Massive Admin Theme

Downloads: 5217
Category: Plugin
Compatible with: GetSimple 3.3 - 3.3

Last Updated: January 29, 2024
Tags: admin theme theme
Author: multicolor
Author Website:
Support: Support Forum

(4.7) 19 Votes

Plugin Description:

It has long ceased to be a plug-in that changes the appearance of your favorite CMS system. This is one plugin with a lot of tools, which I worked on for a long time, each new version added new possibilities and a lot of tests performed by RisingIsland, for which I am very grateful.

What's new on 5.0?

  • all unicons icons have been replaced with their svg equivalents.
  • The changing photo from picsum has been replaced with a gradient in the default theme.
  • Google fonts has been replaced with system-ui to be GPDR compliant
  • Improved css themes for the panel to comply with new changes.

However, this is nothing compared to the new tools

  • Make backup creator by specific folders. So you don't have to create a copy of the entire website if you only need the plugins or uploads folder
  • Template build engine options for you and your clients. Just create a settings.json file based on the examples and in 5 minutes the options will be available in the administrator panel. From wywywig, to file, photo, etc.
  • And speaking of creating files. Now in the Theme editor you can create additional files without using FTP. Check how simple it is!


version 4.2

Fixed default option (now default admin theme is Massive, you can ofc change this) Added Edit Theme new option for making new file without ftp

Version 4.0

1.Added frontend option and theme system for Toper Navigator option. (you can create own and put on folder with this plugin) 2.Added Massive Admin Theme system - added 4 prebuild (you can create own and put on folder with this plugin) 3.Fixes some bug. 4. Changed codemirror theme.

Version 3.2

  1. Added update for plugin downloader, now if you got some plugin, when you download this will replace newer from repo.
  2. Added unistaller plugins on plugins tab

Version 3.1

  1. Fixed CodeMirror on Theme Edit.
  2. Added RU lang (Thanks Oleg for Help)

Version 3.0

  1. snippet options (something like components, but with ckeditor)
  2. migrate settings and force ssl (settings tab)
  3. GSConfig editor (settings Tab)
  4. Login Settings hide/show "forget password?" & "show password " button (settings tab)
  5. codemirror default on components
  6. better code and fixed some bug
  7. moved custom logo to data/footerLogo/
  8. Mtoper ( frontend bar) new hover effect shows name of options.
  9. Plugin downloader direct to CMS based on Plugins GS CE Repo.

Special thanks for Islander!

Version 2.5:)

Now you can create user/ login with e-mail adress.

Version 2.4:)

fixed hide/show bootstrap toolbar - better maintence mode (remove body and replace to maintence mode), added styled icon to undefined file (soon many icon to many format and version 3.0).

Version 2.3 :)

fixed error with edit files toolbar on files tab, and alert when someone want create name similar to admin name

Version 2.2 :)

added support with carousel Creator.

Version 2.1 :)

I fixed some bugs with operation, added icons choice without having to download from unicons site

version 2.0 released!

what's new? 1. plug-in search engine added 2. manager of hiding sections for other users 3. user manager 4. white label options 5. change of footer name, 6. custom logo in login, 7. custom style in footer and header, 8. custom panel colors 9. better bootstrap & maintenance mode settings 10. user help configuration 11. custom link manager (you can add your links to navtab)

Special thanks to Islander for help with translation and troubleshooting.

screenshot screenshot screenshot screenshot screenshot

//1.71 - fixed work CKEDITOR on subfolder in maitentance mode, fix lang files (by Islander THX!)

//1.7 CKEDITOR added to Maintence Mode, copy, replace, download options added button to files tab. (code cleaned and suggestion by islander THX!)

Join to my discord and work with my plugin together:

//1.6 Grid Bootstrap 4 on ckeditor and theme (optional, you can turn just grid on ckeditor without css on front or with this), svg and webp support thumbnails on files tab. BS3,BULMA SOON. i18n support now, you can translate this and send me, i add this to next version.

screenshot screenshot screenshot screenshot screenshot screenshot

Time to massive Admin Theme!

This theme include function:

1.Maintenance mode option :) 2.shortcuts pages on frontend when you logged like lightbar plugin and sa admin panel . 3.New modern design 4.Responsive design (mobile friendly) 5.file uploader shortcut on page edit section :) 6.subpage show/hide 7.grid image and plugin design table. 8. url show on Page Management

//1.1 fixed some error

//1.2 now upload on root uploads folder without window popup ,and work with subfolder on url.

//1.3 fixed width theme editor, fixed link to edit components from pages section

//1.4 fixed few bugs like bad responsive, improved few line css and javascript

//1.5 dropzone.js included, many files extension support, and upload without refresh edited page. All new files is on uploads-folder created by massive admin plugin

//1.51 back to normal upload folder

Install Instructions:

Just install and turn on (all settings on Settings). Don't use with my previous plugin like light admin and light bar.

Archived Versions:

These are old versions of this file. Please use with caution as they are probably out of date and no longer supported. ShowHide