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I18N Gallery
One hiccup, one question..

I have a gallery up and running in a page, but every time I add to or modify the gallery, it creates a new "Gallery" page. Is there a way to prevent this from happening every time?

How does one sort by date? Is there a way to set it as Asc or Desc?
What other sorting options are there besides the drag-n-drop for large galleries? I looked at the wiki, but didn't see any reference.

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(2012-11-15, 01:44:48)islander Wrote: I have a gallery up and running in a page, but every time I add to or modify the gallery, it creates a new "Gallery" page. Is there a way to prevent this from happening every time?

This page is created in order to view the gallery, when editing it. There is currently no way to disable this.

(2012-11-15, 01:44:48)islander Wrote: How does one sort by date? Is there a way to set it as Asc or Desc?
What other sorting options are there besides the drag-n-drop for large galleries? I looked at the wiki, but didn't see any reference.

There is currently no way to sort galleries other than by drag and drop.
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
(2012-11-15, 01:44:48)islander Wrote: I have a gallery up and running in a page, but every time I add to or modify the gallery, it creates a new "Gallery" page. Is there a way to prevent this from happening every time?

I agree that it is not always helpful. If you comment line 84 in the file i18n_gallery/edit.php, (if (!file_exists(GSDATAPAGESPATH.'gallery.xml')) ...) you can delete the Gallery page and it will not be recreated.

This is a change to a core plugin file, so it is at your risk and remember that the file will be overwritten if you update the plugin. It will also break the 'View' feature in the Gallery editing page (though it does this quite gracefully, with a 404 error).
(2012-11-15, 21:16:30)hameau Wrote: line 84 in the file i18n_gallery/edit.php, (if (!file_exists(GSDATAPAGESPATH.'gallery.xml')) ...) you can delete the Gallery page and it will not be recreated.

That works fine, just added a "//" in front of the line to comment it out.
Then on line 146, I added style="display:none;" after target="_blank" to hide the View button.

Thanks for the tip. Smile

GS Community Edition with php8.x compatibility, new features and much more!  Support Me

Hi all.

When I click on thumbnail I18N Gallery change the URL of the current page on http://current page/#!prettyPhoto[....

How to fix it ??
When I select the option for pages on IE not working the gallery. Work fine when I don't select the option for pages.
I speak spanish, sorry for my english. I'm learning english with GetSimple too... LOL!

Is there possible to call (% gallery %) by php?

In this case, i will create a homepage template, where the main content is 2 columns. But i will showing the gallery on fluid section.
You can see on as refferentsion of it. Thank you

Fixed now
(2012-11-22, 00:49:07)Unapzeus Wrote: Is there possible to call (% gallery %) by php?

Yes. See the documentation.
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
Pls help! In admin top navigation menu is showing {i18n_gallery/TAB} {i18n_gallery/OVERVIEW_DESCR}

{I18N_GALLERY/GALLERY_TITLE} {I18N_GALLERY/GALLERY_CODE} How to fix ? Do I need to appear in russian language... Sorry my english.
Check you have a ru.php file in plugins/i18n_gallery/lang

If not, you may have an old version of the plugin (latest is 1.9.4 in Extend). Anyway you can find the Russian language file in Extend.
(2012-11-24, 01:46:19)Carlos Wrote: Check you have a ru.php file in plugins/i18n_gallery/lang

If not, you may have an old version of the plugin (latest is 1.9.4 in Extend). Anyway you can find the Russian language file in Extend.

put the latest version of the plugin (1.9.4) ... folders are all in place and plug in the template I changed to ru and still did not help ... I do not know what could be the problem.
If you enable debug mode in gsconfig, do you get any errors?
I turned on the debug mode, no errors.

Problem solved. The .htaccess file is automatically created my hosting. After I moved the site to a local apache, everything fell into place...
Without reading all previous posts I would like have a quick question.
When deleting uploaded files and a created gallery, the created i18npic thumb images are not getting deleted and I'm not able to do so manually on the FTP.
Is that a permission problem with the FTP account I'm using (hence the files have been created by the script) or does the FTP user I am using not have enough permissions to delete the files.
I'm kinda stuck here...
Thanks in advance!
i18n gallery ... a lot of work . great! need some support...

got problem with the files in data/thumbs
I18N creates files like i18npic.200x200.nameofpicture.jpg in data/thumbs.
problem is that these files have permissions 0640 and are not shown in the frontend.
seems to be the cache because the first time after creating a new gallery it works. next time no thumbnails are visible. the original image in f.e. fancybox works.

how can i make the images in data/thumbs get written with permission of 644 or higher?
can anyone help me with that?

edit: solved problem with inserting
chmod($thumbdir.$outfile, 0644);

in line 104 of plugins/i18n_gallery/browser/pic.php
I was just wondering. I have a commercial license for a jquery lightbox style system called highslide I was looking at this plugin and was wondering if it would be much of a major undertaking to add support for highslide in to this plugin? Since its dual licensed maybe I could speak to the dev of it directly and work out a way to do it since its not really licensed for third party distribution. I know its quite a bit more advanced than alot of the lightbox systems so I dont know what all would be involved in it. Im not a mooch or anything id of course not mind paying for the work unless its just too much of a headache to get a decent integration.

I have a strange bug: I have 4 images in a gallery.

Everything works - using fancy box - but when I go through the images, and the last image passes by - the box grows over the whole display with the first picture inside the homepage - inside the fancybox....

What could this be?


Once again: thanks for this plugin!

As responsive themes are popular now, maybe add some responsive jquery slider to plugin gallery type (Flexslider or something like that)?

I will try to add this one:
Hopefully I'll get it done using these instructions from
Can it be done or am I wasting time?
I'll let you know if I succeed.
Hello everybody Smile
I'm using the prettyphoto gallery with the plugin but i want to add social tools to every picture....

Tried to change the code a little but to no end...
Help? Smile
I also wonder about fixing this issue:

Quote:When I click on thumbnail I18N Gallery change the URL of the current page on http://current page/#!prettyPhoto[....

As for gra4pro's issue, that's caused by not having "www" in your General Settings/Website URL. At least it was for me.

Excellent plugin, worked great right out of the box! Suggest mentioning where images should be uploaded to (data/uploads), and that you can use sub-directories there to keep from having one huge list of images.
help me please.. ((((

[Image: 1111111.PNG]

[Image: 222222.PNG]

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
(2013-01-12, 02:40:23)igorfelix Wrote: help me please.. ((((

You seem to be using the GSgallery (Simple Image Gallery): you are in the wrong thread, the support thread for your gallery is here.
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.

i have a problem with this plugin when try to upload (in one gallery) more then 160 pictures. On 161st picture, after save, returns to old status without any information about it. Tried with various pictures to be 161st. No use...

Is there any limitation of pictures per gallery? How to change it (increase) to unlimited?

(2013-01-13, 21:06:52)Box Wrote: I have a problem with this plugin when try to upload (in one gallery) more then 160 pictures. On 161st picture, after save, returns to old status without any information about it. Tried with various pictures to be 161st. No use...

Is there any limitation of pictures per gallery? How to change it (increase) to unlimited?

There is no hard coded limitation, but there might be limitations imposed by the maximum amout of memory, etc.
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
Ahh ok..

How and where to increase it?

I tried with .htaccess
php_value memory_limit 128M

but nothing happen.

Any suggestion please?

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