GetSimple Extend Repository

5 results found for "unsplash"

Iridium 1.0 (Theme)

An awesome general purpose template with modern styling, a monochromatic color scheme, extra page layouts,...
Tagged: Theme clean responsive

GS Aries 1.1 (Theme)

The demo of the GetSimple theme is here: <> The original free html...
Tagged: mobile bootstrap responsive gallery

Light Admin Theme 1.8 (Plugin)

New theme :) Now you can turn on new theme on your admin panel. What i add? responsive menu responsive...
Tagged: admin theme responsive theme

Grid Me (content grid manager) 1.4 (Plugin)

This plugin add grid options for your content:) This is still early version, but you can now use this for...
Tagged: grid ckeditor plugin content

PhotoGrabber 1.2 (Plugin)

with this plugin you don't have to look for photos for your website anymore! This is PhotoGrabber - a...
Tagged: photos stock photos database photos photo grabber unsplash