters.
This is even when the name of the category is only one character long.
In the settings I am supposed to be able to set the length (which is empty by default), but settings are not saved when clicking on save-button.
Also, there's still a __MACOSX folder in the the zipfile of the plugin and .DS_Store files in a lot of folders.
In the plugin section, the title of the plugin still links to Item Manager (v 0.7)