Hello, in my case I solved the blank page on install the following way: (v 3.0)
1) Activate DEBUG to display PHP errors: edit the file admin/install.php file and add the following line before 'setup inclusions':
define('GSDEBUG', true);
The 'display_errors' for the site will be enforced to Off if you don't put that line.
2) Try again going to the getsimple page for setup. In my case I got this (indicating simplexml was not installed)
Fatal error: Call to undefined function dom_import_simplexml() in /home/...../gs/admin/inc/basic.php on line 162
3) For my CentOS Linux box, I just looked for simplexml module for PHP using the command:
# yum search xml | grep php
And installed using:
# yum install php-xml
4) Restarted httpd:
service httpd restart
5) Install/setup now worked, but don't forget to delete the DEBUG line we put on step 1 (so you don't get notices and warnings messages)
Hope it helps someone... I think developers should enforce displaying fatal errors at least on setup.. so people don't get confused.