From version 5.x of cumbe_contact.
From version 5.4 upload to extend: http://get-simple.info/extend/plugin/contact-form/264/
Last Version: 6.1 28-11-2015
Instructions in extend.
Unzip the file in folder Plugin.
Activate the plugin in admin > plugins.
The contact form must be called so:
- In content of a page with a short code:
(% cbcontact user or email,false,user or email,user or email %)
- in template with a php funtion :
< ?php cbcontact_page('nameofuser',true,'user or email', 'user or email'); ? >
without spaces between < and ?
- 1r: user of admim
- 2rd parameter: return a echo of form or return a string of form
* by default is false. if the form is called from of content of a page it is possible leaves in blank like ''.
* If the form is called from a template then it is necessary writes a true.
-3,4,5... parameters: here are called to users of admin or emails where you want to received email of contact form. You can put as many as you want.
From v6 there is a setting file in /cbcontact (cbcontact_cfg.php) with 4 mains variables that uses the Contact form.
1) $cbfcaptcha, Boolean,
* true = Use Captcha,
* false = Don’t use Captcha,
2) $cbfsendphpmail, Boolean,
* true = send mail with PHPMailer class,
* false = with the php fn mail()
3) $cbfdisplay_jsalert, Boolean; after a send
* true = display an alert box with a message that will be a success or error message.
* false = display a message (success or error) before of contact form.
4) $cbfnotification, Boolean;
* true = display in contact form a check box if you want to receive a notification email
* false = Don't display check box in contact form
From v5.5: is possible send message from class phpmailer. On some servers php's mail function is disabled for security reasons, in these cases is possible send mail using class phpmailer. To see instructions in extend.
As the latest version of Getsimple 2.02 does not support for contact form. I have wanted to collect all the php code that was in previous versions and make a plugin, because I liked how it works before.
To use, simply download and extract the file to your plugins folder. After, in a template to put the following code: <?php set_contact_page(); ?>
It isn't necessary from version 2:
To use, simply download and extract the file to your plugins folder. After, in a template to put the following code:
The names in the plugin is in spanish. I think it is easy to translate, but if someone has a problem that comment.
Within the Plugin Managaments, show a button below of Installed Plugins, that says 'Ver Mensajes recibidos' or 'View contactform.log'.
The messages are saved in contactform.log in data\other\logs.
Sorry for my english.
PD: Version 2: http://get-simple.info/forum/viewtopic.p...6209#p6209
Version 3: http://get-simple.info/forum/viewtopic.p...6544#p6544
Version 4: http://get-simple.info/forum/viewtopic.p...6779#p6779
For Getsimple 3.0 or later.
Version 5: http://get-simple.info/forum/post/12073/#p12073
Version 5.3:http://get-simple.info/forum/post/12330/#p12330
Version 5.4:http://get-simple.info/extend/plugin/contact-form/264/
From version 5.x of cumbe_contact.
From version 5.4 upload to extend: http://get-simple.info/extend/plugin/contact-form/264/
Last Version: 6.1 28-11-2015
Instructions in extend.
Unzip the file in folder Plugin.
Activate the plugin in admin > plugins.
The contact form must be called so:
- In content of a page with a short code:
(% cbcontact user or email,false,user or email,user or email %)
- in template with a php funtion :
< ?php cbcontact_page('nameofuser',true,'user or email', 'user or email'); ? >
without spaces between < and ?
- 1r: user of admim
- 2rd parameter: return a echo of form or return a string of form
* by default is false. if the form is called from of content of a page it is possible leaves in blank like ''.
* If the form is called from a template then it is necessary writes a true.
-3,4,5... parameters: here are called to users of admin or emails where you want to received email of contact form. You can put as many as you want.
From v6 there is a setting file in /cbcontact (cbcontact_cfg.php) with 4 mains variables that uses the Contact form.
1) $cbfcaptcha, Boolean,
* true = Use Captcha,
* false = Don’t use Captcha,
2) $cbfsendphpmail, Boolean,
* true = send mail with PHPMailer class,
* false = with the php fn mail()
3) $cbfdisplay_jsalert, Boolean; after a send
* true = display an alert box with a message that will be a success or error message.
* false = display a message (success or error) before of contact form.
4) $cbfnotification, Boolean;
* true = display in contact form a check box if you want to receive a notification email
* false = Don't display check box in contact form
From v5.5: is possible send message from class phpmailer. On some servers php's mail function is disabled for security reasons, in these cases is possible send mail using class phpmailer. To see instructions in extend.
As the latest version of Getsimple 2.02 does not support for contact form. I have wanted to collect all the php code that was in previous versions and make a plugin, because I liked how it works before.
To use, simply download and extract the file to your plugins folder. After, in a template to put the following code: <?php set_contact_page(); ?>
It isn't necessary from version 2:
To use, simply download and extract the file to your plugins folder. After, in a template to put the following code:
<form action="index.php?id=<?php get_page_slug(); ?>" method="post" class="contactform" >
<?php set_contact_page(); ?>
<p style="margin-bottom: 6px;"><label>Nombre:</label><input type="text" class="text" name="contact[nombre]" /></p>
<p style="margin-bottom: 6px;"><label>Email:</label><input type="text" class="text" name="contact[email]" /></p>
<p style="margin-bottom: 6px;"><label>Tema:</label><input type="text" class="text" name="contact[tema]" /></p>
<p style="margin-bottom: 6px;"><label>Mensaje:</label><br /><textarea class="text" name="contact[Mensaje]" rows="7" cols="100"></textarea></p>
<div class="pot" ><input class="text" type="text" value="" name="contact[pot]" /></div>
<p><input type="submit" class="submit" value="Enviar Mensaje" id="contact-submit" name="contact-submit" /></p>
Within the Plugin Managaments, show a button below of Installed Plugins, that says 'Ver Mensajes recibidos' or 'View contactform.log'.
The messages are saved in contactform.log in data\other\logs.
Sorry for my english.
PD: Version 2: http://get-simple.info/forum/viewtopic.p...6209#p6209
Version 3: http://get-simple.info/forum/viewtopic.p...6544#p6544
Version 4: http://get-simple.info/forum/viewtopic.p...6779#p6779
For Getsimple 3.0 or later.
Version 5: http://get-simple.info/forum/post/12073/#p12073
Version 5.3:http://get-simple.info/forum/post/12330/#p12330
Version 5.4:http://get-simple.info/extend/plugin/contact-form/264/