Image Resizer

Downloads: 5503
Category: Plugin
Compatible with: GetSimple 3.2.3 - 3.3

Last Updated: September 19, 2017
Tags: image resizer resizer responsive image
Author: mganko
Author Website:
Support: Support Forum

(4) 9 Votes

Plugin Description:

This plugins let's you dynamically generate resized images from your uploads folder. It supports resizing by width, height, to fit in dimensions and fill in dimensions. It allows you to define allowed resolutions and quality of the generated images.It also automatically caches, resized images.

How to use:

  • go into GS admin panel and select "Configure Image Resizer" from right sidebar
  • enter resolutions that you want to use to resize image by height width, crop to fit or fill, separate them with commas
  • in your template use image_resizer_src($mode, $resolution, $img) function to generate url for image
  • Function parameters:
    • mode - allowed values are "height", "width", "fill" and "fit" it indicates how to resize image
    • resolution - one of definied values from configuration
    • img- path to image from GS data/uploads folder, allowed formats are:
      /data/uploads/img.jpg (root relative)

If you want you can call resizing script directly, for example:

Some tips:

- to enable debugging mode, enable debug mode in GS by setting GSDEBUG to true in gsconfig.php file, all resizing script errors will be generated as images with some debug details
- when requested resolution is not on allowed list, it will return error if debug mode is on, or 404 page when debug mode is off
- if you requested resolution bigger than source image is it will return original image

Translated into languages:

  • English
  • Polish

Version history:

  • 1.05 - support for if modified since header
  • 1.04 - multiple rows inputs in configuration, this version will not load correctly older version settings
  • 1.03 - ImageMagick support, many code optimizations
  • 1.02 - new modes: fit and fill image + some security bug fixes
  • 1.01 - bug fixes, and directory changes. You have to reenter your settings after upgrading from older version
  • 1.00 - initial upload



Install Instructions:

  • Unpack zip archive to your plugins folder
  • Enable the plugin in GS Admin

Archived Versions:

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