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Templates for I18N Special Pages
This topic serves to facilitate the exchange of templates for I18N Special Pages (Support topic is here).

If you think you have a useful special pages type definition, please share it by
  • getting it from your /data/other directory - it's named i18n_special_name.xml
  • uploading it here as attachment to a post in which you give us a short description of the type and it's features (don't forget to click "Add file" when attaching the file)

Useful special page types could be anything like types for describing CDs, any products, etc.
The types should not make use of a special template but rather define the appearance in the view and search tabs of the special page type (search is only visible if you have I18N Search installed).

If you want to use one of the templates posted here,
  • download it and copy the file (i18n_special_name.xml) to the /plugins/i18n_specialpages/templates folder,
  • goto Plugins/Configure I18N Special Pages in your GetSimple administration
  • select the template to create a new special page type
  • review it and change it to fit your needs (like specifying the parent page or GetSimple template)

Generally useful templates will be included in future releases of I18N Special Pages.
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
Special Page: Video
Defines special pages with an embedded video at the top of the page. Special pages of this kind are listed like a video gallery (if i18n Search is installed). The page's tags are also displayed at the bottom.

  • Can choose between <embed>, <object>, <video>, <iframe> and <a> as your video tags
  • Can define the size of the video without having to edit the HTML
  • Can show a thumbnail for the video (particularly useful for the gallery)
  • Can define any extra HTML elements of the video format with the More HTML Options field
  • Can style all the new elements/fields with CSS (a basic internal sheet is provided)
How to use
  • Install as said by mvlcek.
  • Go to Plugins -> Configure I18N Special Fields -> Video. Set your parent page and menu placement.
  • Click VIEW. Define any CSS elements you want under HTML/PHP code for the header of the page.
  • (If you have i18n Search installed) Click SEARCH and edit the internal CSS under the HTML/PHP code for the display of a search result to style the video thumbnails.
Special Page: Custom News
Makes a news page with a blog listing of news, with meta (author, date, tags).

Can define featured image, teaser image, teaser text, author name, and custom readmore text.

includes addthis buttons below article;

also included is a sidebar listing for latest news,
Needs to have i18n Search.

instructions are in the zip.

edit:left this out of the instructions on the last version
Create a page called 'News' with Slug of 'news'; and this content:
(% searchresults tags:_special_news numWords:50 max:5 showDate:0 showLanguage:0 HEADER: %)
Special Page: Editorial
Defines special pages meant to emulate an editorial-esque format. A thumbnail for the article may be defined, as well as a banner (displayed at the top of the page content) and links to other related articles.

  • Can define a thumbnail for the article
  • Can define a banner for the article
  • Embeds mvlcek's breadcrumb trail to the article if i18n is installed
  • Shows the publisher, the creation/publication date and the modification date
  • Publisher's name links to their email address (which you define)
  • Related links can be defined, which are shown at the bottom of the page
  • In the search, you can output your own custom summary. If you choose not to, an excerpt (of which you can define the length) will be output

How to use
  • Install as said by mvlcek.
  • Go to Plugins -> Configure I18N Special Fields -> Editorial. Set your parent page and menu placement.
  • Click VIEW. Define any CSS elements you want under HTML/PHP code for the header of the page.
  • (If you have i18n Search installed) Click SEARCH and edit the internal CSS under the HTML/PHP code for the display of a search result to style the video thumbnails.
  • Go to the page which your Editorial special pages will be listed on. Paste the following code and save:
(% searchresults tags=_special_editorial HEADER="All Editorial Content" numWords="1p" %)
  • Define the length of the excerpt using numWords (currently set to one paragraph)
Special Page: Podcast
A page with an MP3 player embeded at the top of the content. Important meta-information can be defined, such as the artist, episode genre and bitrate, and an option exists to display share buttons for social networking.

  • Can choose between Google's MP3 Player, Yahoo's Media Player, Dewplayer, Zanorg Player, or a simple hyperlink.
  • Can define a thumbnail (normally the album cover), note the episode length, artist, genre (you define them); optional social network buttons
  • Automatically adds the podcast to the RSS feed due to the rss tag (if i18n Search is installed)
  • Displays the defined keywords/tags for the podcast
How to use
  • Download the zip file and unzip it to the root directory of your GetSimple installation.
  • Create a page for your podcast to be sorted under, e.g. "Podcasts", and paste the following:
(% searchresults tags=_special_podcast HEADER="All Episodes" %)
  • Go to Plugins/Configure I18N Special Pages in your GetSimple administration
  • Select the Podcast template to create the special page type
  • Under GENERAL For Custom URL (Slug), change 'podcast-name' to the name of your podcast and set the Parent and Menu placement
  • Under FIELDS, change the dropdown list of the genres to have all of the possible genres relevant to your podcast episodes
  • Under VIEW, change any CSS that you need. In particular, edit the hexadecimal coding for the MP3 players to fit the colour of the player to your site (option doesn't exist for Dewplayer or Yahoo)
  • Also change 'your-search-page' to the slug of your search page (under VIEW and SEARCH)

Save and you should be ready to start publishing your podcast content.
That's weird, but why I can't see any attachment here?

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