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i18n second language

I am a newbie to
sorry for some reason only the first few words of my post were uploaded, here is a summary of my intended post.

I have just installed "Gest-Simple" and the i18n plug in. I am having problems with page creation and positioning. I cannot toggle or move the pages in the page management tab.

My my page editing / page management tabs look nothing like the screen shots in the following post:

I want a 2 language web site, Polish / English with Polish as the default language. There will be 2 or 3 times as many pages as on the English side, and I want the site to open on a Polish language page.

I have tried a number of templates and none of them show the menu as intended or the number of pages I have listed in the page management tab. I have put the get_i18n_nav and component lines in all the templates I have tried, but it seems to make no difference.

any ideas ??


I hope this post works this time !!
alanek Wrote:I have just installed "Gest-Simple" and the i18n plug in. I am having problems with page creation and positioning. I cannot toggle or move the pages in the page management tab.

I do not understand. The I18N plugin offers two additional admin pages:
  • Pages / View all Pages (I18N), which will provide side by side view of all languages
  • Pages / Edit Navigation Structure, which allows you to order the pages and toggle, if they should show in the menu or not

alanek Wrote:My my page editing / page management tabs look nothing like the screen shots in the following post:

... nothing like ... is a bit unspecific. What is the problem? Maybe upload a screenshot and mark the problem?

alanek Wrote:I want a 2 language web site, Polish / English with Polish as the default language. There will be 2 or 3 times as many pages as on the English side, and I want the site to open on a Polish language page.

Then the polish pages should have urls/slugs without language extension, while the corresponding english pages should have the same url/slug, but with _en appended. Just create a page with url/slug "index_en" and the Pages / View all Pages (I18N) page will show both languages side by side (you should enter and save "pl" as default language on this page)

If the user visiting your site prefers english (in his browser language settings), he will be shown the english version of a page (if it exists).

I hope this helps. See also and
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
That was a quick reply !!!!

I re-installed everything, things were working fine without the i18n plugin.

I installed i18n and it seemed to be ok.

Then I installed two more templates, abacus and emporium. Now the problems seem to be back.

I attach one screen shot, you will see the "by title" and "hierarchical" tabs are not in line, the tabs "hop about" either up or down or side to side.

I seems to be only possible to add one attachment. But when I try to create a new page the drop down box that allows the choice of parent page disappears if I do anything on the page (put some text in the editor) and I cannot get it back to edit.

So you will see on the attached screenshot that I have two extra languages, because I could put the second page under the same (first ) parent page.

I have get-simple set up on my laptop as well as my desktop, so I will try and repeat this on my laptop.

alanek Wrote:I re-installed everything, things were working fine without the i18n plugin.

I installed i18n and it seemed to be ok.

Then I installed two more templates, abacus and emporium. Now the problems seem to be back.

Might be a problem with the template abacus - I didn't find it in Extend?

alanek Wrote:I attach one screen shot, you will see the "by title" and "hierarchical" tabs are not in line, the tabs "hop about" either up or down or side to side.

This would only be a cosmetic problem.

But you seem to have pages with _en suffix and at the same time tell the plugin that the pages without language suffix are en (default language). Now that would definitely cause problems. You should never set the default language to a language code that is used as suffix.
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
hi again

In your first reply, your said that it is not necessary to put the " _language" suffix on the default language, but as the default language of the back end is English, my first attempt ended up with _en everywhere.

I want the backend in English, but on the public side the default language to be Polish. English public side will be much smaller than the Polish public side. Anyway perhaps this is a minor problem.

I will delete Abacus and see what happens. By the way the Abacus theme needs the Zegnåt multi-level navigation plug in:

which I did not have installed.

By the way what is the difference between the "Zegnåt multi-level navigation plugin" and the "i18n plugin" in terms of drop down or multi level nav ?? I want drop downs to at least 3 levels.

alanek Wrote:In your first reply, your said that it is not necessary to put the " _language" suffix on the default language, but as the default language of the back end is English, my first attempt ended up with _en everywhere.

The default language for the I18N plugin is that which you specify on the View all Pages (I18N) page. It can be different from the admin language.

alanek Wrote:I want the backend in English, but on the public side the default language to be Polish. English public side will be much smaller than the Polish public side. Anyway perhaps this is a minor problem.

Thus you need to have polish as default language. All pages must exist at least in the default language.

alanek Wrote:By the way what is the difference between the "Zegnåt multi-level navigation plugin" and the "i18n plugin" in terms of drop down or multi level nav ?? I want drop downs to at least 3 levels.

I didn't try Zegnåt's plugin, but the I18N plugin has at least the following advantages:
  • supports multiple languages (the main reason for the I18N plugin)
  • in the navigation: css classes for parents of current page ("currentpath"), open and closed pages with children ("open" and "closed")
  • in the admin: better selection of parent and position within siblings; page for organizing all pages.
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
again, many thanks for a speedy reply !!

I think I am beginning to see the light. When I deleted the abacus template, things improved - the toggle & hierarchical tabs do not "hop about" now.

I have constructed a basic layout for my site, the _pl side seems ok, but on the _en side I cannot order the pages when I create them. Also still in the "view all pages (i18N)" tab I cannot toggle any of the pages, neither the _pl side nor the _en side

I attach a screenshot of the emporium template, the menu is not what I expected and the second level pages are not shown or do not drop down.

Something else I am not certain about: the following line which is added to the template for the I18N plugin
I have seen somewhere on these pages
why the numbers at the end of the line ??
alanek Wrote:I have constructed a basic layout for my site, the _pl side seems ok, but on the _en side I cannot order the pages when I create them. Also still in the "view all pages (i18N)" tab I cannot toggle any of the pages, neither the _pl side nor the _en side
What do you mean - toggle the status display of the pages? or between sorting by name or hierarchical?

alanek Wrote:I attach a screenshot of the emporium template, the menu is not what I expected and the second level pages are not shown or do not drop down.

No attachment.

alanek Wrote:Something else I am not certain about: the following line which is added to the template for the I18N plugin
I have seen somewhere on these pages
why the numbers at the end of the line ??

It should be get_i18n_navigation and if you want to display more than the top level, you need to use the second version (levels 0 = top to 99 - I don't think you will have more).
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.

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