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I created a theme called SimpleTheme!. Name says it all, a nice, clean & modern looking website wich can be used for projects running on GetSimple! and is really easy to edit to your needs.

[img=SimpleTheme! screenshot][/img]

version 1.1 available on

Pages inlcuded
v1.0 Normal - Basic layout
v1.0 Menu Right - Basic with menu on the right
v1.0 2 columns - Basic with 2 columns at the bottom
v1.1 Features - With featured box at the top of the page
v1.1 Features 2 - With 2 featured boxes at the top of the page
v1.1 Sliding - Based on Features but with Jquery Sliding Div

- Menu on top
- Flickr and Twitter implementation
- Single media pag for photo or video
- Implementation of jquery (lightbox etc...)

Comments & errors about this theme can be posted over here.
GetSimple! CMS themes: SimpleTheme! | French Avenue | iGetSimple
Very nice Eddy. I like it!
- Chris
Thanks for using GetSimple! - Download

Please do not email me directly for help regarding GetSimple. Please post all your questions/problems in the forum!
Thank you, i 'm working on a lot of page layout's for SimpleTheme! latest one is this one with the featured box on top.
and with two boxes

Totally different layouts will come later.
This morning i was trying to make a iPhone theme with iWebkit but with this i have to fix a lot of things. So this one will come...
GetSimple! CMS themes: SimpleTheme! | French Avenue | iGetSimple
Good job! You beat me to posting the theme, looks nice though!
I can't design for shit but I can code the shit out of your design
i can't wait to see everyone's themes!!!
- Chris
Thanks for using GetSimple! - Download

Please do not email me directly for help regarding GetSimple. Please post all your questions/problems in the forum!
Thanx derek, and yeh me too. I'm looking forward to everybody's idea's. Because with this CMS it's really easy.
GetSimple! CMS themes: SimpleTheme! | French Avenue | iGetSimple
New version available! i really like the one with the sliding div:
GetSimple! CMS themes: SimpleTheme! | French Avenue | iGetSimple
all working fine in Chrome BTW...
My Github Repos: Github
Website: DigiMute
n00dles101 Wrote:all working fine in Chrome BTW...
Windows and Mac Versions.
I can't design for shit but I can code the shit out of your design
Thank you guys, and derek are you working on a theme too?
i'm suprised that i'm still the only one here with a theme posted.
GetSimple! CMS themes: SimpleTheme! | French Avenue | iGetSimple
Nice theme!
Maybe I will make some themes and post it
I really like it Eddy.

Once we get a few more listed here, I will create a page on the main site linking to all the themes available.
- Chris
Thanks for using GetSimple! - Download

Please do not email me directly for help regarding GetSimple. Please post all your questions/problems in the forum!
Wow, it resembles a bit my Blank Stare theme which we originally created for WordPress and which we ported to CMS Made Simple, and which you can see here running CMSMS:

So I am wondering if there's any point in porting Blank Stare to GS? The difference between BS and the Simple Theme is that Blank Stare is a one column theme, although I was working on an alternate page template that offers sidebar/feature contents since I went ahead and included one when I ported it to CMSMS.
Pixelita Designs
Visit Serbia's biggest and best internet forum!

Very nice theme.

I would like to know if I can use the getsimple logo you create to make a link to get-simple on my site ?
Ofcourse you can, but remember its not the official logo from Get Simple
GetSimple! CMS themes: SimpleTheme! | French Avenue | iGetSimple
Hi, and Thanks.

Of course i d'on't forget but there are no official logo now.

Maybe yours became official ...
What are you folks talking about !?! This is the logo:

[img=GetSimple Logo][/img]

and it's awesome (and simple) Tongue
Sorry, Sorry,

Very simple like the spirit of this dev.
The Simple Theme is awsome!
I really want to get in on the action of building themes, but I am CSS iliterate, where do I start? I can hand code html, clueless on how to make a theme with CSS.
I think Get Simple rocks! My clients barely know how to work in Word so Joomla just overloads the heck out of them!
Can we use this theme also on version 2.01
very nice...
i'd like to use as default theme for a GS
this is really a clean design and a superb logo too
Pixelita is this theme available for download & ported to GetSimple?

I love this theme very clean looking and easy to navigate

Help a fellow texasan out here Pixelita!


pixelita Wrote:Wow, it resembles a bit my Blank Stare theme which we originally created for WordPress and which we ported to CMS Made Simple, and which you can see here running CMSMS:

So I am wondering if there's any point in porting Blank Stare to GS? The difference between BS and the Simple Theme is that Blank Stare is a one column theme, although I was working on an alternate page template that offers sidebar/feature contents since I went ahead and included one when I ported it to CMSMS.
Hello, did anyone tested this theme with gs 3.0 ?

And, btw, eddyfever super great job.

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