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I18N Special Pages
I hardly use default thumbnails created on image upload. I'm using pic.php from you mvlcek but as I don't want to show full path to plugin directory, I'm using some basic rewriting so my urls to pictures are:
>>> "/thumbnail?src=/RelativePathInDataUploads/image.ext&w=120&h=90&c=1"

some friends don't recommend me using it because they say it's not safe to use it (as it's similar to TimThumb), but I don't see any potential risk in it + when used with rewrite, so there is no real path and wrong path is always redirected to 404
Hi, I was wondering if there was a way to choose the cropping alignment or image quality when using get_special_field_image? With TimThumb, you're able to add "&a=t" (align top) and "&q=60" (quality=60%), like so:

PHP Code:
<img src="/theme/themename/includes/php/timthumb.php?src=<?php get_special_field("spec_field_name","",false); ?>&amp;w=700&amp;h=500&amp;q=60&amp;a=t" alt="<?php get_special_field('title','',false); ?>"

I would prefer not to use TimThumb if at all possible, is there a way to modify the following to match the above?

PHP Code:
<?php get_special_field_image('spec_field_name'return_special_field('title','',false), '700''500'); ?>

I'm also curious how this could be done in a component, is that even possible? I've asked that question before and never received a definitive answer. Thanks!
Sorry for my English

Please tell me how to find the output material indicating the parent category?

for example, the path to the page: "site / section / parent page  / child page"

Appearance of the section page
(on this page, I place the code)
<?php get_i18n_search_results(array('tags'=>'SECTION', 'max'=>15, 'i18n'=>0, 'lang'=>'ru', 'numWords'=>'1p', 'order'=>'created','showPaging'=>1,'HEADER'=>'')); ?>

- Title 1 
<?php get_special_field('title','',false);?>

- Parent page 1 (???)
- A reference to the child page 1 
<?php get_special_field('link','',false); ?>


- Title 2 
<?php get_special_field('title','',false);?>

- Parent page 2 (???)
- A reference to the child page 2 
<?php get_special_field('link','',false); ?>


and so on

Thanks in advance for your reply
Hi mvlcek, is there a way to make it so new Special Pages are added to the Admin in alphabetical order? I'm creating an online menu with hundreds of items and while I'm able to sort them by title on the front end of the site, it would make things much easier for my not-too-savvy client if they were displayed in alphabetical order inside GS. I would still like all of the other pages in the site to be displayed in the menu order. Hoping there would be a way to do this with functions that would allow me to keep updating GS and associated plugins. Thanks!
@bensayers, it's there .. go to View all special pages, select type and there you can see it by default ordered by name
(2016-02-12, 13:03:43)morvy Wrote: @bensayers, it's there .. go to View all special pages, select type and there you can see it by default ordered by name

Thanks, I'm aware of that feature but many of my items have the same name and the only way to tell them apart is by the parent or slug so I need to keep them sorted by category.
whether it is possible to do something that these tags were not shown in the tag cloud?
It does not work
(2016-02-12, 06:58:57)bensayers Wrote: Hi mvlcek, is there a way to make it so new Special Pages are added to the Admin in alphabetical order? I'm creating an online menu with hundreds of items and while I'm able to sort them by title on the front end of the site, it would make things much easier for my not-too-savvy client if they were displayed in alphabetical order inside GS. I would still like all of the other pages in the site to be displayed in the menu order. Hoping there would be a way to do this with functions that would allow me to keep updating GS and associated plugins. Thanks!

Adding new special pages in alphabetical order would pose quite some problems, e.g. renaming, etc.

However, the version 3.3 of the I18N plugin now supports a hierarchical view where the siblings on a hierarchical level are sorted by title. The "by title" and "hierarchical" buttons are now toggle buttons.
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
(2016-01-18, 23:28:01)must-style Wrote: Please tell me how to find the output material indicating the parent category?

for example, the path to the page: "site / section / parent page  / child page"

I don't understand the question, but if you looking for the path to a page, you might want to look at get/return_i18n_breadcrumbs(...) in the I18n plugin. See here.
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
I18N Special Pages version 1.3.5:
  • supports underscore (_) in field names - this is relevant, if you index a checkbox name as tag and don't want to display it in the tag cloud: start the name with an underscore (@Oleg06)
  • fix some issues with showing/populating the index dropdown, when the field type changes
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.
(2016-02-14, 01:18:34)mvlcek Wrote:
(2016-02-12, 06:58:57)bensayers Wrote: Hi mvlcek, is there a way to make it so new Special Pages are added to the Admin in alphabetical order? 

...the version 3.3 of the I18N plugin now supports a hierarchical view where the siblings on a hierarchical level are sorted by title. The "by title" and "hierarchical" buttons are now toggle buttons.

This is exactly what I needed - thank you!
(2016-02-14, 05:36:41)mvlcek Wrote: I18N Special Pages version 1.3.5:
  • supports underscore (_) in field names - this is relevant, if you index a checkbox name as tag and don't want to display it in the tag cloud: start the name with an underscore (@Oleg06)
  • fix some issues with showing/populating the index dropdown, when the field type changes

many thanks, Martin
@mvlcek, is it possible to have special page as private and still be able to list them ? I'd like to create FAQ with Special Pages, but I don't want those pages to be visible anywhere, no menu, no sitemap, no google etc...
No index
No Menu
No sitemap - path from Carlos
(2016-02-19, 22:39:46)Oleg06 Wrote:

What's this site? Is it an official russiang getsimple site? Is it safe to download plugin outside of Extend? Confused
Contact me if you need a french translation file for your plugin.
is the development of Carlos
this is my website, but the link is on this forum, but I'm too lazy to look.
I suppose you mean this patch for the I18N plugin:
(2016-02-20, 01:37:18)Carlos Wrote: I suppose you mean this patch for the I18N plugin:
Yeah, I already use on all sites.
I already have noindex,nofollow in head section of that SpecialPage type. It's also set not to be in Menu, but when creating Sitemap navigation (with I18N_SHOW_PAGES) it's still visible, as that's the purpose of I18N_SHOW_PAGES - to show all links that are public, not only those in Menu. That's why I would like them to be private and searchable by tag for example, so nothing else than special search string will find them.

so, I've installed F.A.Q. Manager and modified its source a little bit to fit my needs, works fine, but search doesn't return results for content of faq page Sad
codes do not work
<?php return_special_field_image('image', '480', '360',false); ?>
<?php return_special_field_date('myfield','%d.%m.%Y'); ?>
<?php return_special_field('myfield', false); ?>
<?php return_special_page_type(); ?>
Change return to get. The former returns the value, the latter echos/prints the value.

PHP Code:
<?php get_special_field_image('image''480''360',false); ?>
<?php get_special_field_date
('myfield','%d.%m.%Y'); ?>
<?php get_special_field
('myfield'false); ?>
<?php get_special_page_type
(); ?>

Either that or you can directly echo the value, e.g. echo return_special_field.... The full API is described here.
lokothodida, thank you very much, I'm not good in php Smile
(2016-03-29, 21:35:39)Oleg06 Wrote: lokothodida, thank you very much, I'm not good in php Smile

No problem Shy

@mvlcek: A couple of suggestions which I hope wouldn't be too cumbersome to implement some time in the future:
  • Multiple-select field - allow users to select 0 or more predefined values from the dropdown
  • Custom select field values - let users distinguish between the option label (e.g. "Category 1") and the actual desired value (e.g. "cat-001"). This is useful if the user wants to change the label without changing the value (e.g. Category 1 gets renamed, but the user doesn't want to have to modify all of the pages that belong to that category)
How to make list of post with this plugin? how to make a page for loop the post by category or tag? thanks
read well written documentation on author's website, you need to use i18n Search plugin for it

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