Custom Menu - polish

Downloads: 1016
Category: Plugin Language
Compatible with: GetSimple 3.2.3 - 3.3

Last Updated: February 1, 2020
Tags: custom menu polish polski pl t?umaczenie translation polish translation menu polish menu polskie menu
Author: Everyone
Author Website:
Support: Support Forum

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Plugin Language Description:

Polish translation for Angryboy's Custom Menu plugin.

Polskie t?umaczenie wtyczki Custom Menu autorstwa Angryboy'a.

Install Instructions:

Copy the pl_PL.php file to {GetSimple}/plugins/custom_menu/lang

Przekopiuj plik pl_PL.php do {GetSimple}/plugins/custom_menu/lang

Archived Versions:

These are old versions of this file. Please use with caution as they are probably out of date and no longer supported. ShowHide