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I18N Gallery
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
What's the best way to check if a gallery exists?
Modern UI Admin for GetSimple
Watch the demo. Install this plugin. Use this CSS. Enjoy.
I have problems with GSbigbusiness theme and custom theme using plugin I18N - drop down menu.
JS conflict?
If I disable jquery in the gallery settings, the lightbox effect (prettyphoto, facebox) stops working even if I have jquery in my template code. I need to disable it as it is conflicting with my random text rotator script. How do I make the lightbox effect in the gallery work with the same external jquery used in my text rotator script?
It says:
"The requested content cannot be loaded.
Please try again later."

What can I do?
Thanks! Smile
Thumbs Up 
(2013-04-15, 00:34:25)MarcinN Wrote:
(2013-04-13, 23:35:05)sbollaerts Wrote: Hello,

I discovered that when the plugin "Google maps" is activated, clicking on a picture does not work correctly anymore: seems that the jscript is not executed.

I'm newbie and I cannot figure out how to bypass the problem.
I tried to reorder the loading of plugins (with Plugin reorder) but it did not help.

Any idea would be appreciated.
in file googlemap.php find and replace:

if($maps > 0){
if($maps > 0 && $GETIMGSIZEJS != ""){

find :
if (strpos($contcomp, 'gmap_') === false ){ $contcomp = false; };

if (strpos($contcomp, 'gmap_') == false ){ $contcomp = false; };

find :
if (strpos($data_index->content, '(%googlemap') === false AND $contcomp === false){ return false; };

if (strpos($data_index->content, '(%googlemap') == false AND $contcomp == false){ return false; };

Thanks a lot MarcinN! After having messed around half night with this I also find out that this last upgrade from Google Map was the culprit. Also note that the box 'Do not include jQuery' in the Gallery Settings must NOT be ticked, at least that did the trick for me.

Actually I think this post should appear somewhere on the Google Map plugin page or simply this bug should be fixed by the author... Undecided

Anyway I'm happy I could find a solution!! Big Grin
I've just installed a fresh getsimplecms (3.2.3) and the latest version of the I18N Gallery plugin (2.0).
I have no other plugins installed besides the default Innovation Plugin and Send Anonymous Data Plugin.

My problems are:

1) When I create a new gallery it won't get saved.
2) I get an 403 error when I try to add images to a gallery.

I've followed the instructions of the "problem solving" section earlier in this thread.

BUT this I could not do this:

Quote:If you encounter problems when creating and saving or deleting galleries in the back end,
check if the file plugins/i18n_gallery/loadtab.php was copied to admin - correct it manually if necessary
check if a directory data/i18n_gallery exists and is read- and writeable - correct it manually if necessary
check if a directory backups/i18n_gallery exists and is read- and writeable - correct it manually if necessary

In my download of the I18N gallery plugin (2.0) there is no such file:


The other directions I was able to accomplish.

When trying to upload some photos i get this error via the firebug console:

Quote:NetworkError: 403 Forbidden - …plugins/i18n_gallery/browser/imagebrowser.php?func=addImage&w=160&h=120

Many thanks in advance for some enlightment! Shy

(2013-08-17, 21:16:49)andyash Wrote: If I disable jquery in the gallery settings, the lightbox effect (prettyphoto, facebox) stops working even if I have jquery in my template code. I need to disable it as it is conflicting with my random text rotator script. How do I make the lightbox effect in the gallery work with the same external jquery used in my text rotator script?

I had a similar problem. My solution is here:
    <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php get_theme_url(); ?>/js/jquery.min.js"></script>
    <?php get_i18n_header(); ?>
    <meta content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" http-equiv="content-type">
    <meta name="robots" content="index, follow">
    <meta name="Generator" content="GetSimple">
    <meta name="Keywords" content="GetSimple">
    <meta name="Description" content="GetSimple">
    <meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache">
    <meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache">
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php get_theme_url(); ?>/style.css" media="all">
    <link rel="shortcut icon" href="<?php get_theme_url(); ?>/favicon.ico">
        <?php get_page_clean_title(); ?> :: <?php get_site_name(); ?>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php get_theme_url(); ?>/js/jquery.cycle.all.latest.js"></script>

and works without additional settings.

(2012-12-20, 22:04:02)vasitellapahki Wrote: Once again: thanks for this plugin!

As responsive themes are popular now, maybe add some responsive jquery slider to plugin gallery type (Flexslider or something like that)?

I will try to add this one:
Hopefully I'll get it done using these instructions from
Can it be done or am I wasting time?
I'll let you know if I succeed.

Because I noticed that Malsup Cycle has been updated to Cycle2.
Update Cycle2 also to i18n Gallery, please?
Or some other responsive slider...
Search that last year there was no way how to sort images by tha date. Is it now possible? Or do you plan on to add this? Thank you

Found another Bug?!

Can't add images anymore in a gallery:
* GS 3.2.1, now 3.2.3
* I18N Gallery Ver 2

Tested with Firefox and IE (both in the current version)

I have a gallery with 161 images, everything is fine.
But if I want to add an addtional image I can open the "add image" window in the gallery overview and add an image. It appears in the list, I tag it and as I push the 'save' button it disappears from the list -> maybe saved to NUL Wink

At the moment I work with a new, second gallery, wich works as expexted with the same image(s). I can add them flawlessly.

Is a fix possible?!


is there a way to stop autocreating "Gallery" page ? this plugin does it every time i go into its settings
Hello, I'm having an issue where some thumbnails aren't displaying in the admin on the Edit Gallery page. It's weird because it's not the same images that are broken every time the page loads... I've checked the thumbnails folder on the server and the files exist.

After trying everything I could think of, I set up a fresh install (3.2.3) with the default theme and only this plugin installed - I'm having the same results.

Here's what I'm seeing... Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

[Image: broken-thumbnails.jpg]
(2013-09-23, 07:23:21)bensayers Wrote: Hello, I'm having an issue where some thumbnails aren't displaying in the admin on the Edit Gallery page. It's weird because it's not the same images that are broken every time the page loads... I've checked the thumbnails folder on the server and the files exist.

After trying everything I could think of, I set up a fresh install (3.2.3) with the default theme and only this plugin installed - I'm having the same results.

Here's what I'm seeing... Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

Probably nothing.
Each thumbnail is checked/created on the fly with an PHP request. Probably your server limits the number of requests per second (and maybe IP address).

Try replacing plugins/i18n_gallery/edit.php with the attached file. Does it solve the problem? After multiple refreshs all thumbnails should be generated and displayed.

Attached Files
.php   edit.php (Size: 19.84 KB / Downloads: 9)
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
(2011-05-23, 20:41:46)mvlcek Wrote: Try replacing plugins/i18n_gallery/edit.php with the attached file. Does it solve the problem? After multiple refreshs all thumbnails should be generated and displayed.

I just replaced that file and it did the trick! Thanks, mvlcek - you're a jedi master! Wish I would have asked sooner =)
Hi there,

I noticed it is possible to use html code in the description field of a gallery. This is especially handy when using the Cycle slider.

Would it be possible to have this field accept line breaks and paragraphs and such without having to resort to html code?

This way the end-user can more easily create a nice looking descriptions next to the photo (as people don't really understand the use of the html formatting).

Secondly, is there and option or can it be added, to have the cycle slider not slide after a set amount of ms?

On the project I am currently working on the slider will be used to present sculptures online and visitors need to have the time to take in all the finesses of the sculpture and the work that the artist put into it before moving on to the next one.

Right now I have filled in a really large amount of ms (60000) but preferably user interaction should be needed (as in clicking the arrow or the navigation dots) to move to the next slide as opposed to automatically.

Thanks in advance for your help in any case.

I cannot add any photo in i18n gallery (current version)
When I click on a photo the java script console says:
"Error: Permission denied to access property 'addImage'"
in (inLine 144)

What to do?

I just see: In Chrome it's working, but not in Firefox (V23.0 for Ubuntu)
Escuse this edited post (problem solved)
Just updated to 3.2.3 and now I'm getting these errors when I try to add pictures to the gallery:

Warning: include(../../../gsconfig.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/dan28884/public_html/demo/plugins/i18n_gallery/browser/imagebrowser.php on line 116

Warning: include(../../../gsconfig.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/dan28884/public_html/demo/plugins/i18n_gallery/browser/imagebrowser.php on line 116

Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening '../../../gsconfig.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/dan28884/public_html/demo/plugins/i18n_gallery/browser/imagebrowser.php on line 116

Does anyone speak php? Cause I don't... ;-)
(2011-05-23, 20:41:46)mvlcek Wrote: Try replacing plugins/i18n_gallery/edit.php with the attached file. Does it solve the problem? After multiple refreshs all thumbnails should be generated and displayed.

Hi Mvlcek, the issue is back all of a sudden. Not all of the thumbnails will display at the same time. I can refresh the page in the admin and some of the thumbnails will regenerate but not all. As you can see in the screenshot below, the CSS doesn't load all of the time either. Any more tricks up your sleeve, sir? Idea

[Image: jut-thumbs.jpg]
(2013-10-03, 02:25:52)bensayers Wrote:
(2011-05-23, 20:41:46)mvlcek Wrote: Try replacing plugins/i18n_gallery/edit.php with the attached file. Does it solve the problem? After multiple refreshs all thumbnails should be generated and displayed.

Hi Mvlcek, the issue is back all of a sudden. Not all of the thumbnails will display at the same time. I can refresh the page in the admin and some of the thumbnails will regenerate but not all. As you can see in the screenshot below, the CSS doesn't load all of the time either.

The fix was for the edit page only, but not yet for the browse window. I'll try to fix this soon.
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
(2013-10-03, 02:37:09)mvlcek Wrote: The fix was for the edit page only, but not yet for the browse window. I'll try to fix this soon.

Ah gotcha, will check back for your fix. Much appreciated!
There is a problem with imagebrowser.php when the website is set on and you login on ( withouth www ! ), or vice versa (the other way around).

imagebrowser.php does not pass the cookie_check() on non www domain, and the registered $loggedin var is false and when you try to browse for images , it shows blank ( fails login check ) at line 120:

if (!$loggedin) die();

this should also be replaced with
if (!$loggedin) die("Not logged in!");
like in i18n_customfields filebrowser.php

The thing is that I have spend an hour trying to find where the logedin var is lost, only to realize that I was logedin on non www . There is a great chance that the website owner, a client, do the same thing.

One workaround is to redirect non www to www in htaccess, but that is not allways an option.
Is there an option to generate an overview page?
I have several galleries each linked from an extra created menu-subpage. I would like to have an autogenarated overview page which displays one picture (chosen, or simply the first) and the name of each gallery as a list of thumbnails. Like nanogallery - - does. And each overview-thumbnail links to the individual gallery on click.
Is there already such a functionality or is it simple to implement?
Many thanks for your clues!
(2013-10-07, 20:11:32)tazmandev Wrote: There is a problem with imagebrowser.php when the website is set on and you login on ( withouth www ! ), or vice versa (the other way around).


The thing is that I have spend an hour trying to find where the logedin var is lost, only to realize that I was logedin on non www . There is a great chance that the website owner, a client, do the same thing.

That's how cookies work.
Alternatively you could have spent 5 minutes reading the problem solving section in the first post ;-)

I can try to use a relative link in the next version.
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.

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