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News Manager (updated)
When I add an image to the news I have a problem with opening filebrowser and thumbnails display. In some web browsers, on some computers filebrowser display folders and images on other computers do not. For example, on a single computer with Firefox everything works OK but not in Google Chrome. On another computer in the same version of Firefox does not display thumbnails and folders. I tried on several computers with several web browsers and sometime works and sometime not. How can I solve this problem?
What do you get when it doesn't work? Does the filebrowser window open? Is it blank?
Try enabling GSDEBUG in gsconfig to see if there any errors, or check errorlog.txt (in data/other/logs)
(2014-12-09, 12:48:01)D.O. Wrote: and there is a way to avoid the show it?
at the moment index is showed only by NM
eg: if page1 e page2 are Children of index (home)
is there a way to modify the URL in SITE/page1 or SITE/page2
via fancy urls?

Not only NM, but also GS should render child pages of index as SITE/index/page (unless you're making hardcoded links to SITE/page)

If you want to make GS (and NM) render links to pages with parent index without the "/index/" part in the URL, you must patch GS - see this post (line number in current GS version would be 426 or so, instead)
(2014-12-11, 04:36:45)Carlos Wrote: What do you get when it doesn't work? Does the filebrowser window open? Is it blank?
Try enabling GSDEBUG in gsconfig to see if there any errors, or check errorlog.txt (in data/other/logs)
Filebrowser window open and it is blank. I have this problem on two sites where I have GetSimple Version 3.3.4 and News Manager Version 3.0 . The Website Healt Check does not report any errors.
I am confused as to some computers and browsers works but not on others. I tried on 5-6 computers in different local area networks and with different antivirus programs.
Hmm... That only happens to me if my session has expired.
It might be that sometimes you're using a different domain from the one you defined in Settings, e.g. with or without "www." - instead of (or vice versa)
(2014-12-11, 16:56:33)Carlos Wrote: It might be that sometimes you're using a different domain from the one you defined in Settings, e.g. with or without "www." - instead of (or vice versa)

Yes, that's it! Thank you very much !!!
I think I've fixed this for the next version of the plugin.
If you (or anyone) need a patch for 3.0, let me know.
I am a bit miffed. the plugin works to a point. until I go messing with the "fancy url" which does not work. and it appears that every possible htaccess line that has been posted in this thread don't work as well.

ALSO in the admin -> NM -> settings where you click to get the lines needed to add into the htaccess well guess what its blank no lines nothing nodda zero zilch

"To enable Fancy URLs for posts, archives, etc., replace the contents of your .htaccess file with the lines below.

When you are done with this page, click the button below to go back to the main panel."

oh and the post I made well the non fancy url ends in *

so what is the REAL and WORKING lines that need to be added to htaccess?
A sample htaccess text should be displayed (unless you have some "non-standard" permalink structure or custom gsconfig NM parameters)

Are you using News Manager 3.0?

Have you edited or removed the temp.htaccess file that should be in the plugins/news_manager folder?
(2014-12-29, 19:44:08)Carlos Wrote: A sample htaccess text should be displayed (unless you have some "non-standard" permalink structure or custom gsconfig NM parameters)

Are you using News Manager 3.0?

Have you edited or removed the temp.htaccess file that should be in the plugins/news_manager folder?

AH.. somehow the got made into the .ht (thus the real .ht with deny from all never got made) thus the sample the admin page was looking for didn't exist.

However once I changed the .ht in the plugin to what it should have been then readded the sample. all worked as should..

kinda wonder if my host was renaming the to .ht without me knowing.
Hi Carlos, i am really enjoying what you have done with this plugin. I have a possible bug.

Default image is defined in Custom settings:
showImages  1
imageExternal  1
imageDefault  'http://path-to-image/photo.jpg'
and the image shows on the individual post and on the News Page.

It doesn't show on my index page where I am using
<h3>Latest News Articles</h3>
<div class="row" >
<?php nm_custom_display_recent('
<a href="{{ post_link }}">  
<div class="five columns blog-thumb">
      {{ post_image }}
      <h4>{{ post_title }}</h4>
'); ?>

Not Urgent
Best Wishes,
News Manager Addons does not currently support News Manager 3.0's own post image setttings (nor Custom Settings).

You have to use NM Addon's own nm_set_custom_image function with a fourth parameter to specify the default image (full URL or relative to data/uploads).

or if you weren't using this function (e.g. if don't want to specify custom image options) and only want to set the default image:

or if you want it to use the one defined in Custom Settings with imageDefault:

(This has been mentioned in some posts, but it's not in the plugin docs, sorry.)

But anyway, I'm going to update NM Addons so that it is aware of NM's image settings by default. Will release it soon... Done: version 0.9.3 available
I'd like to add a comment option for the posts in News Manager. Is this possible and if so, how's it done? I've searched the forum and wiki with no luck.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
(2015-01-16, 04:20:10)pernad01 Wrote: I'd like to add a comment option for the posts in News Manager. Is this possible and if so, how's it done? I've searched the forum and wiki with no luck.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Have a look at my website, are these comments what you are looking for? Smile
This is one of the News Manager's posts Solution for Eyefinity Screens Going Black with Omega 14.12 AMD Drivers

The plugin for comments I use is cumbe's is called Pages & Comments. It supports both News Manager and regular Get Simple pages. I've modified it a lot but I didn't add any functionality, so it work just fine for you as well.
Tomáš Janeček - Multilingual personal website powered by GetSimple
» The little I did for GetSimple
I use disqus comments in my News Manager posts.
I'm currently doing it with a component and the External Comments plugin, but it can also be done without the plugin.
I intended to post a how-to one of these days.
(2015-01-16, 05:20:20)Carlos Wrote: I use disqus comments in my News Manager posts.
I'm currently doing it with a component and the External Comments plugin, but it can also be done without the plugin.
I intended to post a how-to one of these days.

Anytime soon? I could use it for a website I'm working on now. Smile
Is there a way to get the tags of the posts? I tried using:
<?php nm_get_tags(); ?>
in my theme file but the tags are not showing up.

What I'm trying to do is:

<meta http-equiv="keywords" content="<?php nm_get_tags(); ?>" />

Thanks in advance who can help me out!
disqus comments for News Manager (3.0+)

- In News Manager's settings, enable Custom settings and enter this:
single componentafterpost nm-comments
single componentbottompost nm-comments
if you prefer to have comments displayed inside the post's <div> container.

(I'm using nm-comments but you can use whatever name you want)

- Enter your account and add a new site to your profile (if you hadn't already done)
(Optionally, choose Universal Code as your platform and copy the code in step 1 to your clipboard or a text file - but see above for a custom code.)

- In your GS site admin -> theme -> components, create a component nm-comments.
In this component you can paste the Universal Code. But you could paste this one instead, changing the $my_disqus_shortname and $my_disqus_id_prexix variables to customize it for your site:
// edit these 2 lines:
$my_disqus_shortname = "example"; // Required - Replace example with your site's disqus shortname
$my_disqus_id_prexix = "blog/"; // You can leave it empty ("") if you won't have comments in other GS pages, etc.

<div id="disqus_thread"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
    var disqus_shortname = '<?php echo $my_disqus_shortname; ?>';
    var disqus_identifier = '<?php echo $my_disqus_id_prexix; nm_post_slug(); ?>';
    var disqus_title = '<?php nm_post_title(); ?>';
    var disqus_url = '<?php nm_post_url(); ?>';

    /* * * DON'T EDIT BELOW THIS LINE * * */
    (function() {
        var dsq = document.createElement('script'); dsq.type = 'text/javascript'; dsq.async = true;
        dsq.src = '//' + disqus_shortname + '';
        (document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(dsq);
<noscript>Please enable JavaScript to view the <a href="">comments powered by Disqus.</a></noscript>
NM 3.1 is going to have an option to enable stuffing post tags in the page's meta keywords.
News Manager 3.1 beta 24 available for testing.

Not many new features, but some changes and several issues fixed.

I think I will not release a 3.0.1 for the fixes, but jump directly to 3.1.

Feedback much appreciated, as always.
i love your plugin Big Grin
Is there any chance to integrate to posts facebook sharing ?
So i could add button to every post and user can share it on facebook.
(2015-01-22, 16:24:20)TrueWarrior Wrote: Hello,
i love your plugin Big Grin
Is there any chance to integrate to posts facebook sharing ?
So i could add button to every post and user can share it on facebook.

Go to GetSimple Admin -> Themes -> Components, create a component named nm-facebook-share (for example) with this code:
<a target="_blank" href="<?php echo urlencode(nm_post_url(false)); ?>">Share this post on Facebook</a>

Go to News Manager Settings, enable Custom settings and enter this below:
single componentBottomPost nm-facebook-share
or this, if you prefer to have the link outside the post's <div> container:
single componentAfterPost nm-facebook-share

Of course you can (or will want to) customize the component to suit your needs (html code, link text, image button, or whatever).
when I'm trying to change Fancy URL from %language%/%parent%/%slug%/ to %parent%/%slug%/ (Published on...Read more...) translations stopped working in multilingual site.
This is how it should be or htaccess file is the case?
Hello again,
thanks for your help with FB integration i was able to add facebook button
but i don't know where to put my og meta tags to make them gather content from post so shared post on fb have my post information.

I added to my template.php <head>
something like this:
<meta property="og:title" content="<?php $title; ?> | <?php get_site_name(); ?>">

but still after click on share i get just site name so it wont take my post content (in this case title)

anyone can help me please ?

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