Clear Sky

Downloads: 698
Category: Theme
Compatible with: GetSimple 3.2 - 3.2

Last Updated: July 11, 2013
Tags: ABIwizard clearsky table-less tableless light simple clean
Author: Unapzeus
Author Website:
Support: Support Forum

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Theme Description:

Clear Sky is ABIwizard Theme Package. This theme are required ABIwizard plugin in order to run this theme. Download ABIwizard if you don't have it.

  • 100% Pure CSS Design
  • Compressed CSS
  • Cross Browser Ready
  • 100% ABIwizard Support
  • Easy Customization
  • 2 Type of Sidebar
  • Full Width Support
  • Shortcode Ready
  • IE Detector
DEMO: ClearSky Theme

Install Instructions:

  1. Upload and extract to your /theme folder in website
  2. Navigate your theme to ClearSky to activate this theme
  3. Customize the theme from ABIwizard Plugin