Dominion Blog/News

Downloads: 5276
Category: Plugin
Compatible with: GetSimple 2.03 -

Last Updated: October 19, 2011
Tags: blog news
Author: dominionit
Author Website:
Support: Support Forum

(2.7) 38 Votes

Plugin Description:

Allows you to create multiple blogs and news groups with items under them with images etc. News items will replace any active page if you click on news item in sidebar but blogs need a page to be setup for them with a tag (% blog:blogid %) where the blogid will be the name of your group.


PS : View forum for more info if required and latest beta files

New version : 0.5 28 Ocotober 2010

Added : Pagination for Blogs and News items on show all list (for both currently fixed to 6 in list)

Added : News Items to show on specific page or current page, can be configured via the Settings tab.

Here is the latest file version : 0.5a

Fixes : Pagination problem with blogs

Added : Config to on first blog click to first show summary of blogs or directly paginated blog page

Added : Language entry $dominionbloggeneral['SETTINGSSHOWBLOG_SUMMARY'] = 'Show blog summary page';

Install Instructions:

unzip in plugins folder. To configure go to Admin -> Pages -> Dominion Blog Instructions are on config screen, remember to enable plugin at the top. To have news list use the php code provided by the plugin in config screen.