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GSconfig UI [v0.3]
(2015-05-27, 08:35:23)Oleg06 Wrote: GS Custom Settings 0.5

Thanks for your patience, could you try one 2 last things:
1) after generating the salts, open browser console & type GSCS.returnSetting('gsconfig_ui', 'gs_admin'). What is the return value?
2) in gsconfig_ui.php, replace the block (somewhere at line 260-275) between these 2 comments:
// text settings commented out by default
// following 3 are not commented out by default


            case 'gs_admin':
                rename(GSADMINPATH, GSROOTPATH . $s['value'] .'/');
                $r = (!$s['value'] ? '#' : '') . $m['def'] . $m['const'] . ',\'' . $s['value'] . '\'' . $m['end'];
            case 'gs_custom_salt':
                require_once(GSADMININCPATH . 'configuration.php');
                global $SALT, $cookie_time, $cookie_name;
                $SALT = sha1($s['value']);
            case 'gs_login_salt':
            case 'gs_editor_options':
            case 'gs_timezone':
            case 'gs_from_email':
                $r = (!$s['value'] ? '#' : '') . $m['def'] . $m['const'] . ',\'' . $s['value'] . '\'' . $m['end'];
after changing the code works
I do not know where to look for it in the console browser GSCS.returnSetting('gsconfig_ui', 'gs_admin') Smile
GSconfig UI 0.2.1 released

27/05/2015 - V. 0.2.1

- Fixed potential problems with SALT's & admin dir getting mixed up
- Fixed absence of redirect when changing admin dir name
- Fixed Reset to defaults button not appearing
It does not work as a plugin with or without
(2015-05-27, 21:56:16)Oleg06 Wrote:
It does not work as a plugin with or without

Sorry, you mean if 'GSCANONICAL' is not in gsconfig.php ? 
GS does not always check definitions properly, i have fixed most of them, but some remain.
eg. if (defined('GSCANONICAL')) does not check if true, so if you are saving false it is still true.

This is true for most of the inverted settings, GSDONOTPING for example.
There are surely more.
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
(2015-05-28, 02:11:50)shawn_a Wrote: GS does not always check definitions properly, i have fixed most of them, but some remain.
eg. if (defined('GSCANONICAL'))  does not check if true, so if you are saving false it is still true.

This is true for most of the inverted settings, GSDONOTPING for example.
There are surely more.

Ah thanks, your explanation has made me understand oleg's question.
So yes, because I looked in the core code and saw that the constants were often checked as if(defined()) instead of by value, I decided (and rightly so, it seems now) that it would be better to comment out settings with a default value. (except GSSUPPRESSERRORS, GSIMAGEWIDTH & GSDONOTPING (which are not commented out by default).

In the plugin code you can read this about those settings:
// first batch of settings are inverted [why? because I found it confusing to have labels say Disable/Enable/Disable on and off]
// (eg default is true in gsconfig => false in settings)
// commented out if default (with true so users can still uncomment manually [without changing the value])
// $s['default'] holds the default [of] the UI, not gsconfig.php
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
Big security flaw with GSLOGINSALT.
To all who install, please comment out line 31:

add_action('successful-login-start', 'gsconfig_ui_setpwd');

I didn't test this with random usernames & passwords, and it turns out any newly set password is saved, even by a random user.  I'll release GSconfig UI 0.2.2 without this hook and setting login salts will be as troublesome as before, but at least security won't be compromised. I'll try to figure something out later to make it work properly. Is there any way to 'suspend' file downloads in Extend?

EDIT: Fixed. Smile
GSconfig UI 0.2.2 out

30/05/2015 - V. 0.2.2

 - Fixed a fatal security error with SALT-enabled logins. You now have to manually change the admin password again.
Unfortunately due to a lack of time I had to sacrifice usability for security, and the salted logins must now be reset manually by resetting the password in the 'Settings' tab.

1. Top tab of GS Custom Setting takes over text descriptions, buttons etc. of GS Config UI.

Reproduce effect:
If you go down one tab and then go up again

2. Under section title WYSIWYG Editor options all () descriptions are under the wrong setting.

For example:

Quote:Editor toolbar(GSEDITORHEIGHT)

Editor custom toolbar buttons(GSEDITORTOOL) - Only works if Editor Toolbar setting is set to 'custom'.
GSconfig UI 0.3 out

- Made compatible with GS Custom Settings 0.6

If you have an earlier version of GS Custom Settings, first deactivate GSconfig UI, install GS Custom Settings 0.6, then update GSconfig UI to 0.3.
Hello TyBlitz just download version 0.3 but when installed it says it is version 0.2.2 and need to update it to 0.3.
files are also from may 2015

- Version: 0.2
- Release Date: 26 May 2015

Is this a mistake?
(2015-10-19, 08:07:26)ReBo Wrote: Hello TyBlitz just download version 0.3 but when installed it says it is version 0.2.2 and need to update it to 0.3.
files are also from may 2015

- Version: 0.2
- Release Date: 26 May 2015

Is this a mistake?

Yes I might have forgotten to update the version statts, I'll check tomorrow and let you know.
Is this plugin compatible with the new editor in GS 3.3.9 ?

Oh and as mentioned you still haven't update the version stats.

Edit: Enabling this plugin (v.0.3) with GS 3.3.9 completely destroyed all my GS Custom Settings.. It's a testing site, so it isn't a huge problem, but I was a bit surprised to say the least..  Confused (although I should have made a backup I guess).

Everyone be Warned!! 
how ?
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- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
(2016-04-29, 03:23:19)shawn_a Wrote: how ?

I think I updated the plugin and after that activated, but it could also be that I activated the plugin and then updated (don't know if it matters). I think I acually used the Updater plugin (which normally works without problem). Then I navigated to the Site tab and I saw some weird markings on the right instead of the list of settings. So I dissabled plugin GS Config UI and all settings are gone.

I think GS Custom Settings stores all settings in /data/other/custom_settings/data.json . That files is now completely empty. 

I guess I have to test this better..
Yeah like i said.. how? lol

ckeditor is the only change in 3.3.9, so i have no idea how that would affect this other stuff.
There was some support code added that adjusts the editoroptions global, that could break something i suppose, but without details of what this plugin does or if it does any kludgy stuff or if you didn't actually use the plugin or save anything.

If you can reproduce that would be great, is this with a new plugin, or the exsting plugin with existing settings saved ?

did it only jack up your editor options settings?
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
Shawn_a Wrote:did it only jack up your editor options settings?
Posted by datiswous - 10 hours ago

No it removed every Custom site setting I made in GS Custom Settings. I had made like 8 of them or so. I had GSconfig UI disabled previously because of other issues mentioned earlier in this tread.

Now that I think of it it's unclear if it has anything to do with the newer GS version, but I made the link because GSconfig UI is editing the toolbar of Ckeditor
I imagine an app like that that directly generated gsconfig would use a duplicate copy and swap it in and out automatically to avoid any corruption. Unless it is not designed well, but surely it keeps backups of a raw php file.
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
This plugin is not compatible with latest custom settings

load.php?id=custom_settings:184 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'inited' of undefined
window.addHook @ load.php?id=custom_settings:184

window.addHook = function(tab, fn) {
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
Hi guys,

Thanks for looking into this.

To fix issues until I upload a new version, find gsconfig_ui.php
  1. in the register_plugin call, replace '0.2.2' by '0.3'
  2. search for addHook(gsconfigUI.init) (line 130) and replace it with addHook('gsconfig_ui', gsconfigUI.init);.

GSconfig UI is in need of a structural rewrite for some parts, I had started this months ago but never finished it...
Have there been any more 'fixes' to the 'broken' constant checkings? (cf posts #31 & #32 of this thread)

@shawn_a, very good suggestion about making a backup of the config first.
@datiswous since version 0.6.2 GS Custom Settings backs up your data folder on load at backups/other/custom_settings Smile
(ofc. if you reload the page, it will back up the newly saved empty settings, I should refine that mechanism)

This plugin broke my site. Front and backend.
Everything redirects to /custom
NEW: SA Admin Toolbar Plugin | View All My Plugins
- Shawn A aka Tablatronix
(2016-10-09, 09:43:09)shawn_a Wrote: This plugin broke my site. Front and backend.
Everything redirects to /custom

Hey shawn_a,
As I mentioned, the plugin is in need of a structural rewrite.

Do you remember what you did before it broke? My guess is you changed GS_ADMIN path,
OR the plugin failed to parse the gsconfig.php file and messed up.

Is there any way to take a plugin temporarily offline? I'm waiting for all constants to be fixed before making another update.
As in GS 3.4 a lot of constants are added, ideally I would release an update then.

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