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Mini Blog (beta)
For some reason the code looks like in the so
    <div class="blog_post"><h1>2 запись</h1><p><p>
Hello Smile Nice plugin. But need some functions. Like display massage limit (5 massage on first page).
Hi, I just installed your plugin and everything looks fine except when you go to pages and then to blog, I just get a blank page with a lightgray box. I cannot add anything or get any text. Just a plain empty box.
Oleg06 Wrote:everything is good, but the picture is not inserted

Fix for mini blog 0.4:

Edit file mini_blog.php, line 45. Insert this:
if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) $_POST['post-content'] = stripslashes($_POST['post-content']);
(just above that "/* Seems good, add the post Smile */" comment)

Posts made before this patch will still have the problem (they should be edited), but new ones should be okay.

It's the same issue that news-manager plugin had with escaped quotes in html tags (images, styles...) when magic quotes enabled (default in PHP 5.2.x)
Thanks, it works
had to remove lines 158 and 160
Oleg06 Wrote:Thanks, it works
had to remove lines 158 and 160

Ah yes, the "<p><p>" issue you posted.
Another possibility would be replacing those <p>...</p> by e.g. <div class=\"miniblog_body\">...</div>
Tags only work when disconnected Fancy URLs
I installed the plugin.
In the control panel when I click on mini-blog, I have :
Warning: file_get_contents(E:/ZMWS/_web.zmwsc/getsimpleTEST178/data/other//mini_blog.xml) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in E:\ZMWS\_web.zmwsc\getsimpleTEST178\plugins\mini_blog\blog.class.php on line 6

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'String could not be parsed as XML' in E:\ZMWS\_web.zmwsc\getsimpleTEST178\plugins\mini_blog\blog.class.php:6 Stack trace: #0 E:\ZMWS\_web.zmwsc\getsimpleTEST178\plugins\mini_blog\blog.class.php(6): SimpleXMLElement->__construct('') #1 E:\ZMWS\_web.zmwsc\getsimpleTEST178\plugins\mini_blog.php(33): miniblog->__construct('E:/ZMWS/') #2 [internal function]: miniblog_show() #3 E:\ZMWS\_web.zmwsc\getsimpleTEST178\admin\load.php(45): call_user_func_array('miniblog_show', Array) #4 {main} thrown in E:\ZMWS\_web.zmwsc\getsimpleTEST178\plugins\mini_blog\blog.class.php on line 6
Oleg06 Wrote:For some reason the code looks like in the so
    <div class="blog_post"><h1>2 запись</h1><p><p>
CKeditor puts <p> tags in by default, so I've removed that from the code.

Carlos Wrote:Edit file mini_blog.php, line 45. Insert this:
if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) $_POST['post-content'] = stripslashes($_POST['post-content']);
(just above that "/* Seems good, add the post Smile */" comment)
I've integrated this fix into my version below.

Thanks Carlos and Oleg for your help!

Oleg06 Wrote:Tags only work when disconnected Fancy URLs
I'm not sure how to fix this, I'll have a look into the Fancy URL system to see what i can do.

madvic Wrote:I installed the plugin.
In the control panel when I click on mini-blog, I have :
Warning: file_get_contents(E:/ZMWS/_web.zmwsc/getsimpleTEST178/data/other//mini_blog.xml) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in E:\ZMWS\_web.zmwsc\getsimpleTEST178\plugins\mini_blog\blog.class.php on line 6
Did you put the included mini_blog.xml file in the /data/other/ folder?

Updated version:
All seems to work in the back-end for me
The question is how do I get this blog on my frontpage.
I haven't figured it out yet.
Can someone give me some hints please...thks in advance

Insert this somewhere in your theme's template.php file:
<?php if (return_page_slug()=='index') { mini_blog(); } ?>

E.g. You could place it after the <?php get_page_content(); ?> tag.

That would be for having the posts in the home page. If you prefer another page, e.g. "Blog", change the 'index' to 'blog' (the page's slug).
Carlos Wrote:pchammer:

Insert this somewhere in your theme's template.php file:
<?php if (return_page_slug()=='index') { mini_blog(); } ?>

E.g. You could place it after the <?php get_page_content(); ?> tag.

That would be for having the posts in the home page. If you prefer another page, e.g. "Blog", change the 'index' to 'blog' (the page's slug).

Thanks very much Carlos that worked for me I'm all happy now.
You made my day Smile
Maybe I'm missing something, but is there a way to add permalinks/single post pages? I am not seeing it...

There isn't at the moment I'm afraid.
When I get the Fancy-URL bug sorted out I'll add this.

I'm currently working on a plugin site for GetSimple, but when we get that going I'll make some updates to this plugin.

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