GetSimple Extend Repository

7 results found for "foundation"

Base2013 Responsive Theme 0.1 (Theme)

Base2013 is a minimalist & responsive theme from csstemplateheaven
Tagged: grey responsive foundation

Responsive Simple 0.1 (Theme)

This theme is still in beta. The theme is based on foundation framework for a responsive and fluid layout....
Tagged: responsive simple simplistic clean blog fluid foundation zurb

FoundationNation Responsive Theme 0.5 (Theme)

FoundationNation ================== ## Responsive Theme for GetSimple ## * * * ![FoundationNation...
Tagged: FoundationNation Zurb Foundation Responsive Theme Plugin PHP jQuery HTML5 CSS3 WebDev Photo LevyImage Slider

i18n Announce 0.1 (Plugin)

Description ---- The i18n_announce plugin allows you to display short messages are shown for a specific...
Tagged: announce i18n

Foundation5 with SASS support 1.2 (Theme)

This is a clean responsive theme, based on Foundation 5.4.7 framework. It support scss stylesheets. All...
Tagged: Framework HTML5 Responsive SASS COMPASS

Moon Top 1 (Theme)

This is full responsive theme that uses Zurb Foundation.
Tagged: theme responsive blue foundation

foundation6.0 1.0 (Theme) You can see the...
Tagged: cssframefork responsive foundation html5 css3