2010-03-11, 10:22:59
juliancc Wrote:Can you elaborate more on the ul/li tags. Can you put the actual source of the ul portion? Also what version of getsimple are you using. And lastly, can you enable debug mode and go the page were the gallery was enabled to see if you are getting any errors.
OWS_Matthew Wrote:I have installed the plugin, uploaded some .jpgs and visited the newpage with the page option "enable photo gallery" checked. When I visit the new page, nothing appears? I viewed the source and there was several <ul></li>s that were not there before any help would be great!
I have added your plug in and selected an image to be displayed in gallery although all i see is a bullet point with no images displayed, the script in my source code is as follows.
<!-- BEGIN Square IT's Simple Image Gallery -->
<ul id="sqr_image_gallery">
<li><div><a href="/data/uploads/legendsHeader.jpg" title="legendsHeader.jpg" rel="facybox" ><img src="/admin/inc/thumb.php?src=legendsHeader.jpg&dest=thumbmed.legendsHeader.jpg&x=125&y=125&f=1" class="sqr_img" /></a></div></li><li><div><a href="/data/uploads/screenshot.jpg" title="screenshot.jpg" rel="facybox" ><img src="/admin/inc/thumb.php?src=screenshot.jpg&dest=thumbmed.screenshot.jpg&x=125&y=125&f=1" class="sqr_img" /></a></div></li>
<div class="sqr-clearer"></div>
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
$(window).load(function() {
(function ($) {
$.fn.vAlign = function() {
return this.each(function(i){
var ah = $(this).height();
var ph = $(this).parent().parent().height();
var mh = (ph - ah) / 2;
$(this).css('margin-top', mh);
<!-- END Square IT's Simple Image Gallery -->
I am setting up a friends site and any assistance will be much appreciated, as this is (php) outside my field of expertise. Thanks.
PS one thought i did have but i may be wrong is the folder where the gallery is sourcing the images correct? also when i view plug in in the cms the thumbnail does not generate. I am using the latest version of GetSimple