Grid Me (content grid manager)
Plugin Description:
This plugin add grid options for your content:) This is still early version, but you can now use this for your project.
1.4 I changed the addition of the grid from the bottom of the body to the place where the text cursor is.
1.3 Change internal photo to external link from (small size plugin)
1.2 added new options " grid with images". better code on script.js
show grid remove, is show on default. better code,added to CKEDITOR directly.
2.add grid = choose your own grid , you can use more than one:) close window and edit.
Install Instructions:
Just install and turn on
How is works?
Install plugin turn on plugin go to your page edit content at sidebar you see new 'add grid'
Plugin is doesn't work if your theme use editor.css
Archived Versions:
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