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Memory limit
Going to be a lot of sites on the hosting (more than 100), with a small attendance of each resource (maximum 20-35 day). Therefore, a question arises: "How many resources are required to display the page GetSimple?". Perhaps the content by hosting with 256 MB limit? I would be grateful if someone called the approximate amount of memory in MB required for CMS. Information on the internet I have not found, so I write here. Please do not ask me why I do it. I can not explain it in English.
Is this about server space? If I have understood, I often use the free space of 20mb max that I get with the domain registration to host a GS site.

Obviously images and media files can use a lot of space, also the site archives if you store them on the server. Certain plugins like the hitcount plugin can use space.

In general -
  • 10mb minimum to host a site
  • 20mb is fine if you are careful with images, logs and archives
  • 50mb and you can relax unless you are storing videos or something
No, I was interested about RAM
depends on plugins per instance.
If you are worried about memory make sure you use some kind of caching.

All in all it is lightweight but since its all file based it could use a bit.
256 is pretty small with each script possibly using 64mb per instance when in use.

Realistically it only uses a few mb unless it is busy creating thumbnails.

My dev plugin shows memory used on every page, and I think someone actually makes a plugin for showing memory.
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
Could you give a link to this plugin?
Sorry the plugin I was thinking is for disk space not memory. But mine it's dev one shows everything
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
I think the issue has exhausted itself. Thank you!
Here is the solution to my problem. And then what I was looking for a plugin. fool.

<?php $memory = (!function_exists('memory_get_usage')) ? '' : round(memory_get_usage()/1024/1024, 2) . 'MB';
echo $memory; ?>

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