2015-06-26, 21:10:13
I don't fully understand what that means - though I understand it much better now than before I started to set up GS Many php savvy people would never have the same problems I had - but this was the only thing that gave me any real trouble during installation - The rest was easy to understand even for me. And as the popularity of GS rises I guess it will attract more people like me - and one of the great things about GS is that it is so easy to install - except if you have this problem and don't know what it is - so I do think it would be of great value for some - maybe many - users to be warned about this in the installation instructions. It doesn't have to be more than a single or a few lines of text and a link to read more about how to solve the problem - and if it is stated clearly that this part of the instruction is only relevant if this particular situation occurs, people who doesn't experience the problem would easily ignore that part and wouldn't be troubled by it.