2010-11-02, 07:31:11
I created an issue to attach a patch that tries to address the problem of accelerator keys missing in translations, as I explained here http://get-simple.info/forum/topic/1146/...slations/.
I took the simple path of creating a function that receives the string, finds the letter between the <em> tags using a regex expression and returns that letter in lowercase.
The issue is http://code.google.com/p/get-simple-cms/...tail?id=83 and has the patch file attached.
I took the simple path of creating a function that receives the string, finds the letter between the <em> tags using a regex expression and returns that letter in lowercase.
The issue is http://code.google.com/p/get-simple-cms/...tail?id=83 and has the patch file attached.
Rejoice! For very bad things are about to happen.