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Uneven height - problem with column

I seem to have stumbled upon my next problem. I have a news page with all the news articles. Image height and excerpt all have the same height/length. But titles can ofcourse be of a variable length.

This causes the following problem: view attachment

Any ideas how this can be solved?

Small part of the code (all that is following is the same):
<div class="four columns">
    <div class="post_image"><img class="scale-with-grid" src="http://localhost/GetSimple/plugins/news_manager/browser/pic.php?p=nieuws_thumbnail/hpim1325.jpg&amp;w=480&amp;h=300&amp;c=1" /></div>
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    <h2 class="post_date">Gepost op: 31 Jan 2014</h2>
    <span><p>Sago tijd wel een mier toch doel. Krachtiger monopolies verwachten begrenzing nu beschaving om. Ze laag door in mont. Planten behoeft regelen als geleend bereikt toe men geleden. Kintya handel goping [...] </p></span>
    <h3 class="read_more"><a href="http://localhost/GetSimple/news_post/?post=misschien-laten-we-het-beter-zoals-het-is">Lees meer</a></h3>
<div class="four columns">
    <div class="post_image"><img class="scale-with-grid" src="http://localhost/GetSimple/plugins/news_manager/browser/pic.php?p=nieuws_thumbnail/6580_107469303079_65093253079_2114441_3911870_n.jpg&amp;w=480&amp;h=300&amp;c=1" /></div>
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    <h2 class="post_date">Gepost op: 31 Jan 2014</h2>
    <span><p>Mislukking te vruchtbare is dweepzieke mogendheid ondernomen getaxeerde te. Al middellijn aanmerking nu ik huwelijken ze. Op mochten is procede in luister stukjes krijgen betaald. Vrouw ficus men [...] </p></span>
    <h3 class="read_more"><a href="http://localhost/GetSimple/news_post/?post=ik-heb-momenteel-een-appel-bij-me">Lees meer</a></h3>

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

Messages In This Thread
Uneven height - problem with column - by ZackWhite - 2014-02-01, 02:27:59

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