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Custom Fields (and I18N)
mvlcek Wrote:Did you enter the link as Default in the Custom Fields configuration?

You should use a custom field with name = link, label = Link (or something else), type = link and default empty.
Then on your empty blog page, enter the link (e.g. into the field.
The field will be empty in newly created pages.
This works. Thanks.

Any way to have the link open in a blank page?
andyash Wrote:Any way to have the link open in a blank page?

The plugin Auto-open Page Options opens the page options whenever you edit a page.
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
I have two custom fields (text) defined in the plugin's options (v1.7). Opening a page shows the two entries side by side which pushes the second custom field outside the main admin column. See attached pic.

I don't have any admin css changes here or anything, but wonder if I'm the only one experiencing this?
polyfragmented Wrote:I have two custom fields (text) defined in the plugin's options (v1.7). Opening a page shows the two entries side by side which pushes the second custom field outside the main admin column. See attached pic.

I don't have any admin css changes here or anything, but wonder if I'm the only one experiencing this?

I see this, too. Seems to be a problem with the link/image fields. Having the link/image field last works fine.
I'll look into it.
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
I have GS3.0 and new I18 Gallery and I18 Custom Fields.
They works very good.
I have boxinfo (from Custom Fields) in sidebar.

I want "mini gallery" in sidebar
(% gallery name=test %)
It din't works. I see only above code

I can see gallery in sidebar ONLY after instert gallery code in sidebar AND IN PAGE .
cyklades Wrote:I have GS3.0 and new I18 Gallery and I18 Custom Fields.
They works very good.
I have boxinfo (from Custom Fields) in sidebar.

I want "mini gallery" in sidebar
(% gallery name=test %)
It din't works. I see only above code

I can see gallery in sidebar ONLY after instert gallery code in sidebar AND IN PAGE .

The best way - if the gallery is always the same in the sidebar - would be to use
<?php get_i18n_gallery_header('my_gallery_name'); ?>
<?php get_i18n_gallery('my_gallery_name'); ?>
directly in the template.

The current version of I18N Gallery does not support galleries in a custom field.
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
mvlcek - Thank you. It works!
I have recently installed the Custom Fields plugin and created two fields: a WYSIWYG and an Image field. The WYSIWYG field works fine, but when I click the Browse button on the Image field I get an Error 500 in the popup window.
Any ideas on how to fix this? Thanks.

Running GS 3.0 with Multi-User, I18N, and I18N Custom Fields plugins.
Cerulean Wrote:I have recently installed the Custom Fields plugin and created two fields: a WYSIWYG and an Image field. The WYSIWYG field works fine, but when I click the Browse button on the Image field I get an Error 500 in the popup window.
Any ideas on how to fix this? Thanks.

Running GS 3.0 with Multi-User, I18N, and I18N Custom Fields plugins.

Missing .htaccess in plugins/i18n_customfields/browser?
Rule in root .htaccess forbidding access?
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
Thanks for your reply, mvlcek.

.htaccess is present in plugins/i18n_customfields/browser
My .htaccess in the root only has custom error pages defined - I removed the .htaccess to see if that had any effect and now the Browse button brings up a blank popup (without the Error 500 page defined in my .htaccess).
I tried adding a Link custom field and the browse button there also gave me the blank popup.

I tried a clean install of GS 3.0 with just the Custom Fields plugin on a different server and the Browse button still just gives me a blank popup rather than the file browser I expect should appear. The only thing slightly non-standard about these GS installs is that they are installed inside a directory rather than the domain root, but that shouldn't affect anything should it?
Cerulean Wrote:Thanks for your reply, mvlcek.

.htaccess is present in plugins/i18n_customfields/browser
My .htaccess in the root only has custom error pages defined - I removed the .htaccess to see if that had any effect and now the Browse button brings up a blank popup (without the Error 500 page defined in my .htaccess).
I tried adding a Link custom field and the browse button there also gave me the blank popup.

You must have sitewide cookies enabled in gsconfig.php. Do you have it enabled?

Cerulean Wrote:I tried a clean install of GS 3.0 with just the Custom Fields plugin on a different server and the Browse button still just gives me a blank popup rather than the file browser I expect should appear. The only thing slightly non-standard about these GS installs is that they are installed inside a directory rather than the domain root, but that shouldn't affect anything should it?

Hopefully not.
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
Enabling sitewide cookies fixed it - cheers!
Is the pre-requisite of the sitewide cookies setting explained somewhere and I just missed it? 'Cos it's disabled by default.
Cerulean Wrote:Enabling sitewide cookies fixed it - cheers!
Is the pre-requisite of the sitewide cookies setting explained somewhere and I just missed it? 'Cos it's disabled by default.

You missed it - here under installation.
I now added it to the Extend installation description, too.
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
Ah, yes. Brilliant plugin by the way, so many uses.
I've been looking for it for quite some time, but still didn't found where should I add target="_blank" to get external link opened in new window.
Any hint would be appreciated.
Addons: blue business theme, Online Visitors, Notepad
I'd like to use an Image custom field to supply a path to an image resizing script.
For instance, with TimThumb ( a resized image is inserted with:
<img src="timthumb.php?src=path/to/image.jpg&w=200">

I tried
<img src="timthumb.php?src=<?php get_custom_field('myname'); ?>&w=200">
but that didn't work.
I suspect I need to do something like use return_custom_field('myname') to assign the path to a variable and then use the variable with TimThumb? But I don't really know how to do that because sadly my PHP knowledge is poor. Can anyone give me some advice to get this working?
Cerulean Wrote:I tried
<img src="timthumb.php?src=<?php get_custom_field('myname'); ?>&w=200">
but that didn't work.

What didn't work?
What is the generated HTML code (when viewing the page)?
You also need a path to the PHP script.
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
mvlcek Wrote:What is the generated HTML code (when viewing the page)?
The generated code is
<img src="timthumb.php?src=">
So the path to the image is inserted by the Custom Field, but it isn't available for processing when it is needed by the TimThumb script. I'm a PHP novice, but I imagine both scripts are executed at the same time rather than the Custom Field script running first to supply the path to the TimThumb script.
But if the following is pasted into the browser address bar the resized image is created just fine.

mvlcek Wrote:You also need a path to the PHP script.
In this case the TimThumb script is in the root so there is no path needed.
Cerulean Wrote:The generated code is
<img src="timthumb.php?src=">
So the path to the image is inserted by the Custom Field, but it isn't available for processing when it is needed by the TimThumb script. I'm a PHP novice, but I imagine both scripts are executed at the same time rather than the Custom Field script running first to supply the path to the TimThumb script.

No! This is a web site: the execution is like this:
  • the browser request a page
  • a HTML is created on the server (here by calling index.php of GetSimple, which calls the I18N Custom Fields plugin) and sent to the browser
  • the browser parses the HTML, recognizes the image URLs and sends requests for the images to the server
  • the server serves the images (here by calling the timthumb script) and sends them to the browser
  • the browser displays the images

Cerulean Wrote:But if the following is pasted into the browser address bar the resized image is created just fine.

... which tells you that you should probably add the path to the image link.

Cerulean Wrote:
mvlcek Wrote:You also need a path to the PHP script.
In this case the TimThumb script is in the root so there is no path needed.

You don't need the path, if you switch off fancy urls (as the index.php and the timthumb.php are in the same directory). With fancy urls on and no path, if you are on page http://my.server/getsimple2/about/, the browser will request the image at http://my.server/getsimple2/about/timthumb.php?..., which is wrong.
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
I mistakenly thought all relative URLs were relative to the site root and I didn't realise Pretty URLs changed that.
Using the get_site_url tag I can make the URL to the script absolute but still dynamic, so that's great.
All sorted now. Thanks for the help, mvlcek.
Hi all -

am using getsimple 3.0 and the custom fields plugin.

all seams to look and work fine accept that nothing get saved when writing something in the custom fields.

what am doing wrong.

i can configure the plugin - all ok
the custom fields show in page options

but when values are added and page is saved - nothing is in the field anymore.

please advice.
is debug activated in gsconfig.php?

what is the result of support => health check?

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
Connie Wrote:is debug activated in gsconfig.php?

what is the result of support => health check?

dubug mode is activated -> but i dont know what to do and how do i check it.

health check is all ok. -> see attached screenshot
ronatgetsimple Wrote:dubug mode is activated -> but i dont know what to do and how do i check it.

health check is all ok. -> see attached screenshot

here a screenshot from the debug mode:
debug-mode adds error messages at the top of the page which help to identify the problems

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