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The gap in the market for a good gallery cms for photographers
devaintfire Wrote:Anyone else think there's a need for a really simple yet powerful solution for this market? I'm currently trying to convert this to GetSimple but find I am stuck with several problems (unable to automatiacally crop thumbs for example).

This and more is coming soon: I18N Gallery, the ultimate gallery plugin!

I am also not satisfied with the currently available gallery plugins, thus I am now working on a new plugin:
  • supports multiple galleries (like GSgallery)
  • supports selection of images from data/uploads and any sub directories
  • supports sorting of images (like the pages in I18N Navigation navigation structure)
  • supports the I18N plugin, i.e. multiple languages
  • supports a title, a description and tags per image
  • supports filtering of a gallery by one or multiple tags
  • displays galleries in multiple ways (e.g. fancybox, prettyPhoto, s3Slider)
  • displays thumbnails similarly to (but can be overridden with CSS)
  • allows to set any thumbnail and image sizes (per gallery)
  • automatically scales images according to these sizes
  • supports a gallery preview (like view for Edit Page)
  • all files reside in standard folders (images in data/uploads, thumbnails in data/thumbs, ...)
  • supports full undo after saving, deleting, renaming galleries
  • no Flash
  • no database required
  • ...

Let me know, if any (reasonable) feature is missing...
I18N, I18N Search, I18N Gallery, I18N Special Pages - essential plugins for multi-language sites.

Messages In This Thread
The gap in the market for a good gallery cms for photographers - by mvlcek - 2011-05-01, 19:14:38

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