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I18N Special Pages
snooze Wrote:Create New Special Page is not populated. I see the column headings, Title & Name. Nothing below.
Also no .htaccess file installed or in the download.

I am using a Mac and hidden files are displayed.
Downloaded on a Win7 box and there were .htaccess files in several of the subdirs, but not in the root.

Need direction, please.

Go to Plugins/Configure Special Pages and define one or more special page types.
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
yojoe Wrote:
taavi Wrote:So to make things easier could someone please give me instructions how to make blog?

Check Angryboy's blog:
someone have these tutorials saved?
Links are down, aren't they?
I need a walkthrough to create a multilang blog Sad

I don't have them, but you can get them from google cache:

No captions, only the text. :-(
I18N Special Pages version 1.1.1:
  • Solves a problem that in some cases content is not shown in the correct language when using the I18N plugin (@Oleg06)
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
I'm using latest i18n plugins (all except custom fields) and after creating custom page from my custom template, I'm not able to show content of it, title is shown, but not concent. when using get_page_content it works, but with get_i18n_content it doesn't

what am I doing wrong ?
(2012-11-09, 00:38:00)morvy Wrote: Hi,
I'm using latest i18n plugins (all except custom fields) and after creating custom page from my custom template, I'm not able to show content of it, title is shown, but not concent. when using get_page_content it works, but with get_i18n_content it doesn't

what am I doing wrong ?

In the template you must use get_page_content().
get_i18n_content('aPageSlug') is to include other pages on the current page and it might not work correctly with special pages.
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
Help please
'm newbie
how to include code on the page (special page)?
example (% gallery name=photo %)
Does this plugin work with GetSimple 3.1.2?
I installed all listed plugins.

i defined a special page type "Buecher" with fields, I created a special page "Buecher", I wrote the template buecher.php and assigned that to the special page.

I do not see any field content.

in the template I defined as test output:

<?php get_page_content(); ?>
Autor: <?php get_special_field('Autor'); ?><br />
Buchtitel: <?php get_special_field('Titel'); ?>  || <?php get_special_field('Cover'); ?><br />
Verlag: <?php get_special_field('Verlag'); ?>, <?php get_special_field('Daten'); ?><br />
ISBN: <?php get_special_field('ISBN'); ?><br />
Der Inhalt: <?php get_special_field('Inhalt'); ?><br />
Urteile dazu: <?php get_special_field('Kritik'); ?><br />
Bestellen bei Amazon: <?php get_special_field('Amazon'); ?><br />
Leseprobe <?php get_special_field('Leseprobe'); ?><br />

tests like
Autor: <?php get_special_field('Autor',,$isHTML=true); ?><br />

also do not work.

What must I include in my template?

PS: I solved my problem. Unfortunately you can name the fields in any variant, Uppercase or lowercase, but you must use the name in the statements in lowercase...

Can you please explain that at the plugin-site, Martin?

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:

I have a question about I18N Special Pages and so I would like to make a list using the plugins.
1) I created the site eg and took the template "Software" with I18N Special Pages, and I have a question on how to display all added items
2) Is it possible to display the items, depending on the filter selected, ie for example the software is platform license - how to display only items from a particular platform - such as Windows or Linux.

Thank you for your help.
(2013-02-03, 03:36:59)PiN Wrote: I have a question about I18N Special Pages and so I would like to make a list using the plugins.
1) I created the site eg and took the template "Software" with I18N Special Pages, and I have a question on how to display all added items
2) Is it possible to display the items, depending on the filter selected, ie for example the software is platform license - how to display only items from a particular platform - such as Windows or Linux.

Assuming you use I18N Search, set the special pages field's "index" property to "as tag" in the special page type field settings.
Save any page to trigger re-indexing.
Then you can search for/display these pages passing "Linux" as tag to I18N Search. You might have to specify it in lower case and replace all non-characters/digits with _, e.g. "Windows XP" --> "windows_xp".
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
hello. plugin is working but i have a noob problem (sory about that) i was a search forum and i don't find a solution .. How to display all products from group (specjal pages) in some page in menu ? (with pagination) without a searcher. (i don't want display it as submenu.) it possible. sory about my lang. I'm from poland my english is not very good. And my programmer level is a amateur.
user plugin: scroll to top
(2012-02-13, 02:30:58)mvlcek Wrote:
jkob Wrote:Aaaahh great! It works now - my mistake was to add <?php get_special_field('myfield'); ?> directly in the template.php file, when I used the View tab instead it worked.

Fantastic plugin, thank you Smile

Fine that it works for you now. But it should also work directly in the template, if the current page is a "special" page with this field set.

Tried to make it work in a template - just a simple <div> with <?php get_special_field('myfield'); ?> picks up empty value.

... any suggestions (i used proper field naming, no underscores, just lowercase and numbers)?

---- edit -----

In the meantime I have tried making it with custom fields instead of special pages inside the same template - and it works.... strange...
(2013-02-26, 01:16:43)dalibor.ilic Wrote: Tried to make it work in a template - just a simple <div> with <?php get_special_field('myfield'); ?> picks up empty value.

... any suggestions (i used proper field naming, no underscores, just lowercase and numbers)?

---- edit -----

In the meantime I have tried making it with custom fields instead of special pages inside the same template - and it works.... strange...

Strange. <?php get_special_field('myfield'); ?> and <?php get_custom_field('myfield'); ?> should both display the field value. There might be problems, if you use a name, which contains dashes or starts with a number. If your field is text (e.g. containing <, & or >) and not HTML, you should use the third parameter in get_special_field, e.g. <?php get_special_field('myfield','',false); ?>.

(2013-02-25, 19:19:46)xxdex Wrote: hello. plugin is working but i have a noob problem (sory about that) i was a search forum and i don't find a solution .. How to display all products from group (specjal pages) in some page in menu ? (with pagination) without a searcher. (i don't want display it as submenu.) it possible. sory about my lang. I'm from poland my english is not very good. And my programmer level is a amateur.

You should use I18N Search for this.

Otherwise you could put all these special pages below another page and limit the navigation depth via the third parameter to get_i18n_navigation (assuming you are using this). Then you could create a component with a get_i18n_navigation call only displaying the special pages and include this component on the desired page using the DynPages plugin. So - quite complex.
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
Christ, I was able to call on the list (by name) of the corresponding sub menu
(I used
get_i18n_navigation ('index', 1, 99, I18N_SHOW_PAGES);
and pasted the above code into a new template - which turned ON in the pages option. Actually see similar output, but only titles ..
Display additional fields (eg special fields from product's page in a page witch list of all products is already a problem for me ..
Using DynPages plugin (which is installed a good few hours ago) is also a problem for me.

Heh .. as you can see my person here significantly underestimates the level programmers.
I will try No more asking s "stupid" questions. I'm will trying to figure it out on my own. I will read the forum to look for examples and users manuals. Probably can not help myself but thank you very very much for the tip and interest in my topic. Sorry for the inconvenience. You are great! Thank you again
user plugin: scroll to top

when creating and using Fields -> Image type for newly created special pages, I get this:


You do not have permission to access / <name-web> / plugins/i18n_specialpages/browser/pagebrowser.php on this server.

The problem is that the component is no such file is php, but is in the admin folder. I tried it both on localhost (WAMP server) but also on web hosting.
Hi, the problem was that I had recorded in the administration of the old version of special pages 0.7.5, but appearing to notice that the new version. Resolved.
when i add a field on special pages type: IMAGE then when i creating a specjal pages i have a BROWSE button... click on it and i have a browser where i can select a image. How to upload a image in this browser?

i know then i can upload images by files in usermenu "GetSimple CMS". But it's little problematic, complicated.

its some other way to do that easier ?
simple: when i creating a new special page with field type" IMAGE" i click on BROWSE: and it open a new window (browse images) and i have a button browse or upload image.

how to do that ?
user plugin: scroll to top
i will try tell u how to do it...
1. create in menu a page where u want a place a specjal pages from one categories example page name "transport"
2. create a new theme in php. input it on theme folder and folder what is name of you theme example "cardinal"
3. in theme what u create write:
$is_i18n = false;
get_i18n_search_results(array('tags'=>'transport', 'showPaging'=>1, 'max'=>5, 'i18n'=>0, 'showLanguage'=>'false', 'showDate'=>1, 'HEADER'=>''));

4. On page "transport" set a theme file that what u a created couple minutes ago...

and tutorial:
tags are from what a submenu You want a display a special pages..
show paging - pagination on when set to 1.. pagination of when set 0
max=>5 max pages in one pagination site
'showLanguage'=>'false', - don't display a link with language in adress on you page (i don't know why it's not working)
HEADER to display on this page when u put a code

try it
i'm newbie but i have a hope that i helped a little bit though
user plugin: scroll to top
that does not appear in the language link, use the following code in the plugin settings
<?php get_special_field('simplelink','',false); ?>
<?php get_special_field('link','',false); ?>
Hey Guys,
we installed i18n and sitting here on a Problem with it we want to change the behavior of the first layer. When you click it in the navigation bar you always land on a blank page and we want it to link to second layer. Is it possible to block the first layer?
when the width, height, and cropping, the picture is not visible
<?php get_special_field_image('image', 'ssssss', '150', '100','1'); ?>
so works
<?php get_special_field_image('image', 'ssssss'); ?>
just curious to know if special pages plugin can handle links to document files?
This would be very important when setting up a product showcase which can have main product characteristics onto the website, and product in-depth explanations, specifications, etc. in a downloadable pdf file.
I tried with both fields, image and links, but the first manages images only and the second points to local pages only. Perhaps, you could also add a field for "documents" or, as an alternative, to put a similar tab onto the link field, like GS does.
I have installed I18N I18N special pages and whenever I save a page the order of the page in the menu is not saved.
I make an example, I would like to have:
But whenever i change the content of a page this order will not be saved and i can have like this:
Why happens this thing?
if you used I18N special pages for News of this would have happened Smile
(2013-05-03, 00:04:33)zintonio Wrote: I have installed I18N I18N special pages and whenever I save a page the order of the page in the menu is not saved.
I make an example, I would like to have:
But whenever i change the content of a page this order will not be saved and i can have like this:
Why happens this thing?

Which plugins besides I18N Special Pages do you have installed?
What do you mean with "not saved" - the order changes if you reopen the page in the administration or do you mean the menu in the frontend?
What do you use to display the menu in the frontend?
How did you configure the option "Menu" in the special pages type?
Or does this happen for all pages, not only special pages?
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.

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