GetSimple Extend Repository

5 results found for "neat"

GetSimpleThemes PixelStudio 1 (Theme)

PixelStudio is a neat, single-page template, suitable for creative professionals and businesses. It’s...
Tagged: getsimplethemes theme single page theme one page theme

Saturn 1.0 (Theme)

Saturn is a simple, one-column theme for GetSimple. The combination of white and orange colours makes this...
Tagged: saturn theme responsive white orange one column rwd template

GS Dimension 1.0 (Theme)

My demo is here <> Another html5up template made ready for...
Tagged: html5up onepage responsive

Simple.css 1.0 (Theme)

Getsimple CMS meets Let's see the sample...
Tagged: simple easy to use responsive cool neat

Simple_Studio_1.0 1.0 (Theme) Please see the sample site above.
Tagged: simple responsive neat cool