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Migration language problem
Migrated a locally developed site (XAMPP) to a live site. It was in Dutch, so was the News Manager (updated) plugin. On the live site ( ) dates now show in English, such as in Archieven (Archives) the month 'May' should be 'Mei'.
Tried to change it through the language file of News Manager, but no change.

I've no idea if this is even a GS problem or only a News Manager problem, or a problem with my web provider (different PHP-version?).

Any help would be very much appreciated !
I moved this thread to the appropriate section ;=)

check your gsconfig.php
at the end of the file check whether you entered the correct language details, for german it is for example:

# Set PHP locale
#setlocale(LC_ALL, 'en_US');
setlocale(LC_ALL, 'de_DE');
$LANG = 'de_DE';

how is the date with the entries for nl_NL ?

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
Does not work sadly, it's still in English.
It did work for the Last Tweets plugin though, which I now realize had the same problem.
did you clear the browser's cache? Did you try with different browsers?
Sometimes that is the reason

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
Does it also happen with normal GS pages?
Try inserting this somewhere in your template:

PHP Code:
<?php get_page_date('F jS, Y'); ?>

and browse any page to see what language is used for the month of the date.
Cleared the cache, no effect. Different browsers - all the same.

Tried the PHP-code but I can't see the difference, because the word December is the same in Dutch as in English. January is different though :-)
(2012-12-22, 01:17:58)Gerda Wrote: Tried the PHP-code but I can't see the difference, because the word December is the same in Dutch as in English. January is different though :-)


Attached is a zip containing a lorem-ipsum.xml. It's a test page dated 1 May 2012.

- Insert the get_page_date thing again.
- Upload the to your data/pages folder
- Delete file pages.xml in data/other (don't worry, it's an index and will be re-generated)
- View the Lorem Ipsum page

Mei or May?
Do not see an attachment ?

Tried that with a new page and then changing the pubDate in the xml-file on the server: it's still May
Don't know what happened with the attachment...

Anyway... please insert:

PHP Code:
<?php get_page_date('F jS, Y'); ?>

somewhere in your template (or in a component) and view the page again to see what the page date is displayed like.

I want to know if it also happens with GS or if it's an issue with News Manager.

[edit] Oh I hadn't realized you had already done it...
Quote:May 5th, 2012
in English. So something has to be changed in the server.

But I'm not sure... Maybe something with setlocale as Connie suggested...
I will put the question to my web provider as well.
You could try something like this in gsconfig

PHP Code:
it's still May

can you ask your hoster's support? Maybe they have some strange language configuration or a suggestion for you

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
Hoster copied my own local php.ini file to the site, still no effect.
New version of the plugin 2.3.0 installed - no effect.
Of course. We had already found (using get_page_date) that it's not a problem with the plugin.
You could try to find out what locales you have available (ask your hoster if you cannot check). Then we could know what to insert in gsconfig.
Could be a different operating system , has different locales.
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- Shawn A aka Tablatronix

Forget my previous post...
Please try this: instead of gsconfig, edit news_manager/inc/functions.php, find this in line 85:

PHP Code:

Change it to:

PHP Code:

Let's see if this fixes NM.

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