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GetSimple 3.1 RC #1
This is the first release candidate for GetSimple 3.1 -

Please test your plugins and update your language files based on this copy.

We are finished adding features to the core and will only accept bugs at this point. If you find any bugs during testing, please post them below.

- Chris
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FYI: Sorry for the newsletter that came out earlier today. I attempted to try to create an HTML newsletter, and it apparently failed miserably. It worked during my "trial" but I guess not when i attempted to send to 1500 subscribers. Needless to say, I wont be doing that again...
- Chris
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The CSS of the admin area seems to show text in lowercase, that is wrong:

"170 PAGE_BACKUPS Page Backups Seiten-Backups"

<p><em><b><span id="pg_counter">0</span></b> seiten-backups</em></p>

this is not done by CSS, but with PHP-function lowercase(
<p><em><b><span id="pg_counter"><?php echo $counter; ?></span></b> <?php echo lowercase( i18n_r('PAGE_BACKUPS'));?></em></p>

"0 Seiten-Backups" shows as "0 seiten-backups"

I apologize that I did not notice this earlier, but this is not good, as there are many languages which are not plain simple lowercase but do need upper- and lowercase for syntax!

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
the plugin "anonymous_data.php" does not support translation and by this does not follow GetSimple's own rules or policies.

That is bad, as especially in Germany, we have strict rules for data security and so we need a clear, translated text.

I would not suggest to include it in the final version, if it is not translatable.

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
@Connie, I've updated the SVN fixing the lowercase issue.

I'll let Chris answer the Anonymous_data plugin problem..
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Website: DigiMute
Another issue related to magic quotes gpc: if enabled (usually PHP 5.2.x), backslashes ("\") in a page's title or content disappear when you save the page.

It doesn't happen with magic quotes gpc disabled (default setting for PHP 5.3.x)

To test this, if your server supports it, you can add one of these lines to your root .htaccess file:
php_flag magic_quotes_gpc on
php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off

EDIT: Discarded, I got it wrong because my local server wasnt working as expected. Sorry.
More on magic quotes (mq)... It seems GS stores the page title and content in XML files in a different way depending on that setting.

If I create a page with this title (and content):
doublequote:" - backslash:\

The XML file contains (enclosed between <![CDATA[ and ]]>)

- GS 3.0 with mq off:
doublequote:&quot; - backslash:\\
- GS 3.0 with mq on:
doublequote:\&quot; - backslash:\\

- GS 3.1 beta with mq off:
doublequote:&quot; - backslash:\\
- GS 3.1 beta with mq on:
doublequote:&quot; - backslash:\

(in the last one, the backslash is not displayed in frontend, and if page is saved again... it disappears)

EDIT: these tests are wrong, did them with a local server that isnt handling magic quotes as expected. Sorry.

still some points which I beg to change: ;=)

in admin\template\js\ckeditor\config.js:

CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config )
    // Define changes to default configuration here.
    config.resize_dir = 'vertical' // vertical resize
    config.toolbarCanCollapse = false; // hide toolbar collapse button
    config.dialog_backgroundCoverColor = '#000000';

default value of "toolbarCanCollapse" is true, and it should not be set to false here, because it can collapse, it works. so why hide it? This is irritating.

in admin/edit.php

please do not set
forcePasteAsPlainText : true,

I know these points are not bugs, but ...

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
What about adding a class to the "Menu Manager" sidebar link? That way the navigation structure plugin could easily hide it.
mikeh Wrote:What about adding a class to the "Menu Manager" sidebar link? That way the navigation structure plugin could easily hide it.

It would even be better, if every top bar and side bar menu item had a specific class (or id).
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
Agreed mvlcek & mikeh:
- Chris
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Connie - I don't know why you wouldn't want to paste-in as plaintext. Since we code for the 80/20 split, what do you this 80% of the users of GS will do? My guess is paste in from Word, etc... which would require this to be set... no?

As for the toolbar collapse: why would you want to collapse it? If you don't use it... turn it off. I'd rather hide all elements that are not completely necessary
- Chris
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Connie Wrote:the plugin "anonymous_data.php" does not support translation and by this does not follow GetSimple's own rules or policies.
That is bad, as especially in Germany, we have strict rules for data security and so we need a clear, translated text.
I would not suggest to include it in the final version, if it is not translatable.

I gave the reason why i did not make this translatable in the forum thread i started that explained why it was there. (i want to be able to control the message, and I cannot do that in a language i do not know)

It needs to be in the final version otherwise noone would use it. Sorry Connie
- Chris
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this text should be translated, it is no feedback:
Quote:Send Anonymous Website Data

GetSimple needs to find out what type of people and businesses are using our product. This form allows you to voluntarily send us completely anonymous data about your website. This data includes things like the type of server you're on, your PHP version and how many pages and files you currently have. We would be very grateful if you could take a few minutes to submit this data to us as it is essential for the continued growth of our CMS product.

Complete the optional fields below, then click the 'Preview Data Submission' button to preview your data before it's sent to our servers.

the feedback can stay as it is and if there are problems of understanding, we could explain it at the german site for example
but the main text should be translatable

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
ccagle8 Wrote:Connie - I don't know why you wouldn't want to paste-in as plaintext. Since we code for the 80/20 split, what do you this 80% of the users of GS will do? My guess is paste in from Word, etc... which would require this to be set... no?

there was a problem here, where users copy images from textarea to textarea and that is not possible if this setting is set

with the collapse: the comment that it is not working is just plain wrong ;=)
you can turn it off, for sure, but the comment is wrong
and why turn that off in the config.js and other settings in edit.php?

Chris, I accept that these discussions are not about bug fixes, I just wanted to grip my last chance before releasing 3.1 ;=)

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
Connie Wrote:with the collapse: the comment that it is not working is just plain wrong ;=)
you can turn it off, for sure, but the comment is wrong
I didn't say it wasn't working. I said that it wasn't needed.

Connie Wrote:and why turn that off in the config.js and other settings in edit.php?
You're right here... we should probably clean things up a bit and put them all inside config.js

Connie Wrote:there was a problem here, where users copy images from textarea to textarea and that is not possible if this setting is set
I see. I had this problem as well - when copying text it didnt preserve the href tags. It was annoying... but i wonder how many people paste in from Word though. My guess that it may be be higher. Even if it is higher, the techies are the ones copying and pasting from textareas and its the clients copy-pasting from Word.

I'd rather make it easier on the clients who have no technical background.
- Chris
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Connie Wrote:the feedback can stay as it is and if there are problems of understanding, we could explain it at the german site for example
but the main text should be translatable

maybe... but at this point I am paranoid. I don't want people thinking GetSimple is out to steal their information and data. I can't control translations that I do not know, and so therefore I will keep it in English for 3.1. If noone complains and there are no problems with it, I will open it up to translation afterwards.
- Chris
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ccagle8 Wrote:I don't want people thinking GetSimple is out to steal their information and data.

Chris, I have to accept your opinion, but exactly this argument will unsettle the german users, make them insecure.

"Every text is translated, this text is not translated, so you have something to hide. " that is a possible conclusion.

I am sure "our" users will not understand this argument.

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
It's a good argument Connie. Of course it's completely optional to submit too... so no one has to do it. Like I said, I am probably too paranoid with this...
- Chris
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and when the informational part of the plugin is translated, the users will read that it is optional to submit and will understand the use of that plugin

so give us the text (not the form texts) ;=)

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
admin themes work (copied admin.xml to the theme folder) but the header text of the admin files should be updated. not "GetSimple 3.0" but "GetSimple 3.1" ;=)

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
Lines 1470 -> 1440

You have classes that refer to only textareas with the name "post-content".
This creates appearance issues with plugins that use ckeditor textareas.

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